The sword Qi covered with strange Taoist patterns finally dissipated.


Lintian breathed out and was surprised.

He didn't agree with the Green Finch's advice before.

But after really killing a dead monarch, he realized how terrible these fierce souls were.

Who dares to imagine that the obsession of the dead monarch is a sword spirit?

And it is so strange, covered with obscure and treacherous Tao patterns!


Suddenly, Lintian noticed that after the dead monarch died, he left an old broken jade slip, which was already mottled.

Lintian put it away and God's consciousness went into it.

"Your father and your mother have been leaving for eighty-seven or ten days. Do you really want to come back..."

"Father, I must wait for you to come back to my wedding banquet. If you don't come back, I won't marry..."

The words in the jade slip were intermittent and extremely vague. Most of them were incomplete. It was not easy for Lintian to see two complete sentences.

Then Lintian was silent, and his heartstrings seemed to be stirred by inexplicable power.

He thought that since the incomplete jade slip was the only thing on the dead monarch, there must be a great secret. Who ever thought.

This is actually a letter from home.

A letter full of my daughter's deep thoughts.

Even remember how long his father left, which is a trivial thing that only close relatives will miss.

And before the death of the dead monarch, he should... Miss his daughter very much, too?

Lintian couldn't help thinking of Zhao Jingxuan and Lin fan who stayed in Xixin peak. Although they were separated for more than a year, their mother and son were afraid that they would always miss and care about themselves?

Soon Lintian smiled.

Lin fan, I'm sure he won't think too much. He doesn't know how to worry.

Instead, Jing Xuan

She must have missed herself more than once

Thinking of this, Lintian could not help sighing softly and carefully put away the old and mottled jade slips in his hand. Such items are very common, but they are precious and worth collecting.

Lintian didn't regret killing the dead monarch.

Because the other party is only a fierce soul transformed by obsession, its original statue may have fallen in the collapse of the last era.

"No matter the era changes, the ups and downs of the world and family affection are eternal..."

Lintian murmured in his heart.

With the fall of the emperor of the dead, the dead in the gully seemed to realize their power, disappeared in the vast mist and could not be found again.

Lintian calmed down and looked at the bottom of the gully.

A bright halo the size of a PU fan is suspended on the dark brown ground, floating on the magnificent and colorful Avenue light rain.

Looking closer, there was a strange and pure ancestral power surging in the light group, and the air of the avenue was filled with and dazzling.

The green bird jumped on Lintian's shoulder and said, "you're lucky. Look at the appearance of the ancestral source of this avenue, it can be classified into the first-class level. In the past, once the ancestral source of this avenue appeared, it was destined to cause a large-scale bloody battle."

Seeing that Lintian came forward and wanted to take away the ancestral source of the avenue, the green bird quickly reminded: "these gods are left over from the last era and cannot be taken away. Once they are strong, their power will be exhausted in an instant."

Lintian immediately stopped and said, "what should I do?"

"Meditate on one side and refine it." Green sparrow road.

Lintian thought about it, waved his robe and arranged the nine yous trapped God array around. Then he sat cross legged on the side of the ancestral source of the avenue and concentrated on meditation.

As he breathed and breathed, the light rain from the ancestral source of the avenue seemed to be pulled, and turned into wisps of light flow from Lintian's mouth and nose. When it entered Lintian's body, it turned into a surging torrent of heat and spread away.

At that moment, Lintian's pores relaxed, his meridians and orifices, viscera, limbs and all kinds of bones... Every inch of the place burst into a hungry rhythm, like countless hungry mouths, giving out eager cheers.

Even the life of the emperor produced an unprecedented strong rhythm, roaring and boiling.

When the hot torrent of the ancestral Qi of the avenue was absorbed inside and outside the body, Lintian was so comfortable that he could hardly help moaning.

This feeling is really wonderful.

It's like eating a rich and attractive meal when you've been hungry for a long time, and it's like a long dry desert ushering in a rain

Lintian had never experienced such a wonderful feeling before.

The power of the ancestral source of the avenue buried here from the last era is undoubtedly magical!

Two hours later.

The Tuan Avenue Zuyuan has shrunk to the size of a baby's fist.

From the beginning to the middle of Lintian's life, I feel that I have risen to the level of one line!

Lintian was amazed by the great changes.

The imperial realm has nine layers, one heavy and one natural moat. The higher the Taoist path, the more difficult it is to improve. Even if they are gifted, the speed of breaking the realm will gradually slow down with the improvement of the realm‘

As for ordinary practitioners, it is still a question whether they can break through the environment and go up.

Now, in just two hours, Lintian was not surprised that his accomplishments had changed so much.

