The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 29 29 Victory belongs to the Ancient Saint!

Chapter 29 29. Victory belongs to the Ancient Saint!

Two huge beasts met on the battlefield. One is the walker of the God of All Machines in the world, and the other is the proudest product of the eldest sons of the Ancient Saints. The two divine machines are about to erupt in a world-shaking war.

After circling for a few times, the human warlord Titan took the lead in launching an attack. After circling for a few weeks, it immediately aimed at the opponent's very fragile legs.

"For the glory of the God of All Machines!!"

Accompanied by a roar, the more than 80-meter-high warlord Titan immediately rushed towards the colossus in front of it. The tens of thousands of tons of steel giant stomped hard on the ground, making the entire broken position tremble. The colossus on the opposite side would not let him succeed, and began to bombard his void shield

Xia Si looked up in shock and watched the huge warlord-class Titan being hit by two heavy beam cannons. The light blue void shield that originally surrounded him exploded above his head and became nothing. The terrifying shadow directly covered Xia Siwu and Gould who was giving CPR to the combat psychic Paltel who had fainted.

When his giant steel foot stepped on a few dozen meters away, his other foot was still in place. Then Xia Siwu watched another giant foot covering the sky and stepped over. After a few seconds, the entire battlefield immediately experienced an earthquake of no less than level 2.

As the giant left, the dirt and debris on his feet fell from the sky.

A large amount of dirt instantly "rained" on everyone. Xia Siwu, who had come to his senses, coughed a few times with great effort to cough out the dirt in his throat and roared as if to vent

"This is the first time I regret joining the army! Is this battle for people to fight!"

Gurney, who had just woken up next to him, knocked hard on his shoulder armor plate and picked out at least 50 to 60 grams of dirt and threw it on the ground.

"Think of something good. Although we are in a mess now, we are still wearing something that can save our lives. The artillerymen are in trouble."

"I hope the lackeys of the empire on the opposite side will also have such a fate!!!"

Xia Siwu, who was already overwhelmed by anger, couldn't help cursing. Now he no longer thought about the law of fire.

He just wanted to curse now.

But the battle outside would not change because of his cursing. The battle between giants continued.

The warlord-class Titan did not stop after finding that his void shield was penetrated, but continued to move forward. He wanted to end the life of this dirty alien machine through close combat.


Accompanied by a loud bang, the volcanic cannon with a caliber of hundreds of millimeters roared and hit the alien machine heavily. The colossus hit by the powerful shock wave took two steps back, but still carried out its own attack. This time, the psychic intelligence of the operator colossus aimed at the opponent's weapon.


When the aiming system completely aimed at the warlord-class Titan, the experienced driver instantly got the information from the screaming machine soul. He quickly dodged to prevent the chainsaw sword on his right hand from being attacked, but the price was that the volcano cannon on his left hand was completely cut off.

The Titan, who lost an arm, wailed in pain, and the strong mental connection also caused the driver to feel the pain of losing a limb. But he would not stop, because now he could launch his own attack on the alien machine.

"Go to hell, alien! Your existence is a blasphemy against reason!"

Accompanied by angry shouts against the alien, the giant chainsaw sword dozens of meters long slashed fiercely at the thin long legs of the alien machine.

The Titan driver looked at the scene of sparks and showed a hideous smile. In his opinion, victory was just around the corner.

But why did the alien machine in front of him not have any protective action. Instead, he felt a kind of... ridicule from the other party from the Titan's machine soul? !

The pilot of the Warlord Titan was stunned for a moment, not because the other party mocked him, but because that damn alien machine actually had a noble soul? !

This is impossible! Only the followers of the God of All Machines can have such a soul! Why does that damn machine also have it? !

Just when the Warlord Titan pilot was stunned, the Colossus smashed it hard with its "head", knocking the giant who wanted to cut off his legs back dozens of steps. At this time, the Warlord Titan pilot who reacted was shocked to find that the legs of the alien machine were intact.

At first he didn't see clearly, but when he looked closely, he finally found the reason. It turned out that the Colossus had been covered with a strong protective shield on his body, and it was this shield that successfully helped him defend against the bombardment of the volcanic cannon and the slashing of the chainsaw sword.

As the ultimate weapon of the Protoss Empire, the Colossus is the overlord on land. The only ones who can compete with it are the Archons created by the sacrifice of two high-level Templars and the Chosen Ones who use the fragments of the Ancient Saints.

As a terrifying weapon, the Colossus not only possesses powerful firepower, but also has excellent protective capabilities. Because it uses solar fragments as a power source, its shield is even stronger than the void shield that initially uses the subspace as an energy source. Therefore, in a titan duel of the same level, humans need to pay at least one or two times the price to destroy a Colossus.

The psychic machine looked at the depressed one-armed giant in front of him and did not show any sympathy. He just used his melta cannon again and hit the opponent's head.

After a burst of fire, the arrogant son of the God of All Machines fell completely on the devastated land and never got up again.

An anti-aircraft warlord Titan next to him realized that he could not continue to win after seeing such a scene, because he was only equipped with small-caliber machine guns and anti-aircraft missiles, which caused little damage to the enemy.

The God of All Machines did not like sacrifices without any effect, and it was time to retreat.

After seeing the troops being blocked again, General Gaoge's heart had completely fallen into frost. Now they are so close to the alien city! He can even see the top of the city's spaceport! But now, everything is irreversible.

In the command post, the commander of the Ultramarines received two very bad news. One was the news from the navy that the enemy's reinforcement fleet had arrived, they were caught in a pincer attack, and the expedition had failed. The other news came from his home planet Macragge, where a terrible threat was approaching.

Faced with such a situation, Calgar knew that his war history would once again leave a bad mark. Because even the Inquisitor, who was known as a mad dog, knew that he had failed, and a greater threat was about to sweep across the entire Ultramarine. There was no need to continue sacrificing the Emperor's excellent blood.

Negotiations must be carried out.

Zeratul stood on the bridge of the Void Seeker, looking at the remnants of the human warships that were sending signals to the Khalai Protoss fleet, and did not say anything. He just looked at the largest mothership in the center of the fleet with his old eyes, and said respectfully

"Victory will eventually belong to the Ancients."

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