The Purpose Of My Existence

Chapter 56 - Revenge! 2?

(A/N : Okay I'm mentally tired today so didn't update more than 1 chapter, ???????? but sh*t I totally forgotten about the daily spin ???????? but worry not it won't affect the story much cause, it's not like daily spin will give Mark a useful item unless I wanted to so yeah I'll start. )


After watching the Video Victor was in the state of disbelief, he couldn't believe his wife enjoyed those old mens d*ck! and actually begging them to be faster!

While Alex was trembling in rage, his eyes were having bloodshots and veins all over his head he screamed " SH*T! SH*T! THAT FUCKING BASTARD! "

Clarine was really scared, she was really pale, she was really afraid that Mark would take a revenge on her! and he would really do that, she was unable to calm down, this was the first time in her life that she was absolutely terrified!

Victor suddenly remembered that he has still his daughter, he has to protect her no matter what!

Victor's daughter name was Joann, she took the genes of her mother and she was a beautiful teenage girl, and obviously since her family is such scums, she also inherited her family scum attitude, she was an arrogant little bitch because her father was rich and has plenty of connections, she was a real bully specially for those girls who were superior looking than her, at first she'll make the target her friend.

And after that if she had gotten a sufficient information and the target family has an ordinary or lower status than her, she would show her real colors at that time she would blackmail the target, and physically bulling that girl till she'll break a bone or two.

Not many could endure her and end up transferring schools and those who had an ordinary family had no choice but to endure, but some in the worst kind of case, they will lose the will to live and commit suicide.

Joann would just ignore it like it doesn't have to do with her.

Victor quickly called his princess and dialed her number.

[ Yes father? you called? ]

Victor quickly said " Dear! I'll explain it to you later! but first quickly go to my private office right now! "

[ H-huh? but why? ]

Victor shouted " Just come here right now okay?! "

[ O-okay! wait- w-who are?! don't touch me! HELP- ]

Victor heart sank, he screamed " Joann?! Joann?! please answer me! "

Alex also scream " Joann?! hey ! "

Clarine stayed silent while trembling in fear, The two father and son was shouting in the phone like madmens.

After a few minutes of shouting in the phone, they didn't receive an answer so they give up, Victor was going crazy he started to destroy things in his office he shouted " Fuck! Fuck! ALEX! CALL ALL OF OUR MENS AND FIND JOANN! DO IT IMMEDIATELY! "

Alex started to move his ȧss, and he look at Clarine with a bloodshot eyes he shouted " STAY HERE YOU B*TCH! I'LL FUCKING TAKE CARE OF YOU LATER! "

Clarine froze, she pissed herself because of her nervousness and the pressure that Alex was giving, after Alex left she started crying.

Victor who was really mad at the moment, when he heard Clarine can crying, he got angrier and walked toward Clarine and slapped her with all of his strength.


Victor shouted " Shut up B*tch! "

Blood was leaking in the mouth of Clarine, Victor slapped her in the cheek and the result one of her tooth got broken.

Clarine wanted to cry loudly, but she didn't even though it hurt so much, she was more afray that he'll slap her again.

Victor glared at her for a while and looked back and started to think something he only knows.






Mark was the person who kidnapped Joann, he brought her to an unknown underground, he was currently wearing a mask to conceal his identity.

While the bitch was screaming, Mark throws her like a garbage and her body hits the floor, Joann has a tears in her eyes while looking at him angrily " Who are you?! release me in instant! if you don't you'll feel the Wrath of my father! now release me before I change my mind! "

Mark ignored her, and took off his mask, since they were in the underground he doesn't need to conceal his face, he looked at Joann.

Joann got dumbfounded, she couldn't believe some was this handsome! thought many people knows Mark because of his achievements.

Not all people pays attention to it and Joann was one of them, this was the first time she saw his face! she unconsciously got wet and said with a suductive tone " Handsome! I changed my mind release me and became my man! you definitely don't have to worry with money just be my man! "

Mark looked at her expressionless, he thought ' This b*tch doesn't realize what kind of situation she was in, let me remind her then. ' he walked toward her.

Joann was expecting him to release her but she didn't expect what happened next.

Mark was only a few inches near her, suddenly he kicked her face.

A few tooth flew in her mouth and blood was leaking in the same time, Joann started crying and shouted " H-haw dere! you! "

Her original beautiful face turned hideous, he didn't feel guilty at all for he knew she was also a piece of scum! Mark smirked " The show has just begun. "

Suddenly several figure appeared, they were a group of teenage girls who has a broken hand, arm , leg and some with a disfigured face.

They were those girls the Joann bullied, they looked at him with a grateful face and he waved back at them and said " Enjoy. "

Those girls were looking at Joann with an endless rage in their face, they started moving toward her.

Joann naturally knows who they were, there were her targets! she suddenly got terrified her body was sweating alot she screamed " D-dant! came naar me! "

Those girls ignored her and started to torture her, naturally Mark was recording it, and it will become his 4th gift to Victor and Alex of course Clarine.

( END- )

Okay for those who questioned why Joann words were strange, it's intented it's because the kick of Mark almost destroyed her right side of her skull and the tooths were just extras anyways happy reading. ???????? Drop a Stone by the way!

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