The Purpose Of My Existence

Chapter 86 - Meeting The Sin Of Envy

After Mark throws the spear, he left the place like he doesn't give a f*ck would happen to Gilthunder. Mark knew that his throw could definitely kill Gilthunder, but if he really skilled as the original and trusted his instinct then, he would survive.

Meliodas looked at the direction where Mark throwed the spear, he doesn't really pray as a demon and the fact that he held a grudge toward the Supreme Deity for cursing him, but this time he really prayed that Gilthunder would survive at that one.

Meliodas sigh as he looked at the sky, and then after that he went back to the Boar Hat. A few days after Meliodas had a new waitress again, and naturally it was Daine she volunteered Meliodas doesn't force them to work but it seems they want to do this normal job so much. Daine wasn't as clumsy as Elizabeth she perfectly did her job as a bar waitress.

Thought it was still a trial since they didn't officially open the bar yet, Mark suggested to open the bar after they found the rest of the Sins at least 2 people.


Mark, Meliodas and the rest of the group arrived at a certain forest called Forest Of White Dreams, Meliodas said that the Sin Of Envy is staying in this forest.

Actually Meliodas wasn't sure about it, it was just his hunch because this forest is a perfect place to hide from the Holy Knights, but in the case of Mark and Daine they know that his hunch is real because they watched the anime after all.

And so they entered the forest, as they entered it the forest was so foggy and you could bȧrėly see anything but of course that is only in the case of Elizabeth and Hawk, as for Mark, Daine and Meliodas they could see it clearly it doesn't really affect them. Unlike the original they didn't walk with a normal speed since only Hawk is holding them back, Meliodas carried the pig and a few minutes later.

The group stopped they could see creatures moving around them, and then the creatures suddenly changed their appearance similar to Hawk, and so he panicked and shouted.

"What the hell is happening?!"

And so the rest followed.

"What the hell is happening?!"

"What the hell is happening?!"

"What the hell is happening?!"



They totally copied Hawk, but their disguise looked crap in the eyes of the group, it was too obvious for them it's really obvious because they couldn't exclude the same aura that they could see in the original Hawk, after all Hawk was originally from Purgatory that was kidnapped and sent by the Demon King to spy at Meliodas. Hawk wasn't a normal pig to begin with but Mark and Meliodas decided to make him suffer a little.

The two guys looked at each other a nodded, they understood each others thoughts and smiled widely and then they disappeared from their place and started to beat the fake Hawks and also the original one. Elizabeth smiled wryly at their actions how could she not know that they intend this? but she couldn't stop them she could only look at Hawk getting beaten.

After they beat the sh*t of Hawk, the fake disguise as Daine and Elizabeth this time, however as their man how could they not recognize the difference between their women and the fakes? but as they were about to beat the fakes, Daine and Elizabeth already started to beat the fakes by themselves the fakes turned back into their real appearance, they looked like a Kappa but with a sharp teeths and with a white ripped piece of cloth around them.

They were called Hide And Seeks, they often prank some people they aren't really that harmful, and Hawk is the first one to follow them he was kind of angry that he got beaten, and he blamed it to those Hide And Seeks, because he couldn't do anything to the guys who beat him up, and then they followed Hawk.

It's was finally time to meet the Sin Of Envy, that's what Mark thought is, as they followed the Hide And Seeks they arrived at a certain place, and they saw a giant woman who is sleeping and the Hide And Seeks asked for her help, and yes the giant woman who is sleeping is the Sin Of Envy Diane!

(A/N : Now you know why I Intentionally named Daine and not Diane.)

As the Hide And Seeks shouted it was proven not useless at all and it had woken up Diane from her sleep, as they opened her eyes she could see few figures who is all unfamiliar to her, she couldn't recognize Meliodas because of his huge change after all Meliodas had a body of a proper ȧduŀt now not that Eternal teenager body.

As she looked through the figures around her, suddenly her gaze stopped at Mark, her gaze was intense as if it wanted to devour Mark, her heart went Ba-dump! and Doki Doki as she saw Mark appearance, she shouted in her mind 'E-eh?! this man is so handsome! why is my heart beating so fast?! no! I shouldn't my love is only for Captain!'

Mark doesn't know why but he feels that this giant woman in front of him will bring a lot of trouble for him in the near future, Mark looked at Diane appearance he had to admit she's beautiful and cute, also damn those huge tɨts which made him wondered how would King satisfied her with his small body? but he casted those thoughts away, it was none of his business.

Diane quickly realized that she let her guard down for a moment and she hurriedly stood up and shouted.

"Who are people?! are you here to catch me! and you!"

She pointed at Mark, and he looked at and said with a plain tone.


"S-state your name!"

Diane said embarrassedly, even herself she doesn't know why she did it, as she looked at Mark she felt like her mind is going blank, Mark got a confused expression but still answered her anyway.

"Mark that's my name."

After he said his name, Diane muttered his name, "Mark..." but then Meliodas speak up.

"Yo Diane! do you recognize me?"

Immediately as she heard Meliodas she looked at him confusedly and said.

"Who are you? why is your voice matching with the captain look like him but older!"

Meliodas scratched his head while smiling, Mark looked at Meliodas and thought 'Well it is reasonable one could recognize him in his new look.' and then, Meliodas said.

"It's me Diane, I'm Meliodas well I can't blame you if you couldn't recognize me, after all I've become much more handsome! huhuhu~"

Daine shooks her, Elizabeth lowered her head while blushing she was embarrassed at Meliodas words, while Mark smirked but he didn't deny him sense it is indeed true, compared to his old looks he is more handsome and mȧturė naturally.

