Among the hundreds of eras in the ruins of creation, the "era of the gods" is the most important.

The era of the gods is also regarded as the oldest era, in which the three major divine families inhabit occupy the top three of the major divine families in the whole God ruins.

These three Protoss are Jiang, Gaoyang and Ji.

In addition, there are many other Protoss in the era of the gods, but they are all vassals of the three Protoss.

Compared with other ages, the era of the gods is undoubtedly the supreme and powerful existence, which can be regarded as the first world of the God ruins of creation.

Lintian knew these things now, but he had not been exposed to people and things related to the era of the gods.

But he didn't expect that a long time ago, the self of the summer solstice walked in the era of the gods and was regarded as the "eternal night emperor"!

After the great disaster that year, he took advantage of the fire and tried to seize the terrorist existence of his creation, which came from the era of the gods.

Undoubtedly, these murderers must have something to do with Jiang, Gaoyang and Ji!

According to 13, before the disaster, the power of the summer solstice is enough to easily kill the terrorist beings who pursue her.

It can be inferred from this that the Taoist practice at the time of the summer solstice is destined to be so powerful that it is strange to be called the "eternal night God Emperor".

However, although Lintian understood this, he became more and more confused, because all this was just some past of the summer solstice, and her life experience and name were still a mystery.

Unfortunately, thirteen is not aware of this.

Lintian was stunned.

He suddenly remembered something and said, "by the way, elder, you said before that your master came to the God city of creation in order to find out who created the star dome of creation?"

Thirteen way: "good."

Lintian thought deeply. Thirteen years ago, he said that the summer solstice had been avoiding or looking for something in those years when he walked in the era of the gods.

And this answer is probably related to the supreme figure who created the "heaven of creation"!

When he was in the hazy moon lake, Lintian was reading all kinds of ancient books and learned a lot about the "creation star dome".

But without exception, there is no record of who the supreme character is. It is like an illusory legend.

But it is certain that the summer solstice Buddha was also looking for this supreme figure!

Unfortunately, on the way to the God city of creation, she encountered a great difficulty, so that she finally failed to achieve her wish.

"Have you... Found a way to revive my lord?"

At this time, thirteen suddenly asked.

Being stared at by his cold eyes, Lintian couldn't help falling silent.

Seeing this, a trace of unspeakable loneliness and disappointment suddenly appeared in his face, saying:

"I've been waiting here incognito for countless years, hoping that the day when the Lord will wake up again will come. I want to tell her that the answer she has been looking for should be hidden in the heaven of creation, but I also have a hunch that the Lord will never wake up again..."

Lintian asked, "why do you think so?"

Thirteen said, "the words she left in the eternal night temple in the streamer forbidden area have already explained everything."

Lintian could not help remembering that sentence again——

This body has been wandering for a long time and cannot be entrusted. If there is a cause, we should cut off the past and no longer suffer from the darkness.

If there is a cause, cut off the past!

This is the decision of the summer solstice.

Lintian asked, "Sir, since you know the answer your master is looking for, it's hidden in the heaven of creation, why don't you find it?"

Thirteen shook his head: "I have understood here for countless years and can't solve the final mystery."

"I see..."

Lintian pondered.

For a long time, he said, "I have brought the sword of creation and the coffin of eternity, but now I can't give it back to the elder, but I can guarantee that when I leave the ruins of creation and chemistry, I will not only leave the treasure, but also give the elder a clear answer."

Lintian couldn't tell the truth and tell Xia Zhi the truth because he didn't find out Xia Zhi's life experience and origin.

Thirteen stared at Lintian and said, "I don't care about those two treasures. They were originally left by the Lord to let her 'no longer suffer from the pain of darkness'. What I care about is whether the Lord can wake up. I will wait here until I understand the answer."

Lintian took a deep breath and said, "it's possible!"

Thirteen one Leng, immediately out of control, excitedly said: "what are you talking about?"

"I said, your master does have the possibility of waking up."

Lintian said, "before leaving the ruins of fortune, I will give you a clear answer."

Thirteen grabbed Lintian's skirt and said angrily, "why wait? Why don't you tell me now? I..."

He was out of control like a crazy madman.

Lintian looked at him quietly and said, "Sir, you have been waiting for so long. Are you... Really ready to face the answer? If your master has really cut off the past and can't wake up again, how can you deal with yourself?"

