The Queen of Everything

Chapter 383: Face change

Biquge, the fastest update of the hidden marriage day, tyrant addictive! latest chapter!

There was an unexpected guest in the villa of the players that night.

This uninvited guest almost caused a sensation in the villa.

When the players came back to see her after the game, they couldn't believe it.

The girl, shining like a pearl, was sitting there, wearing a small dress, and her hair was carefully treated. Every hairline can be seen carefully maintained and smooth, not to mention that face, delicate and beautiful.

Coupled with elegant and noble temperament, just sitting there is clearly distinguished from this group of players.

And the last person gave the players this feeling, or Su Cha.

It's just that Sucha is the kind of obvious high sense of majesty, and what is in front of it is purely a spoiled and noble attitude, which is different from this group of players from ordinary families.

Whether it is a world, can be seen at a glance.

The sharp-eyed player can also see that she is full of luxury brands all over her body, and a women's watch on the wrist is enough to buy this villa.

Her appearance changed the players' faces slightly.

And the girl still seemed very polite, she just glanced at the players who had entered the door with a smile, and then removed her eyes with no interest.

The attitude of contempt can be said to be very obvious.

Let the players have some color changes.

The staff explained briefly that this was for someone, and did not elaborate on her identity.

But being able to enter the villa, and looking at this style, the fool also thought that it was definitely not ordinary people.

But when they looked closely, they all had a weird feeling. Why did this girl look like Su Cha?

Everyone whispered in their hearts, left and right words looked left and right, no one was seen, and some kindly asked a player: "What about Su tea?"

The player she saw was a little stunned for a while, but it quickly reacted and subconsciously replied: "She went to buy something, behind."

After answering, he suddenly reacted. Zuo Zhici's attitude is really not polite. Why should he answer?

For a time, the players' faces were a bit ugly.

After all, the sharp contrast is too strong.

It's also obvious that the other party looked down straight.

She looked down on everyone here.

"Who is this, and still rubbing back when I come back..."

Zuo Zhici complained in a small voice, and got up and walked towards the door of the villa. He didn't expect to meet Su Cha who came back from the door carrying a steaming bag.

Zuo Zhici immediately stared at the bag in her hand: "What did you take?"

"none of your business?"

The other party is more polite than her.

Su Cha frowned and looked at Zhizhi left: "What are you doing here?"

She didn't expect to come across a dramatist she didn't want to see.

Zuo Zhici heard that Su Cha was more transgressive than herself, but she instantly thought of her purpose and her mother's expectations, breathing heavily in her heart, and suddenly...

She looked at Su Cha with a smile, and came over and coquettishly said in a sweet, greasy voice: "Sister, how are you here? Are you unclear? I want to come and see you, can't I?"

If it weren't for the true face of Su Cha, she would be deceptive now.

Her obedient appearance is similar to that of Sucha. After all, at Zuo's house, the willfulness is still favored, and there is a reason.

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