Diane looked at Meliodas In disbelief, true she could tell that he has the same looks at his old appearance, but more muscular and mȧturė she couldn't believe and shouted.

"Captain?!! no...this ...this is fake right?!"

"No it's not I'm really Meliodas!"

"No way!! you are supposed to be forever Young!"

"Hey! that's an obvious insult! but whatever here this is my biggest proof!"

He showed his Sin Wrath tattoo to Diane, because the tattoo significance their identity, it couldn't be fake it was personally made by Merlin, and now Diane totally believed that this handsome person in front of her, is her captain!

"C-captain?! it's really you! Y-you changed so much!"

"Really? hehehe I'm more handsome than before no?"

He said while having some weird sparkling things in near his face, Diane who is truthful to her thoughts said.

"Certainly! you are indeed more handsome! b-but he is more handsome than you!"

She pointed at Mark again, Mark got an imaginary sweats at the back of his head, while Daine smiled she seemed to have an idea in her mind, unknowingly Mark felt threat his body felt the shivers and then Meliodas couldn't argue Diane because it was the truth!

He could only smile bittery and then Elizabeth hugged him in at the back and said.

"Don't worry Meliodas...your the most handsome man in my eyes."


The two flirted in front of Diane, if it was before she saw Mark, she would undoubtedly feel jealous and annoyed but now, she really doesn't feel anything, as if her feelings for Meliodas vanished an instant from the moment she saw Mark!

For your information, she only has admiration and like for Meliodas it was never been love, Diane likes Meliodas because, he respected her as a girl thought she is from a different race, he treats her like any other normal girl which is why Diane feelings for Meliodas is a simple adoration.

As she was about to say something, another person arrived at the place, the person who arrived is a young man with a heavy blue armor, and has a handsome face, blue eyes and a pink hair.

He had a long sword at his right hand and suddenly, he binds them with his lighting which they don't mind, in their view it was pitifully weak that doesn't really change a thing so they let it warp them, of course there are exception like Hawk he got fried.

It was Gilthunder he looked at the scene, with a confused look, he didn't see Meliodas anywhere he was sure that he'll go in this place, but it seems he was wrong, however he saw Diane she is also part of the Sins, as he was about ask where is Meliodas.

Meliodas looked at Gilthunder with a grin in his face and said.

"Yo Gil! it's been a while!"

Unlike the original he doesn't need to pretend, so he immediately recognized, Gilthunder he was his teacher after all!

Diane who was restrained by the lighting she said.

"This power..! he's a genuine Holy Knight!"

As if he didn't hear Diane's words, his face was in shock he couldn't believe what he is seeing, and he shouted.

"You?! Meliodas? how? y-you've grown!"

Meliodas who heard his words couldn't help but felt hurt, indeed he wouldn't have grown if it wasn't for Mark but still it hurts him that they expected him to be a shorty for the rest of his life!

"Well I just did! problem?"

Mark and the rest of the group chuckled, of course expect Hawk who is in the moment of being fried, as he heard Meliodas he kept his act tough, he was just acting because he knows that he was observe by someone, he needed to act hostile to Meliodas because he has no choice but to do so!

"Cough- There is nothing wrong with it..but it's been a while Sins!"

Mark just silently observing the place and he saw a weird looking lizard that is watching Gilthunder, he needs to eliminate it so he wouldn't want to continue this drama, suddenly he broke the restrained lighting that is warped around him and disappeared at his spot and instantly grabs the lizard's head and burning it with his Quirk.

Gilthunder looked at Mark with shock, he couldn't see his movement! it was like he teleported, and then he looked at Gilthunder and said.

"No need to act now, I dealt with the problem."

Gilthunder looked surprised but he calm down after and sigh, he was really glad that he didn't need to fight his idol which is Meliodas he could finally say and do whatever he wanted to, because he wasn't observed.

But still he was admiring Mark because of his super speed which he even the lighting couldn't see, he knew that Mark is Meliodas friend and then he said.

"Thank you! I don't need to act anymore, I'm glad that I don't need to fight you Meliodas-san!"

"It seem so!"

Meliodas also noticed the lizard but since he knew, Mark was going for it he didn't bother and let it be.

And he and Gilthunder talked a lot, he give Meliodas various information he is safe to tell it to him since, there is no one watching him anymore thanks to Mark.

The two reunion was not a bad as the original where, Gilthunder really killed Meliodas but he got revived after anyways.

He told Meliodas about Ban's location, and Meliodas nodded he couldn't wait to see his best friend.

They talked for a while and Gilthunder said his laters, he is more on ease now he told Meliodas about his plan, and now as Gilthunder figure disappeared, Meliodas said.

"Yosh! let's go and save Ban and also Diane wanna follow us?'

"Of course!"

Diane happily nodded as took a quick glance at Mark, there is no way Mark didn't notice it and he thought 'Did this woman fall for me? it can't be right? a Sin shouldn't be easily to fall in love with just base in appearance!' however he underestimated his charm and charisma.

He didn't realize that he is raising flag everytime, but for now he followed Meliodas to find the Seven Deadly Sins and more importantly Merlin!

( END- )

Okay guys I made this chapter twice longer than usual cause I didn't update yesterday but anyways I'm almost ending the Seven Deadly Sins Arc in my calculation it would end on 100th chapter or so.

Anyways Enjoy reading A VOTE!! IF I could get In Top 10 which is meh near impossible I'll add 2 more chapters.

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