Thirteen was gasping for breath. After a long time, he loosened his hands and slowly sat back on the futon. His anger and madness had calmed down.

But the look is very complex, looking forward to, nervous and speechless.

Yes, I've been waiting for countless years. If the answer I'm waiting for is not what I want to see, how can I face it?

"It seems that you have no possibility to leave the ruins of fortune."

Thirteen said in a deep voice, "I know what has happened since you entered the city. Those Protoss will never give you a chance to leave."

"Moreover, as the news spreads, when the old things of the era of the gods know that the eternal coffin left by the Lord is in your hands, they are destined to come to deal with you as they did with the Lord."

"By their means, even if you stay in the God city of creation, you are doomed to be unsafe and will be killed at any time."

After saying that, thirteen couldn't help sighing, "under such circumstances, how can you leave?"

Lintian looked calm and said, "it's man-made. Maybe there's another chance. At least in the city of God of creation, I have a way to deal with even some dangers."

Thirteen was silent for a moment and said, "I'm waiting for your answer."


In the middle of the night, Lintian returned to the hazy moon lake and could not calm down for a long time.

The news he learned from this meeting made him more aware that the origin and life experience of the summer solstice Buddha were not simple.

Therefore, my heart also struggles and hesitates.

"Anyway, you must give a reply to the summer solstice before you leave!"

For a long time, Lintian restrained his confused thoughts and calmed down a little.

That night, Lintian told his parents that before leaving the ruins of fortune, let them rest assured to practice in the abyss sword tripod.

In doing so, we also avoid being exploited by the enemy and hurting our parents.

The next day.

Lintian got up from meditation and went to the place where the heaven of creation was located.

The monks who had been watching around the hazy moon lake noticed Lintian's trend for the first time.

"What is Lintian going to do today?"

"Depending on the situation, I want to go to the place of the heaven of creation."

"He is leisurely enough. Don't you know that many protoss have begun to send their divine sons and daughters to deal with him?"

"This man has the sword of creation. It is said that if you capture him, you can get the 'eternal coffin'. Today's ruins of creation have been shocked in all ages."

"It can be predicted that in a short time, the God city of creation will become the place where the world will gather. At that time, the man surnamed Lin is doomed to more or less misfortunes."

... all kinds of whispers.

Lintian ignored.

Before long, he came to the place where the "heaven of creation" was located.

This is an extremely vast plain, with no grass, and the earth is hard, paved with a layer of black hard God stone.

The sky is dotted with bright stars. Each star presents a different flavor of the avenue. It is quietly suspended there, just like a sky lamp, sprinkling a completely different brightness of the avenue to diffuse the vast heaven and earth.

This is the heaven of creation!

Every star is branded with a complete practice system, including the practice of hundreds of civilizations!

When Lintian arrived, there were many figures meditating on the earth paved with black sacred stones.

Some frown and think hard, some are constantly copying, some are dead and motionless, some scratch their ears and cheeks... They look different.

The atmosphere was solemn and quiet.

Looking at such a magnificent scene, Lintian could not help admiring the supreme figure who personally created the "heaven of creation" for some reason.

How broad-minded and bold should it be to adopt the cultivation system of hundreds of centuries in a star dome for future generations to observe and understand without reservation?

However, when Lintian arrived, there was still a commotion in the field.

"It's the murderer surnamed Lin!"

"God, how is he..."

"Also understand the way of fart. Go quickly, so as not to cause trouble!"

Many monks turned pale and got up from meditation. Some monks have raised their feet and left, as if they were afraid of getting into trouble.

It can be seen that although Lintian had just entered the God of creation city for two days, his reputation was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Lintian was speechless.

"Lin is here to understand the main road here. You don't have to panic."

After saying a word casually, Lintian found a place at random and sat on the ground cross legged, ignoring the reactions of others around him.

His mind was calm, and his divine consciousness extended to the sky. Suddenly, he felt hundreds of completely different roads, each with its own wonders.

In addition, there was a familiar atmosphere of the great road. After a little induction, he understood that the cultivation system branded on one of the stars was an era civilization belonging to the divine domain of the great Qin Dynasty.

"Senior 13 said that there was an answer that the master had been looking for in the summer solstice in the star dome of creation. I'd like to see if it's true..."

Lintian murmured in his heart.


PS: Goldfish eat first, and it will be a little late.

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