It should be noted that his Taoist foundation is strong and unparalleled, far beyond the general same territory, and even in the territory of Jue Ding emperor.

Cultivation can enter the middle stage from the initial stage. This entry has been called amazing speed!

"No wonder in the past years, all the strong people who entered the soul of the dead did not hesitate to fight in order to compete for the ancestral source of the avenue. These treasures are really incredible..."

Lintian soon abandoned his thoughts and continued to cultivate.

Until an hour later.

The ancestral source of the great road was completely refined, and Lintian's cultivation has begun to move towards the later stage of the sixth emperor realm!

Lintian felt the change of himself and was completely moved.

"A month, if I seize the time, it may be enough to let me walk to a new level..."

Lintian murmured.

"This time you are lucky to monopolize a group of first-class Avenue Zuyuan. You won't have such good luck next time." The green sparrow opened his mouth and poured cold water on Lintian.

Lintian smiled and didn't think so.

His figure flickered and swept out of the gully, continuing to search along the misty and cold starry sky.

"You are really a crow's mouth..."

Half a day later, Lin sighed. He didn't find the ancestral source of Da Dao all the way. On the contrary, there were not a few undead hunters.

"I'm to blame for your bad luck?" The green bird glared at him.

Right now——

A ferocious roar suddenly came from a distance, with the smell of tyranny and madness.

The green sparrow immediately said, "someone has been invaded by the obsession of the dead. No accident, the other party has been distracted and fell into madness."

Lintian's divine sense spread and faintly caught a sound of fighting.

The battle in the soul of the dead is destined to be inseparable from the struggle for the ancestral source of the Avenue!

"Go and have a look."

Lintian's figure flashed and moved away from the starry sky.

After realizing the magic of dadaozuyuan, he would not miss any chance to compete for dadaozuyuan.

"Greed makes people crazy..." the green bird sighed.

"What greed? It's called Avenue race. The ancestor of the avenue is an ownerless thing. Others can rob it. Why can't I, Lintian?"

Lintian said and quickened his pace.

Soon, a floating land appeared, extremely vast.

A scuffle is going on, and the figures in the imperial realm are flashing. Each of them shows towering powers, such as knives, guns, swords and halberds, axes, axes, hooks and forks, and Taoist seal vases... All kinds of imperial soldiers are crisscrossed with gorgeous and dazzling terrorist powers, rolling and roaring like thunder, mixed with all kinds of fighting, roaring, screaming and wailing

This was indeed a big scuffle. Lintian saw that at least four or five groups of imperial figures from different camps were fighting, and the spread of the battle aftershocks destroyed the sky and the earth.

Not far from the battlefield, there is a huge space vortex like stagnation, suspended there quietly.

Deep in the vortex, from time to time, a magnificent and colorful light rain erupted.

Obviously, it was the breath of dadaozuyuan, and it was extraordinary!

This scuffle was naturally triggered by the struggle for the ancestral source of this avenue.


Lintian suddenly noticed that there was still a lot of breath around this floating continent. He was paying attention to the battlefield and waiting for the opportunity.

Seeing this scene, Lintian immediately decided that it was not so easy to swallow the ancestral source of this avenue alone.

Too many opponents are eyeing!

Lintian thought for a while, and then stopped in a gray mist not far from the floating continent.


In the scuffle, some imperial figures realized that there was no chance of victory and withdrew decisively.

Some also noticed that there were more opponents in the area near the land. They realized that it was bad and decided to protect themselves first.

But there are still some people fighting and fighting. The war is fierce. Most of them are dominated by top figures with full confidence.

Lintian looked around and found that most of the figures in the battlefield were strange. They should be monks who entered Daqian battle area from other circles.

Only Xingmu Tian and his party were familiar to Lintian.

"It seems that with the passage of time, more and more powerful people have entered the soul of the dead from the ancient nightmare battlefield..." Lintian frowned.

This means that there will be more and more opponents in competing for the ancestral source of the avenue.

The most troublesome thing is that the ancestral source of Da Dao can't be taken away at all. It can only be refined on site. Even if it is to seize the opportunity, once the enemy kills it, there is no chance of refining at all.

"Get out of the way!"

Just as Lin Xun thought, a voice with a cold and indifferent taste suddenly rang through the world.

I saw a group of figures coming from a distance. Their breath was not covered, and they came straight to the floating continent.

The strong people hiding in the dark and the strong people in scuffle can't help showing their vigilance and fear.

Because the leader of that sudden group of people is one of the "five unique Emperors" from the Immortal Emperor family Wen,

Wen Shaoheng!

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