The Queen of Everything

Chapter 388: Audition preparation

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During Su Cha's participation in the competition, she had no time to control her embroidery.

Now Jin Jin is no longer in the room. The only advantage is that the camera is turned off at night, and Su Cha can practice martial arts.

As for embroidery, there is no way to get it right now, so Su Cha hasn’t watched her embroidery for a long time.

Xiao Yun asked on WeChat several times when Su Cha would release new works. Su Cha said that she had no time for two months before she did it.

However, the teacher Huo Zhongwei said last time that he wanted to add his own WeChat has not responded.

Su Cha didn't remember this thing originally, but now she turned over the WeChat list and suddenly thought of it.

If you don’t add it, don’t add it. These things are natural to her, and she can’t figure out what others are thinking.

However, taking advantage of the time, Su Cha has been following Dai Xiaofu's teaching. When she was exposed to the camera, she was watching Ultraman in addition to practicing songs. Then at night, she began to make some time to draw patterns.

These patterns are all ready to be used in embroidery in the future. Now they cannot embroider. She can prepare them in advance.

There are also some ancient patterns of that time that are out of print as the embroidery stitches of the embroidered Tang thorn, but in the end, the dynasty is somewhat different from history. Su Cha can only draw out some of his favorite patterns based on his memory.

Most of these patterns are exquisite and complex. It takes months to embroider clothes, even the current Su tea.

Because it is too complicated and troublesome, she is still participating in the competition.

However, since she decided that the first thing she did was embroidery, then of course she wanted to restore some difficult things.

She also thought at first that she would give Bo Mu a gift.

This gift is embroidered.

She intends to buy silk to make Bo Mu also make a dress, but the fancy fabric Sucha has seen the price online, and with her current money, it is not enough to buy.

She intends to send it to the best, of course, will not buy ordinary fabrics, wronged Bo Muyi.

I just don't know when Bo Muyi's birthday is.

Su Cha twisted her chin for a while, and she had to choose time to ask Bai Kun.

After the fifteenth match officially ended, Su Cha found a time and went back to Wangge.

Because it’s time to audition for the crew to interview.

She is going to audition for a role in "He Di Zhuan".

It was also the day before that Su Cha received a script transferred from Dai Xiaofu.

There is really only one script, just an ordinary little girl, because after looking for her life-saving benefactor, she entered the palace and became an ordinary maid of the Shang Palace Bureau, and finally died of poisoning in order to repay her grace.

According to the plot, it can be speculated with great probability that this life-saving benefactor should be the male lead, otherwise the significance of this maidservant would be of little significance.

Su Cha: "..."

At that time, as the Empress Dowager, she directly managed Shang Palace Bureau.

I didn't expect it to happen now, but it started from the maid of Shang Palace Bureau.

It's really a big challenge.

Su Cha raised her eyebrows, took the time to read the plot several times, and carefully figured out the characters in the play.

Finally, I tried it, and found that if I acted, it should not be difficult, but only to be one with the role, I am afraid I can't do it.

After all, she didn't have the kind of weakness that the maidservant should have, nor did she understand the act of the maidservant's death for the man.

Tomorrow's audition, what will it be like, Su Cha was not sure for a while.

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