The Queen of Everything

Chapter 384: That's really miserable

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A bunch of players in the house saw Zuo Zhici and Su Cha collided. It felt strange enough for this girl to come to Su Cha. Now when she heard Zuo Zhici's sister, she was stunned.

Su Cha is so big?

This beautiful body is a girl with a limited amount of high-definition, is it actually her sister?

Except for the strange strength that Sucha gave them at the beginning, Sucha did not look like a super rich man...

Although the clothes she wears look delicate, but they are all thousands of pieces of clothing, most of the players here can wear better.

She actually has such a rich sister?

Everyone in the house had quickly outlined a giant show, and Su Cha suddenly wanted to laugh.

Although Zuo Zhici was only seventeen years old, he was only a little shorter than Su Cha. After all, the genes were good, but Su Cha was superior. Looking down on Zuo Zhici: "What major did you choose for university?"

Zuo Zhici smiled for a moment, but Su Cha suddenly asked this, and subconsciously replied with a smile: "Sister, I am a business manager, what's wrong?"

Su Tea chuckled: "You didn't join me in the acting department, it was a waste of your talent."

Such obvious sarcasm, of course, Zuo Zhici can be heard.

Her complexion changed, and she almost wanted to turn her face again. It was just that so many people were there that she could hold it back, and the moment that the facial expression was distorted calmed down again. Su Cha all wanted to admire it.

"Sister, what jokes are you talking about? I came here this time to tell you something. Can I enter your room?"

Su Cha gave him a fixed look, and then a lot of players behind her who were waiting to see the gossip. The smile was a little cold, but he walked towards the house.

The players scattered with a hula, went back to the room, went back to the room, went to other places.

Zuo Zhi's words were still a bit surprised to see the situation where Su Cha had dispersed in the past.

But after the two of them walked upstairs, they heard a conversation.

"Hey, sister, what exactly do you have in your hand? Did you eat it?"

Su Cha: "..."

Zuo Zhici: "What do you eat?"

Su Cha: "It's not tasty, it's poisonous."

Left Zhici: "..."

Everyone: "..."


Entering the room, Zuo Zhici's smile faded.

Sucha slowly ate the pancakes she bought near the villa.

It won't taste good when it's cold.

Zuo Zhici stared at her bitterly: "I heard my mother say you don't want to go back to Zuo's house, what trick are you playing?"

Su Cha took a bite of pancakes and felt that the taste was not as good as she had imagined. At that time, she just smelled the fragrance and stopped eating it. After she put it down, she said: "Mrs. Ruan sent you to be a lobbyist is the biggest mistake."

Zuo Zhi's pretty face turned red: "Su Cha, don't you know what's wrong, I still can't accept you as my sister! Now the paternity test results come out, I can't help. But I always think about it for my parents. I want you to go back. You don’t want to go back to Zuo’s house, you’re not in your brain, do you know what it means to go back to Zuo’s house? You don’t even want to go back, are you crazy?”

Zuo Zhi's words really don't understand. For Su Cha, returning to Zuo's house means taking a step to the sky. Why doesn't Su Cha accept it?

Su Cha slowly smiled and said: "What does it represent? It means that you will become a person like you when you go back, which is really miserable."

Left Zhici: "..."

Although she has a bad temper, she never talks to others.

This is the first time she has an urge to hit people.

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