Looking at Lintian's figure walking out of the Taoist altar, there was a silence in the nearby area.

Those figures hidden in the dark were surprised. I didn't expect that Lintian would be so fearless and calm.

Especially when they heard Lintian's declaration of war, they were awed.

It was not the dragon but the river. Lintian's seemingly calm but actually very tough attitude made them dare not attack rashly.

A hundred feet away,

The tall man also frowned, his eyes twinkled, and his heart was uncertain.

Lintian could not help smiling at this.

I have to say that these guys are very cautious, but it is precisely because of this caution that the situation will not become too serious.

"Lao Yin, try the new Taoist friend's ability."

In the distance, the old voice sounded.

The tall man called Lao Yin nodded and threw it in his hand.


Suddenly, a layer of purple magic light turned into a sky curtain, covering the heaven and earth.

This is a complete divine order.

Seeing this, Lin xunruo thought, "it turns out that you are also worried that the movement caused by the battle will be detected by others."

There was no panic or tension. Lintian's quiet posture made those figures in the dark more and more invisible.

Before the battle, the cold female voice rang out again, "Lao Yin, we have no grievances or enmities with this Taoist friend. We can stop at that point."


The tall figure agreed.

"What do you think?" The cold female voice asked Lintian.


Lintian said casually.


The tall figure took a deep breath, and the mountain like figure transpiration golden eternal light, and the momentum of the whole person suddenly climbed to the extreme.

That breath is stronger than gaoyanghuai and Jiangtao, which are also full of creation!

"Get up!"

He drank like thunder, and a long river of golden flames appeared in front of him out of thin air. Suddenly, he turned into a golden Dao sword.

Although this sword is only two feet long, it can release the meaning of the sword, but it is as lofty and muddy as the eternal mountain, and seems to be able to suppress the longitude and latitude of heaven and earth.

Jinyan Zhenji sword!

Those figures in the distance noticed this scene and felt a lot of peace of mind.

This is the condensation of Lao Yin's supreme power, and it is the manifestation of his strongest combat power. The power of a sword can crush one side of the world and crush the sun, moon and stars!

It can be seen that Lao Yin has treated the other party as a "river crossing Raptor" without any carelessness.


Tall figure, eyes like cold electricity, sleeves and robes waved.

The heaven and earth trembled, and the golden Dao sword went away in the air.


The sword is like a golden flame burning for nine days.

Such a sword, placed in the realm of creation, can be called a peak blow, powerful and unparalleled.

But he saw Lintian standing still, only one hand in the void.

Just listen——


A dull sound of explosion broke out, and the golden flame scattered and spread all over the sky.

The tall man's golden Dao sword was smashed by this understatement!


Secretly, everyone's pupils contracted and their mind suffered a great impact.

Meanwhile, Lintian disappeared out of thin air.

The most powerful sword was smashed by a slap, which made the tall man suffer the impact. When he realized that Lintian was killing, he didn't dare to hesitate and urge the means to press the bottom of the box at the first time.


The dark red armor covering the body of the tall figure suddenly burst into dazzling light. Mysterious and obscure flame totems condensed in the void and turned into 36 times of defense forbidden seal. The inherent rule power is powerful to the extreme.

Almost at the same time, Lintian's fist fell from the sky, just like the Heavenly God waving a hammer and hitting the world.

Bang bang!

The roar of a series of dense collisions rang through. To the naked eye, under Lintian's fist, the heavy defensive seal exploded like layers of fragile glass, splashing a heavy wave of regular light and rain.

Finally, with an earth shaking roar, the huge body of the tall figure was directly hit and flew out, and finally fell on the earth thousands of feet away, splashing smoke and dust.

"Lao Yin!"

"How could..."

"So strong!"

... a burst of exclamation sounded, and one figure after another swept out of the gray world in all directions, and rushed to the tall figure for the first time.

"I lost..."

He climbed up in dismay, and his voice was filled with fear.

When they realized that the tall figures were not hurt, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, their eyes looked at Lintian in the distance, and their faces changed with fear.

This strange looking young man is indeed a powerful "river crossing Raptor"!

Tall figures among them, the combat power is also one of the best, but they can't stop a blow. We can imagine how powerful the other party is.

At the same time, Lintian also saw three figures in the scene, two men and one woman.

