West of the city, silent night ridge.

Under the dark night, the mountains meander like snakes.

Under the mountains are rows of houses with sparse lights and mottled light and shadow.

It is close to the area where the "heaven of fortune" is located, but because of its thin aura and barren mountains, most of the monks living here are under the Empire.

It was less than half an hour when Lintian arrived here.

Avoid attracting attention. This time, he restrained his breath and was not tracked all the way.

However, he could not help wondering who wanted to come here?

He walked along the winding mountain road at the foot of the mountain, which seemed slow and fast. Before long, he came to the middle of the mountain of the silent night ridge, and then up, there was a dark night.

"No one is following?"

A cold voice sounded.

Lintian suddenly looked up and looked into the darkness at the top of the mountain. Vaguely, he could see the outline of an ancient temple.

When the divine consciousness spread in the past, it would be resisted by a mysterious force in the dark, so that Lintian could not see who the voice was.

But it must be hidden in the ancient temple.


Lintian said, "Sir, what can I do for you?"

"Come in and talk."

The voice said this and was silent.

Lintian thought about it and went straight ahead. When he reached the dark area, he felt an invisible mysterious force sweeping through the figure, but he didn't feel any discomfort.

Without hesitation, he stepped into the darkness.

Stars twinkle and shed light in the sky, but this area seems to be swallowed up by darkness and can't see any light and shadow.

Fortunately, the divine sense is still there, and you can clearly feel the old and desolate temple.

Then Lintian "saw" a figure.

He stood in front of the gate of the temple. He was thin, wearing broken armor, with scrawled beard and hair. He was dejected in form and spirit. Only a pair of eyes were cold and fierce.

Lintian's pupil suddenly coagulated: "thirteen?"

In front of the dark temple in the streamer forbidden area, Lintian had witnessed scenes that happened a long time ago. He also saw that the wounded thirteen called the summer solstice "Lord"!

"Why didn't your great grandfather Luo Tongtian come?"

The figure's voice was cold and did not deny the title of "thirteen".

Lintian frowned and said, "did my great grandfather promise you that he would come back later?"

"He didn't tell you?"

Thirteen eyes became colder and fiercer, staring at Lintian like a sword, which was very frightening.

Lintian was silent for a moment and said, "he can't come."

Thirteen way: "why?"

Lintian realized that if he didn't tell the truth, it would be difficult to gain the trust of "thirteen".

After a little thought, he said directly: "a long time ago, when he went to the gate of eternity, he was robbed while taking advantage of the fire, and his whereabouts are still unknown."

Thirteen was silent for a long time. He turned and walked into the hall: "come in."

At this moment, Lintian was a little nervous.

The 13th floor follows the master of the summer solstice. From the thirteen mouths, you can certainly know the identity and past of the master of the summer solstice!

"After all, I have to face..."

Lintian took a deep breath and walked into the dark old temple.

"Sit down."

Thirteen had already sat cross legged on a futon.

Lintian sat down on the futon opposite him and said, "what are you going to do to see me this time?"

"The coffin of eternity."

Thirteen didn't cover up like before, and said bluntly, "that's the treasure hidden by our Lord. When Luo Tongtian left the ruins of creation, he promised to bring this coffin back to the ruins of creation as long as he found a way to save my Lord."

Lintian was shocked and his eyes were complicated. He realized that taixuan should be right, the summer solstice... It was probably the life of the people in the coffin!

"Elder, can you tell me how you met my great grandfather?" Lintian said.

Thirteen was silent for a moment and said, "that was a long time ago. I was chased and killed by the enemy. Soon after I fled to this God of creation city, I fell into a coma. At that time, the situation was critical. Once I was found by the enemy, I would lose my life."

"It was also at that time that luotongtian, who had just come to the ruins of creation and transformation, rescued me. Later, luotongtian was chased and killed by those enemies, which made the city of creation and transformation jump."

"I thought that when we met by chance, under such dangerous circumstances, he should hand me over as a stranger earlier. There's no need to involve himself. After all, the enemies are too powerful..."

"But I didn't expect that Luo Tongtian didn't give up. He always took me to mediate and fight with those enemies. When I woke up, he was seriously injured and on the verge of extinction..."

Speaking of this, there was a trace of memory and emotion in thirteen's cold and fierce eyes, "at that time, I was completely surprised. I can't imagine how there could be such a person in the world who clearly didn't know me, but fought for justice, and even didn't want his life."

"Later, I left with him who was seriously injured and dying and escaped the robbery."

