The Purpose Of My Existence

Chapter 85 - Unexpected Encounter

After removing their curse, nothing much had changed expect it's more lively than before, Meliodas doesn't have a speck of worry inside him for he is now had a true go lucky attitude, it's been a few days since Mark removed their curse, he had never been so free at this moment.

Mark volunteered to be the bar's cook, since he knew Meliodas cooking skills sucks that even a hundreds of years, of training will be just enough for him to cook a normal and simple dish.

Mark isn't officially working yet because, they are currently traveling but he cooks for them, the couple loves his cooking and Hawk view of him changed as if he was his long lost saviour, he loves Mark cooking! he got addicted to it! he couldn't stop himself!

Today is the day that they will arrive at a certain town to get some sake, Meliodas sake got out of stack so no business for a few days, besides with Mark cooking for the bar his earning would soar! by at least a thousand fold.

Though Elizabeth and Meliodas cursed got dispelled, the current Demon King nor The Supreme Deity would notice that their curses were dispelled, since Mark himself dispelled it naturally they wouldn't detect it, whenever it was power or bloodline he is superior than those two clan gods.

Meliodas didn't change his perverted ways! he likes to grope Elizabeth tɨts and ȧss! before when his body was in it's younger state it looks cute and okay! but now his body had mȧturėd into an ȧduŀt one, Mark couldn't help but think ' Meliodas looked like a ra*ist groping Elizabeth...if i didn't know that they were lovers I would actually think that Meliodas is ra*ing Elizabeth. ' but then he sigh.

Mark is a little jealous of Meliodas, at a time like this he wished so bad that his lovers are here! as a man it's painful to watch a couple flirting, he wanted to stop them so bad but, he knew it is rude to do so nor he had the rights.

And then they finally arrived at the town where Meliodas often bought some sake for the bar, they went outside the bar and jumped down in Mama Hawk body, as they got down Mark looked at Mama Hawk with a complicated gaze. Mark knew that she was the chaos itself and he pondered ' If she only had a body...i wonder what would she looked like? well it's impossible. ' he shrugged off such thoughts.

And they went towards the Town, and Mark would meet someone unexpected, as they walked toward the town, Mark could already tell that something is unusual happening, as they went into the town, they saw the towns people had a worried look in their faces.

Only Mark and Meliodas went into the town, and Elizabeth and Hawk stayed in the bar to guard it there might be thieves, just might no one really dares to do that or else they won't just get a beating, but a holy beating.

(A/N : Well, I'm not sure what happened in the original plot can't remember it I'll just make a similar scene maybe?)

As they saw it, Meliodas could but say.

" I wonder what happened? "

" I don't know why ask me? go ask them! "

Meliodas got speechless at Mark's words, but his words makes sense but screw it, Meliodas with toward a certain dude and pats the dude shoulder and said.

" Mind telling me what happened? "

The dude looked at Meliodas with a stunned expression and thought ' What a tall and handsome guy! f*ck I'm jealous! ' the dude height is a little 5'8 while Meliodas is 6'1, Meliodas for the first time in his life, he felt proud of his superior height that never in his imagination would come true someday.

The dude looked at him with a dejected expression, whenever it was because he is jealous of Meliodas appearance or because of their problem only he knows and he said.

" Well.... a Holy knight struck his sword into the main source where the water should flow and now it's been a few days since, it been stuck there and we are running out of water! no matter what we do we couldn't get it out, the sword was struck deeply that it wouldn't move an inch! "

" A holy knight? why would a holy knight do such thing? "

" I-its because he said that our water taste bad! our water is very special it could be considered as a top quality and would became a sake if you put the right ingredients on it... but he actually said he it's bad! damn it..but we had no choice but to lower our heads because we couldn't defy a Holy knight. "

Meliodas looked through the sword that is struck in the source of water, and he looked through it and the sword has a Mana that he is familiar with, and thought ' Could it be him? ' he asked again.

" Last question, is the Holy knight a young man with pink hair? "

" Huh? how did you know? indeed the Holy knight is a young man with a pink hair. "

" I see...thanks for the answers. "

Meliodas now knows who it was and then he thought ' It's Definitely him...this mana it's from that brat Gilthunder! ' while he getting information he suddenly realized that Mark is already long gone from the place, and it made Meliodas smiled forcefully and muttered.

" Where did that guy go? "


Mark left the place since he knew Meliodas would handle it himself, he walked through the town looking for something, from the moment he arrived here he felt something connected to him is close, he doesn't know what it is but his guts is telling him that it is important.

As he was walking throughout the town, the feeling is getting stronger and stronger, Mark knew he was getting really close to it until he arrived at a certain fountain and he looked through the fountain, and saw a really beautiful statue but that wasn't it! the problem is the statue itself!

It was a body and face that he is familiar with! he could never forget it even if it's a million or billion years had passed, it was his lover Daine! Mark couldn't help but shout.

" Daine?! "





Suddenly....Cliff-kun arrived!

( END- )

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