With the arrival of Wen Shaoheng and his party, a scuffle on the floating land ended without any trouble.

Wen Shaoheng!

The Immortal Emperor family was born. Just because of this identity, those imperial figures from all over the world are terrified.

"It's this guy..."

In the dark, Lin Xun was stunned and immediately showed the color of pondering.

Others were afraid of Wen Shaoheng's identity, but Lintian didn't care at all.

In addition, as early as when he was in extradition City, he had already torn his face with the other party. In Lintian's heart, he had already regarded him as an enemy!

At this time, seeing the silence of the whole audience, the heroes looked sideways and showed their fear. Wen Shaoheng couldn't help but show a radian on his lips.

It was a kind of reserve, with undisguised pride.

"You are all scattered now. I want the ancestral source of this avenue." He understated that he would monopolize the opportunity that everyone had been fighting for for for a long time.

There was a haze on the faces of those imperial figures nearby.

In particular, the people who fought and scuffled on that land, no matter which camp they came from, had a fit of anger in their hearts.

"Hum! Didn't you hear what my young master said?"

Around Wen Shaoheng, the old woman hummed coldly, "take three breaths and don't leave again. You will bear the consequences!"

The sound spread to the whole audience.


Immediately, a group of imperial figures left with a gloomy face. As they took the lead, others present also left one after another.

The top figures, including Xingmu Tian, also dared to be angry and chose to retreat.

This scene made Lintian intuitively realize the terrible of the immortal empire on the other side. It was an invisible deterrent, which was enough to make the world-class people bow their heads and swallow their anger!

"And those guys hiding in the dark. If you don't go, don't blame me for being rude!" The old woman's pupils were like electricity, scanning the area around the floating land.

Soon, some imperial figures who were secretly eyeing the Empire sighed and turned away.

If there are literati forces here, who has the courage to rob them?

Others were angry and couldn't help shouting:

"Daqian battle area is not the territory of the literati. It's too overbearing for you to act like this?"

In a word, Wen Shaoheng frowned.

The old woman had rushed out for the first time, moved the void, and smashed a green jade like bamboo stick in her hand in one direction.


The green light fell like a drill, and the area collapsed and disordered.

A figure in the imperial realm was shocked and staggered backward. He turned pale and fled, but it was a step too late.


As the old woman steps, the bamboo stick in her hand is gently in the void.

A green light shot, and in an instant, the head of the emperor's figure was punctured, and a shocking blood hole appeared.

Then, the whole person turned into ashes and disappeared in form and spirit!

This terrible scene made some figures in the imperial realm who had not yet left breathe coldly and tremble in their hearts.

"It's a dog's luck for a seven heavy goods in the imperial territory to enter the soul of the dead alive. Why should they die?"

The old woman sneered with disdain.

With a flash of her figure, she returned to Wen Shaoheng.

"Although this old thing is not the ancestor of the one way, it is not comparable to the general ancestor of the nine realms. I'm afraid it has reached the great perfection of the nine realms of the emperor. It only needs to control a complete avenue to realize the transformation of the ancestor of the one way..."

Lintian's eyes narrowed. Although the old woman was arrogant and domineering, she had to say that she was a tricky role, enough to frighten many great emperors.

With the protection of experts such as the old woman and his birth in the Immortal Emperor family, it's no wonder Wen Shaoheng dared to monopolize the ancestral source of the avenue here.

Gradually, almost all the imperial figures around the floating land have left.

For them, the dead soul domain is not the only place where dadaozuyuan was born, and there is no need to offend Wen Shaoheng and his party.

Seeing that there were no more obstacles, Wen Shaoheng ordered, "mother-in-law, you guard here, and I'll refine the ancestral source of the avenue."


The old woman said respectfully and stayed in the field with the others.

Wen Shaoheng went straight into the still vortex not far away.

At this time——

A sharp roar like wind and thunder suddenly rang through, making heaven and earth wail.

As soon as the old woman's face sank, she saw a sharp and dazzling divine arrow tearing the sky and exploding at an incredible speed.

Along the way, the void exploded and the air waves spread.

The old woman waved her jade bamboo stick and turned it into a green light curtain, which was filled with countless mysterious Avenue forces.


The earth shaking crash sounded.

Although the arrow was blocked, the green light curtain was also broken, so that the old woman had to wave her bamboo stick again to dissolve the terrible torrent of power.


They were tired of doing it, but they didn't dare to do it when they were cold.

In an instant, she caught the trace of the enemy. She couldn't help but be stunned and immediately showed a grim smile, "little thing, you came to the door before we settled with you!"

