The Protoss in Warhammer

Chapter 30 The end of the Battle of Dares.

Chapter 30 30. The end of the Battle of Daris.

Gray sat on the bridge of the flagship, silently looking at the huge flying churches in the distance. There is no doubt that it is the human expedition fleet.

Looking at those battleships full of religious connotations, Zeratul suddenly thought of the conversation he had with that man ten thousand years ago.

"I will eventually change mankind and free my race from ignorance and fear, so that they will never have to worry about the threat of subspace ghosts again."

But who would have thought that only ten thousand years later, human beings would still embark on that sad path. The irony is that the man who once held high the banner of rebellion against God was eventually forced to become a God.

Zeratul shook his head and sighed at the past. As he continued to recall the past, a high-ranking Dark Templar warrior next to him said

"Master Zeratul, the Ancient Sage has invited you to come to his battleship to prepare for the meeting later."

After hearing his words, Zeratul said with some surprise

"Humans actually agreed to negotiate? It's not like their character."

In fact, Calgar really didn't want to negotiate with those aliens. If he had a choice, he would be willing to fight guerrillas with these bastards on this planet until the rescue fleet arrives. But there certainly won't be any support fleets coming now, and they can't shed their precious blood here.

It all stems from this morning's information. A very brief but important message sent from Macragge by an Astropath.

"Our home is in trouble."

When Calgar saw these four words, he felt that the hairs all over his body stood up, because the last time this message was sent was in the era of the Two Emperors, which meant that the home of the Ultramarines was now in a great crisis. .

He had to go back, no matter the cost.

Angre, the judge of the Alien Tribunal, also received a relatively long message. Now this irritable judge has no mood to block the negotiations that Calgar is preparing, and is even trying to figure out how to make plans for the negotiations.

"So what you're saying is that even some marginal planets can be ceded?"

Calgar looked at Angre in front of him with an extremely strange look. He really had no way to connect the person who said such words with the judge of the Tribunal.

Angre in front of him nodded and gave his reasons.

"It's very simple, respected Chapter Master. Once Macragge becomes in danger, the empire's rule in the entire Ultramarine Star Territory will be threatened. In comparison, losing a few border planets is nothing, and these emperors' territories are in We can definitely take it back again after we deal with the threat.”

"So you are going to say this? Will hundreds of billions of people in the empire be handed over to the dark rule of aliens?!"

After hearing his righteous words, Hou Angre sneered and said

"Come on, Chapter Commander Calgar, you and I both know what life is like for citizens of the Empire on the edge of the Ultramarine. No matter how dark it is, how dark can it be?"

"But these planets are the property of the Emperor."

"So we will eventually take it back, but this is also the worst result. Chapter Commander Calgar, we will try our best to obtain more resources for the empire."

After listening to the Inquisitor's words, Calgar fell silent. A few seconds later he asked again

"Does this matter have the consent of the High Lords Council?"

After hearing this, Angre pulled out a piece of parchment from the mouth of the copy machine servant next to him and said

"If it weren't for the stupid things they said, I wouldn't want it to end like this, and the conditions just now were proposed by them. This is really incredible. As the highest administrative agency in the empire, it actually has to make such a humiliating compromise with a group of aliens. "

After hearing this, Calga said gloomily

"I will never let this happen."

"Then we have something in common, Mr. Chapter Leader."

When their discussion was over, the battleship's correspondent also received the message from the other party that the other party accepted the negotiation.

As the light on the screen fluctuated, a familiar figure appeared on the screen.

"Long time no see, Chapter Master Calgar."

Calga looked at the familiar alien in front of him indifferently and said

"There is no need to say such polite words to me, unknown commander. Although we have failed, negotiating in front of our former defeated generals is an insult to our character. I request that the negotiating partner be changed."

Tassada also sneered after hearing this.

"Sorry sir, what did you say last sentence?"

"I request that the negotiating partner be changed."

"The previous sentence of the previous sentence?"

"...even though we have failed..."

Tassadar nodded after hearing this.

"That's it, sir. Since you have failed, the loser has no right to make demands. We are just tired of fighting with you, so we compassionately give you peace in the name of the ancient saint."

Before Calgar could speak, the judge of the Alien Tribunal next to him was already a little uneasy. He murmured in his heart

"Old Saint? No wonder...the threat in the Gulf of Damocles far exceeds expectations..."

The Ultramarines Chapter Leader next to him didn't notice his expression. He looked at the alien in front of him indifferently. The rising and falling chest represented the anger in his heart, but it was of no use now. Tassada saw that the other party had nothing to say, so he cleared his throat and said.

"Now, negotiations can begin."

The two sides began negotiations that seemed to be asking for prices. The Kalai protoss demanded that the other party completely withdraw from the Gulf of Damocles and allow free trade between the two sides. They also requested the lease of several planets on the border and compensation. The Human Empire demanded that they never cross the Gulf of Damocles again, and at the same time demanded that they become a vassal state of mankind and compensate a large amount of resources.

Tassadar said mockingly after hearing this.

"Your conditions are really ridiculous! Can't you see the current situation clearly before talking about it?"

Calga replied coldly.

"What you are fighting now is just a small expedition fleet of the Human Empire. Our territory is larger than your imagination. The peace we give you now is the last mercy we give you as the spokesperson of the God Emperor. Be content. Aliens! How many alien races like yours aspire to such status, but end up only perishing!"

After hearing this, Tassada just snorted and said sarcastically.

"Shut up, kid. When your race was not born, we were still at war with the Eldar! You are just like those civilizations in the past who tried to rule the galaxy but eventually fell."

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, a templar suddenly ran beside Tassada and said something into his ear. Almost at the same time, a soldier from the first company walked up to Calgar and said something. Both parties showed shocked expressions after listening.

Soon, negotiations continued. Tassada looked at the calm Calga in front of him and said.

"Looks like we're all in trouble, don't we?"

Calga heard this and responded.

"Maybe we all have the same troubles?"

"I guess so."

When Tassada said this, he sighed and said

"Let's do this. We have a temporary ceasefire. We agree that your fleet will leave here and leave Damocles safely."

"Great advice, and what's your name? I'm starting to take an interest in you."

"Archon Tassadar."


After hearing this, Calgar recited the name silently, smiled, looked up at Tassada in front of him and said

"Okay, Archon Tassadar, I will kill you with my own hands the next time we fight!"

Tassada nodded and said calmly.

"Likewise, Chapter Master Calgar, you will be a good opponent."

"By the way, I want to inform you that our fleet will frequently enter your empire in the future. Don't get me wrong, it's not because of fighting and plundering, but to fight against our common enemy."

Angre, who had been thinking next to him, suddenly asked

"Why? Give me a reason."

Hearing these words, Tassada took a deep breath, and his two pale eyes sparkled.

"Because we are the eldest sons of the ancient saints and the gatekeepers of the galaxy!"

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