"I asked him why he did this, and even suspected that he was a spy sent by the enemy, in order to deceive me of my trust and cheat the sword of creation from me."

"But Luo Tongtian said that saving people... Still needs a reason?"

Thirteen looked stunned, and the cold and hard lines in his eyebrows became soft. "It's an ordinary word, but I'll never forget it."

"When his injury recovers, I intend to give him the sword of creation and bring it out of the ruins of creation and creation. Who once thought, but he refused."

"He said he didn't save people for anything in return."

"In the past, I absolutely despised him, but I believe him. Even in my opinion, at that time, his way was low and shallow and could not be seen in the eyes, but he was as bold as the sea, as broad-minded as a mountain, with an open and aboveboard disposition, which was by no means comparable to those vulgar things in the world."

In 13 words, it is hard to hide appreciation and admiration.

It can be seen how prosperous luotongtian style was in those days.

The spirit is like the sea and the mind is like the mountain!

This alone made Lintian feel how great his great grandfather was when he was young.

"Later, after arriving at the forbidden area of streamer, Luo Tongtian realized the brand left by my Lord from the coffin of eternity, and thus obtained the taboo talent 'abyss swallowing the dome'."

Thirteen said, "later, I asked him for help and took away the sword of creation and the coffin of eternity. He promised me that when he found a way to save the Lord, he would enter the ruins of creation again. But I didn't expect that you would come after countless years."

Then he fell silent.

Lintian could not calm down.

Only then did he know about the past experience of his great grandfather after he came to the ruins of fortune.

I finally understood why my great grandfather would tell Mr. Lu that when he got the eternal coffin, he had been contaminated with a cause and effect.

It can be said that the talent of abyss swallowing dome also comes from the coffin of eternity and a piece of creation originally owned by the summer solstice Buddha!

Thinking of this, Lintian finally asked, "excuse me, master... What is your identity?"

Thirteen said, "I don't know."

Lintian was stunned and almost thought he had heard wrong, "I don't know?"

Thirteen said, "only she knows the origin of the Lord. I'm a subordinate and have never asked."

Lintian was speechless for a while. While he was disappointed, he couldn't help feeling a little relaxed, as if... At least he didn't have to face a very difficult choice.

"What do you know about your master?" Lintian asked.

"A long time ago, the Lord walked in the era of the gods. When I met her, she was already the legendary 'eternal night Emperor' in the era of the gods..."

Thirteen eyes recalled, "in those years, the Lord seems to have been avoiding something and looking for something. He is always thinking silently alone."

"Until a long time later, the Lord took me away from the era of the gods and came to this God city of creation."

"The LORD said that if she wants to find out who created the 'creation star dome', she may be able to find the answer she wants to know."

Speaking of this, there was an undisguised hatred and a trace of fear in the thirteen eyes: "but on the way to the God city of creation, the Lord suffered a great disaster!

"The silence of that great disaster came when I didn't notice it at all. I only remember that a mysterious Taoist bell tore time and space and rushed towards the Lord..."

Hearing this, Lintian was shocked and remembered something.

A long time ago, when the great grandfather Luo Tongtian went to the gate of eternity, he was blocked by a golden figure. When he paid an extremely heavy price and finally killed the golden figure, a mysterious bell shrouded in chaos appeared in the gate of eternity.

Just one bell will blow Luo Tongtian back!

Now, according to what 13 said, the terrible disaster suffered by the master at the summer solstice was also related to a Taoist clock. Will it be the same Taoist clock?

"And then?"

Seeing that thirteen was silent, Lintian couldn't help asking.

"Although the Lord survived the disaster, she was seriously injured. With her supreme power to despise the gods, she was unable to repair her own injuries... And at that time, a group of terrorist beings from the era of the gods appeared and asked the Lord to leave the creation on her..."

Thirteen said this, the eyes have been filled with deep-seated hatred and anger.

"Plunder again!" Lintian frowned.

Thirteen said, "in the past, the Lord could easily suppress those horrors with his strength, but the great disaster hurt her so badly that they could take advantage of it. Then the Lord took me all the way to the forbidden area of streamer."

"At the cost of sacrificing his own Avenue, the Lord pulled the power of time and space to block the streamer forbidden area, which blocked the enemy's attack. But as a result, the Lord's injury became more and more serious and hopeless."

"Later, the Lord ordered me to leave with the sword of creation, and the Lord placed myself in the eternal coffin..."

Hearing this, Lintian understood completely and remembered what he had seen in front of the dark palace in the streamer forbidden area.


PS: before 7:30 p.m. of the second watch, we will continue to work overtime tonight~

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