One was a man sitting cross legged on a hill. He was dressed in white robes and wore an e-crown. He looked as handsome as a teenager.

One is an old man with a huge black sword box on his thin and bent back.

One was a woman dressed in black, with a slender and graceful figure and a pretty face pure and white.

The three men, like the tall man, are all created in a perfect state.

There is no such power in the present eternal realms.

Even in the ruins of creation and transformation, only the top ten protoss forces had such a powerful seat, and they were all brought to a pot by Lintian at the beginning.

Now, just after arriving at the forbidden area of the sea of destiny, Lintian was awed to see four such powers.

Of course, he has long predicted this situation.

After all, this is the sea of destiny. In the past years, whether it is the twelve eternal Protoss in the Ninth Heaven or the old friends of the four ancestral courts, they have come to seek an opportunity to cross the road to the wonderful fairs.

Under such circumstances, the sea of fate has been transformed into an eternal realm, a dangerous place where there are piles!

"Taoist friends are powerful. I offended them before."

In the distance, the black robed woman arched her hands. "Now, Taoist friends can leave by themselves. We won't obstruct Taoist friends any more."

At the same time, the tall man waved away the power of divine order covering the heaven and earth.

But Lintian didn't intend to leave, and said, "since you have admitted defeat, can we have a good talk now?"

There are many doubts in his heart. Instead of exploring rashly, he might as well find out some news he wants to know from the other party now.

The woman in black and others looked at each other, but they didn't refuse again.

"To tell you the truth, the four of us have been walking on the edge of this Lingwu restricted area for many years. Although we know a lot, we are only part of it."

The woman in black whispered.

"It doesn't matter."

Lintian said, "I just need to know something about the sea of fate."

The black robed woman took out a jade slip and handed it to Lintian in the space. "You might as well have a look at what is recorded in the jade slip first."

Lintian took the jade slip in his hand and read it.

The sea of destiny is transformed by the original power of Kunlun ruins.

Whenever the era of robbery comes, the sea of fate will appear in this unknown restricted area.

Only at this time can the characters in the eternal realm have the opportunity to strive for the opportunity to go to the Zhongmiao Road market.

The world covered by the sea of fate is extremely large.

Many ages ago, there were many strong people who set foot in the eternal realm gathered here.

What is particularly wonderful is that the eternal characters of each era enter different planes after reaching the sea of destiny.

Like Lintian, the plane world where they are now is newly born in this era. Anyone who comes to the eternal realm of this era will be moved to this plane world.

Therefore, this place is also called "the realm of Lingwu".

According to the jade slips.

Under this sea of fate, there are many other plane worlds, which were born in previous eras.

If the unknown restricted area is compared to a lotus, the plane world born in each era is like layers of petals.

And the sea of fate lies on this lotus.

This is the layout of the whole unnamed restricted area.

At present, the boundary of Lingwu is divided into core zone and peripheral zone.

The core area is the place closest to the sea of destiny, so it is also the most promising place to compete for the opportunity to go to Zhongmiao Road market.

Today's core area has long been occupied and controlled by major forces.

Such as twelve eternal Protoss and four ancestral courts.

In the peripheral areas, there are some roles that can't compare with those big forces in terms of inside information and combat power.

Four people, such as the woman in black, can only walk in the periphery of the Lingwu world.

At the same time, there are other records in the jade slips.

For example, in the core area, which is also regarded as the "source of ten thousand Taoism" in the Lingwu world, people in the eternal realm can also get immeasurable benefits by practicing in it.

Like every other period of time, a change will break out in the sea of destiny, just like the tide, and a "Avenue life Lotus" will emerge at that time.

And the opportunity to go to Zhongmiao Road market is hidden in the "Avenue life Lotus"!

Each Avenue life Lotus can only accommodate three eternal characters and take them along the sea of destiny to the place where the wonderful road ruins are located.

It is conceivable that when such an opportunity appears, it will trigger a terrible bloodbath!

According to the jade slips.

So far, there have been three changes in the sea of destiny, and three "Avenue life Lotus" have appeared.

Unfortunately, these three opportunities to go to Zhongmiao Road market were all taken away by terrorist beings from other eras. None of the whole Lingwu world succeeded in taking such opportunities.

After knowing this, Lintian understood.

Only then did I finally know that the opportunity to go to Zhongmiao Road market was hidden in the "Avenue life Lotus" born in the sea of destiny!

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