Lintian returned the jade slips to the black robed woman, thought for a moment and said, "I still have some doubts in my heart. I need to ask you for advice. Can I tell you?"

Seeing that Lintian didn't show any hostility after defeating the tall man, these people were relieved.

The woman in Black said, "Taoist friends, but it doesn't hurt to talk. As long as we know, we will say everything."

Lintian nodded and said, "have you ever seen the descendant of Fangcun mountain in these years?"

Fangcun mountain!

The black robed woman and others all had eyes and a strange face.

"Before answering this question, dare to ask what is the relationship between friends and Fangcun?"

Asked the woman in black.

Lintian stopped hiding and said, "I Lintian, the 50th descendant of Fangcun mountain."


The women in black changed their faces.

The white robed man was even more surprised and said, "so you are Lintian!"

"You also know Lin?" Lintian was surprised.

"Of course."

The black robed woman took a deep breath and said, "or in today's Lingwu world, I'm afraid no one doesn't know the reputation of Taoist friends."

Then she said the reason.

Just more than ten years ago, three eternal figures from the ninth Tianyu, ye, pan Wu and Xing Tian, respectively, arrived at the sea of destiny, which also brought a message——

On the ninth day, all the eternal Protoss in the region were flattened by the founder Lintian!

In addition, the Zen and witch religions of the four ancestral courts also suffered heavy casualties. They were all written by Lintian alone!

This incident suddenly caused a sensation in the Lingwu world and was known by many terrorist beings in this world.

And Lintian's name was also known to all.

"It turned out that they leaked the news..."

Lintian realized that.

In that year, he swept the Ninth Heaven, but let ye, Xing Tian and pan Wu escape. Just ten years ago, he sent Aoki DaoTi to the Ninth Heaven again. Unfortunately, he still couldn't find the whereabouts of the three eternal Protoss.

But I never thought that the three eternal Protoss sent an eternal existence, which had already reached the sea of destiny.

Obviously, what happened in the eternal real world a few years ago is also destined to be known by those old friends who have been distributed in the Lingwu world.

Lintian calculated the time. When the news came to the sea of fate, he was in the ruins of creation and was transforming the God city of creation.

In other words, even if the old monsters in the Lingwu world knew the news, they might not know that they had already demonstrated the creation realm in the ruins of creation and transformation.

While Lintian was thinking, the black robed women were all in high spirits, and their eyes looked at Lintian with a faint look of awe.

Only then did they fully understand that what they met this time was a river crossing Raptor, which was clearly a ferocious and rebellious man!

"Daoyou, you haven't answered my question."

Lintian woke up from his meditation and looked at the woman in black.


The black robed woman immediately put away her thoughts and said, "as far as we know, after arriving at the sea of fate, the descendants of Fangcun mountain formed an alliance with Yuan religion and spirit religion. They have lived on a sacred mountain in the core area for a few years. It's just..."

Speaking of this, she looked a little hesitant.

"Just what?" Lintian asked.

"I've experienced it myself. Let me talk about it."

The thin old man with a huge black sword box on his back said, "in the past, the strong people of witchcraft, Zen and twelve eternal Protoss hated Fangcun mountain, but no one dared to do anything to those Fangcun heirs because of the protection of yuanjiao and Lingjiao."

Then he looked at Lintian, "but more than ten years ago, after the witch sect, Zen sect and those eternal Protoss learned what you did in the eternal real world, a disaster against Fangcun's descendants also broke out."

"Just nine years ago, the boundless Buddha heart pot of Zen came out and joined forces with a group of powerful people from the witch sect and 12 eternal Protoss to go to the holy mountain occupied by the yuan sect. A big war broke out."

Hearing this, Lintian felt nervous and his face changed.

He took a deep breath and continued to listen.

"That war lasted for seven days, killing the sky and the earth. In the middle of it, the power of Lingjiao also joined in, and the whole Lingwu world was shocked."

"According to the later news, in this war, two boundless beings of the yuan religion were seriously injured, and two creatures fell on the spot."

"There are also many big people injured in the spirit sect."

"On the side of Fangcun mountain, most of the disciples had not yet preached the eternal realm, so they had been protected before the battle broke out. Only... Only the eldest disciple was killed."

Lintian was stiff all over, and his heart seemed to be gripped. The eldest martial brother was killed!?

How is this possible!?

All of a sudden, the mood in his heart was rolling and could not be calm.

"Tao you."

The thin old man looked at Lintian with some worry. The latter's face was too bad, and his body was filled with uncontrollable violence.

"I'm fine. Go on."

Lintian was silent for a moment and said in a low voice.

He tried to calm himself down. Anger can never be solved.

"After the first World War, the territory occupied by the yuan sect was completely turned into ruins. Now the yuan sect, together with Fangcun and a group of followers, is entrenched on the holy mountain where the spirit sect is located."

