The Queen of Everything

Chapter 382: I will persuade her

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Ruan Yin was stunned for a moment and didn't know how to answer.

After the person over there didn't hear her speak again, she hung up the phone decisively.

Hearing the blind sound on the phone, Ruan was a bit dazed and sad.

Why did this happen?

This is not the same as the scene where her imaginary mother and daughter meet again. She hopes that Sucha can return to her side, but Sucha doesn't seem willing at all.


Zuo Zhici suddenly appeared, Ruan Yin wiped tears from the corners of his eyes, turned to look at Zuo Zhici, and showed a reluctant smile: "Zhi Zhi, aren't you out? How come back?"

"Don't you say that the result came out today, of course I have to come back and see, lest people you don't know deceive you into our left home."

Zuo Zhici still had a little bit of su tea, and today's appraisal result came out, and she couldn't wait to get what she thought.

Ruan Yin was stunned and smiled bitterly: "The result came out, Su Cha is my biological daughter of your father and you, and also your relative sister. Don't think about it. Your sister will not hinder you from coming back, and the problem is not now This one……"

Hearing that it was really his own daughter, Zuo Zhici was struck by thunder.

Although I had some anticipation in my heart, Zuo Zhici felt that he was not so acceptable.

She has lived for 17 years and suddenly told her that she has a sister, how can she accept it?

Ruan Yin ignored her somewhat ugly expression and suddenly said sadly: "The key to the problem now is that she simply does not want to come back to us or even let us publish this matter."

"How can it be?"

Zuo Zhici was a little surprised, and then some inexplicable anger: "What kind of identity is our Zuo family, no one can enter even how many people want to enter, she has this opportunity, she is not willing to return to our Zuo family, I think it is intentional Yes, I just want to attract your attention and your dad!"

Zuo Zhici has a strong sense of crisis in his heart. He is afraid that this sister will really return to Zuo's home, which will affect her favored status.

Is the other person unwilling to return to the left?

The first time Zuo Zhici felt that she was deliberately advancing.

This caused the shame of Mom and Dad, and felt that she had not treated her well for so many years and should compensate her.

Zuo Zhici's brain is full of such routines, and he couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"Why are you so opinionated about your sister?"

On the contrary, Ruan was a little unhappy because she looked at Zuo Zhi with a little complaint: "She is like you, they are the children of me and your father, and the heart of her mother's hard work in October. If not... some things are too complicated, I have to send your sister away. She should have grown up with you since she was a child. Now that she has been outside for so many years, she is not as good as you are. Is it to compensate her, at least let her go back to Zuo's house and enjoy everything that she deserves, don't you be mad at me?"

"I thought she was the kind of person with a purpose!"

Seeing that Ruan Yinyue was getting angry, Zuo Zhici was afraid that she would be too angry with her. When the time came, Zuo Shaoxin came back to tidy up, busy and coaxed: "Mom, do you say she won't come back? Would you like me to persuade me?" Persuade her?"

Ruan Yin has some doubts: "Are you going?..."

Although these two are close sisters, they seem to be not very harmonious. Ruan Yin doesn't think Zuo Zhici can do this.

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