The Purpose Of My Existence

Chapter 55 - Revenge! 1?

(A/N : Yeah!! finally 1M views! I'm so happy! it might be nothing to you but it's an achievement to me! THANK YOU FOR READING OKAY LETS START! )


After that two finished kissing, they were in the mood to have sėx and straight to their room after that the room was filled with ŀėwd mȯȧns, if Mark was here he'd be disgusted to death.

While the two muggles was having sėx, Mark was doing his job, buying a new advance blue prints from the system, his face was rising and his total ȧssets were almost Trillions, after that he had a very busy day, until he got bored he decided to pass his job to a trusted person.

One of his true friends, and the only male friend he has, he wasn't anything special he had an average face,height and weight but Mark treated him as a true friend, this guy might be annoying but is he loyal and definitely trustful.

The guy name was John, he had been friends with Mark since highschool, they eat lunch at the same time, and hangouts everywhere, today he was shocked at the decision of his friend, he said " Seriously?! your making me THE CEO of your company?! NO NO Bro that's too much work. "

Mark pondered and said " I'll buy you all the premium pȯrns all over the world if you take over my position " he smiled.

John " Gah! that's cheating! you know I can't say no to that! "

Mark smirked " So it's decided then! congratulations New CEO of that company. "

John " F*ck you! j-just promise me you'll do what you say? "

Mark smiled " I promise, but bro you should really get a girlfriend. "

John smirked " My right hand is my girlfriend! "

Mark face turned ugly " You piece of sh*t! a real girlfriend not your beloved right hand! "

John pondered " Honestly...I don't know..I want a woman that will love me for who I am not for what I have... "

Mark walked toward him and pats his shoulder " Maybe in the future, maybe. "

After that he announced that John will be the next CEO of the company, the invention company of course, Mark give him the 1% of the shares in the company, John wanted to refuse by didn't succeed.

John sigh and he smiled, he was really lucky to have a friend like him, but still angry at the Bitch who cheated on him, before he had been working at this company, he got called by Mark and after he saw him, he couldn't recognize him.

After he did he was like " HOLY SH*T! " and it took him a while to accept it.

Mark finally is getting his revenge, the first thing he should do is getting information, he used his connection and figured out the identity of the guy who treated him like a trash.

Mark smiled evilly " I won't kill you just yet...I'll make you suffer. "








In a luxury looking office, there is a man in his fifties smoking, he was Victor he was the father of Alex, he might look harmless outside, he is a piece of scum inside, he blackmailed too many people and most of them are womens, he rȧpės them while torturing them, most of the woman he rȧpės will break, some of them actually reported but no one believes them, Victor was a man in power his wealth made him untouchable.

There were many corrupt officials that is on his side, that's why he never got exposed, he was the CEO of a company who sells beauty product, but also illegal drugs, this time he got a call from someone.

He grabs the phone and answered the call " What is it? "

[ Sir! Bad news! all of our company facilities got destroyed! ]

He screamed " What?! how! "

[ I-it got sliced to a several pieces! ]

He shouted " Huh?! a you f*cking kidding me?! those are buildings! not a piece of meat! are treating me like a fool?! "

[ S-sir I am telling the truth! I'll send you a picture ! ]

After for a few moment, the picture got sent, but when he saw the picture his eyes widened it wasn't the facility, it was the picture of the corpse of the person who was just talking to him.

It made him feel uneasy, and then the call continued but the voice isn't the same as before.

[ Hello? are you listening? do you like my gift? how is it? not bad huh? ]

Victor stood up from his chair and shouted " You! who are you?! "

[ You'll find out eventually, but for now let me remind you, you didn't offend me but, your son did blame your son for his stupidness, this is just the beginning. ]

Victor shouted " Bastard! y- "

But before he could continue, the phone call ended, Victor gritted his teeth and punched the table and said " Just you wait...if I find out who you are your dead! "

Even if he found him, he couldn't do anything to 1 of the few billionaires in the world and he a mere millionaire can fight that kind of figure? dream on!

In the next morning, his company got burned by a blue flame, and he thought it was that Person again! Victor got a bloodshots in his eyes he keeps screaming in his mind ' WHO IS IT?! '

And after that there is another call from an unknown number, he answered it and the voice said.

[ That's another one so? do you like it? there is more tommorow! don't be too exicited okay? ]

Victor screamed like a madman " You! how dare you burn my company! "

[ I dared so? whatever that's all for now later. ]

The next day, he called his son Alex to go to his office immediately, and after for a several minutes of waiting, Alex with Clarine arrived at Victor's office.

Victor screamed " Alex! which Bastard did you offend?! "

Alex got dumbfounded " Huh? what are you talking about dad! "

Victor shouted " Did you know our Company got burned yesterday?! "

Alex and Clarine got shocked " What?! "

Alex screamed " Who is it?! "

Victor glared at Alex and said " The Person said that it was your fault that's why he was doing this! "

As Alex was about to answer, Victor phone was ringing it was from an unknown number again.

Victor quick answered it and a voice was heard all over the office.

Clarine got shocked, this voice was too familiar! she shouted " Mark?! "

[ Oh? is that you Clarine? I guess that tattoo guy is there too, what was his name again...oh right Alex you piece of shit, this time it's my turn. ]

Alex eyes widened, he remembered now! it Clarine's ex boyfriend! the guy that he thought that died, but he was wrong! he was alive a kicking!

Alex " Mark! you bastard! come here you bitch! don't act like a coward! show yourself! "

[ Not for now, but here I'll send you a video that you will truly enjoy! ]

The video was sent in the phone of Victor, he didn't hesitate to play it, as the video play, their faces got paled!

In the video there is a middle age woman, who has a short blonde hair, she was quite a beauty, and it was Victor's wife! and the mother of Alex!

In the video, the woman was f*cked a several old mens and she was enjoying it.

The woman in the video " Oh yes! ah yes!! FUCK ME HARDER YES!! "

Victor hands was trembling he was saying " it can't be real no.. "

Alex was also trembling in rage, he screamed " MARK!!! YOU FUCKING BASTARD!! "

Clarine was pale as a sheet of paper, The woman in the video got fuċkėd in her pussƴ and ȧsshole, she had a face of ecstasy.

Alex mom or Victor's wife wasn't innocent, she was a f*cking whore that ruined a countless life of an ordinary people.

She was acting like a horny dog, cause Mark forced her ate a certain pill that makes you a thousand times more horny.

It was just the 3rd day of Revenge.

( END- )

Yeah did my best there! I'm not satisfied yet there is total of 7 days of Revenge so yeah 4 days more. ????????????

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