The skinny old man said, "it is said that their situation is not optimistic. As for others, the little old man is not clear. After all, those things happen in the core area. The role of creation environment like us is not qualified to mix."

"I've heard that over the years, Lingjiao, yuanjiao and Fangcun mountain have been trapped on the 'lotus leaf holy mountain', which is the entrenched place of Lingjiao. However, in all directions, there have been strong people belonging to witchcraft, Zen and twelve eternal holy families, and there is no chance to come out of the lotus leaf holy mountain."

The tall man suddenly opened his mouth, "and Lei song, the ancestor of the witch sect, has issued an order. If the spirit sect and the yuan sect do not hand over the founder of Fang Cun, there will be no chance to compete for the 'Da Dao Ming Lian' in the future."

After a pause, he continued: "the twelve eternal Protoss also made a statement together, saying that sooner or later, they would level the lotus leaf mountain."

Hearing this, Lintian was filled with uncontrollable anger, and his eyes were terribly cold.

How could he not know that it was precisely because he swept yuan religion, Zen religion and 12 eternal Protoss that the anger of these forces was vented on the senior brothers and sisters of Fangcun mountain?

In order to protect those elder martial brothers and sisters, the yuan sect and the spirit sect were also implicated!

At the thought of this, Lintian wanted to kill him immediately.

This is hatred. Once it is settled, regardless of the enemy, we will seize every opportunity to retaliate.

"Do you know the power of witchcraft, Zen and the twelve eternal Protoss in today's Lingwu middle world?"

Lintian asked.

The black robed woman said in a voice: "on the other side of Zen, it is led by the immeasurable Buddha heart pot. It is said that there is a great immeasurable realm. It is said that it has experienced six times of great silence and lifeless robbery, and its inside information is unfathomable."

"In addition to the immeasurable Buddha heart pot, the other three immeasurable figures in Zen are Xinying, Zhuo Xing and Zhuo Kong. Among them, Xinying is an old antique that has survived four great silent and lifeless robberies. Like Xinhu, it exists in immeasurable territory."

"The two of them, Zhuo Xing and Zhuo Kong, are small and boundless. The former has spent two times of great silence and lifeless robbery, and the latter has spent one time of great silence and lifeless robbery."

"There are as many as 11 people in the creation realm of Zen..."

After the black robed woman introduced the situation of Zen, she began to introduce the situation of witchcraft.

In sorcery, there are also four immeasurable beings.

Led by the zuwu leisong, it is said that this person is the younger martial brother of the "tianwu", the founder of the witch religion, and has a great boundless Taoist practice.

The others are Wu Hongzi and Nan Hongzi.

Each is a transcendent existence that is enough to worship the heavens and walk in many eras.

In the witch religion, there are nine creation worlds.

After knowing this, Lintian was awed and completely calmed down.

He did not expect that there were so many great powers of witchcraft and Zen!

It can be seen from this that he was able to trample out the entrenched land of witchcraft and Zen, which was indeed a fluke and occupied the time of heaven.

After all, if it hadn't been for the era robbery, these old folks had to come to Kunlun ruins. With his strength, it was doomed that it would be impossible to shake the foundation of witchcraft and Zen.

"As for the twelve eternal Protoss, each of them has more than two immeasurable beings and less than one immeasurable figure. They can gather together and have nearly 20 immeasurable beings."

"As for those with strong creation environment, there are more."

The woman in black continued, "fortunately, the relationship between them is not very harmonious. When they are consistent with the outside world, they can go in and out together, but they are also competing with each other at other times."

"In short, the current Lingwu world is based on Zen, yuan and twelve eternal Protoss. They firmly occupy the most favorable territory in the core area."

Hearing this, Lintian couldn't help saying, "what about yuan religion and spirit religion?"

The black robed woman said, "there are three leaders in the yuan religion. The first is Xingjian gorge in the great boundless territory, and the other two are Ren negative Tian and Gu Yueming. But in that war, Ren negative Tian and Gu Yueming were seriously injured, and I don't know whether they have recovered now."

After a pause, she continued: "in addition, the yuan religion had nine creation environments, but in the war of that year, two have fallen, and now there should be only seven left."

Then she told the situation of spirituality.

Fu Nanli is the leader of Lingjiao. Like Xingjian gorge of yuanjiao, it exists in a vast territory.

In addition, there are two immeasurable beings, namely Shun Huai Jia and Xue Ye.

The creation realm of spiritualism exists very rarely, only six people.

After knowing this, Lintian obviously felt the gap!

Not to mention the twelve eternal Protoss, just the top power of the two ancestral courts of witchcraft and Zen, is better than yuan religion and spirit religion.

If we add twelve eternal Protoss, their strength is very different from each other!


There's a change tonight~

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