At the same time, MI boundless and Yan Yurou, who followed Wen Shaoheng all the way, were shocked and showed incredible color.


They could hardly believe their eyes.

It was Lintian who did it.

At the moment, he stood in the gray mist not far from the floating land with his mindless spirit bow in his hand. The arrow he just shot was exactly what he had shot.

Seeing that the arrow was blocked, he turned and swept away in the distance.

"You guard here and I'll kill the thief!" The old woman said, stepping on her foot, her figure suddenly disappeared.

"How could he be so confused!" Mi boundless and misty rain are all tight in her heart.

Can a man of letters offend?

"Why are you two so nervous? Are you still worried that grandma Xue is not the opponent of that bastard?" A man in an ink robe nearby glanced at Mi boundless, and they couldn't help humming coldly.

Mi boundless and misty rain soft all bow their heads together.

Another silver robed woman said slowly: "don't embarrass them. The young Lord said that their qualifications can be called the top ranks of one side of the universe. If you take them back and cultivate them a little, you can become the most loyal slave."

The man in ink robe smiled. "It makes people sigh when you think about it. What about the best qualification in that vast world? It's just a slave's life in the future! Of course, it's also a blessing that the world can't get to be a slave of our literary family."

Everyone nearby laughed.


Suddenly, a scream came out and pointed to the distance, "he... How could he come back? Where's grandma snow?"

When they looked up, they saw a sharp figure in the distance, which was Lintian.

This scene surprised everyone.

What happened?

Didn't grandma Xue go after this man before?

Even Mi boundless and yanyurou were stunned.

"Yin Huang, you go and kill this son with me. Others will guard here. Remember, you must not let the little Lord be disturbed!"

The man in ink gave an order and went to Lintian with the woman in silver who was called Yinhuang.

But Lintian turned and left.

Soon, he and the man in ink and the woman in silver disappeared.

Floating on the land, the atmosphere has become dignified, and those imperial figures from Wen have become vigilant.

But before long, someone lost his voice and said, "how come again!"

They looked up and saw another Lintian figure in the empty air in the distance, which made their eyes straight.

They are sure that it is not a magic skill, but a great way of separation from a secret skill!

At the thought of this, their hearts filled with bad feelings.

Now, mother-in-law Xue, men in ink robes and women in silver robes are all led away. There are only seven figures in the imperial realm, with MI boundless and soft mists and rain.

"You can't be fooled any more. Take care of this place together and wait for grandma Xue and them to come back!" One man made a quick decision and gave orders.

Everyone nodded and realized the treachery of the situation.

To their surprise, as soon as Lin Xunfu appeared, he moved the void and rushed towards them.

"How brave!"

Someone laughed in anger.

Others also looked gloomy and killed the fourth floor. They urged their strength to the extreme and were ready to wait.

As the imperial figures who came out of the immortal imperial literati, they have never seen such a bold and reckless opponent.

Mi boundless and misty rain looked at each other softly, showing a worried look.

But see——

As soon as Lin Xunfu arrived, he was killed violently. He was as fierce as the wind. His cultivation skills were released, which evolved the image of the abyss moving sideways and enveloped the whole audience.

That prestige made many people's pupils shrink and an idea gushed out. This should be the real person of that guy!

It is absolutely impossible to have such a terrible power!


The battle broke out and the world was turbulent.

Lintian was like a horizontal push. The power released from his body oppressed some imperial figures to breathe hard and changed their looks.

Among them, there is only one ancestor of Jiujing who has the highest cultivation, and the cultivation of others is between the seventh and eighth aspects of the imperial realm.

As usual, such a force is enough to deter the group and sweep one side.

But at this time, it is not enough to see!

In addition, miboundless and misty rain softened out of the war. It seems that it is decisive to kill and attack, but in fact, it retains a lot.

So, just a few blinks.

With the deafening roar, Lin xunpai pointed to a sword and killed a seven heavy role in the imperial realm at one stroke. Both parts of his body were submerged and wiped out by the terrible light.

And others have been more or less injured!

Even if he tried his best to fight for the nine ancestors, he could not contain and resist Lintian's killing. On the contrary, he was defeated by Lintian again and again.

This makes them completely pale. How dare you imagine that a great emperor who came out of the broken places such as the ancient path in the starry sky is only six times rebuilt and has such anti heaven combat power?

What makes them coldest is that grandma Xue and others have not returned yet

"Hurry! Go and inform the young master to be on guard!"

Someone roared.

However, at this time, near the stagnant huge vortex, it was suddenly covered by an overwhelming power of Taoist grain prohibition.

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