The Queen of Everything

Chapter 389: Let it go

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Whether acting is good or not is not exactly what Sucha said. She hadn’t been engaged in professional performance before. Although she reported to the acting department of Didu University, she hasn’t officially started school yet.

Everything went by his own efforts.

Although it is a small opportunity, Su Cha always knows that sometimes the opportunity needs to be grasped by yourself, even if it looks small and insufficient.

No matter how useful this opportunity is, if Sucha does it, he will try his best to show his best.

At night, the old lady came to Zhao Sucha for a meal.

Of course Su Cha is gone.

Once there, the old lady had ordered the kitchen to be ready.

Although she also lives with Bo Mu, their kitchens are different. After all, the two people have different tastes and invited different chefs.

"How is the recent game?"

The old lady cut the steak elegantly with a knife and fork, and rarely asked Su Cha about the game.

Su Cha replied with a smile: "Very good."

The old lady nodded, seemingly inadvertently mentioning: "Do you know about Zuo's affairs?"

Su tea: "Grandma also knows?"

The old lady said directly: "When I first saw you, I just thought you looked like the one at Zuo's, but I'm not so sure."

It is because they are so similar, so Su Cha and Mrs. Zuo's affairs were easily exposed.

Su Cha was clear and did not speak any opinions.

"So what do you think?"

The old lady's tone seemed to carry some temptations at random, and Su Cha understood it at once, and answered directly: "Grandma is more worried, I think even if it is true, it doesn't matter much."

"It's not that I worry too much."

The old lady felt full after eating two bites, and wiped the corner of her mouth with a tissue: "Mu Yi's attitude I can see, he probably didn't want you to return to the left home, but back to the left home to you It’s good."

She seems to be mentioning something: "The identity background of Zuo's family is a good blessing for you. Yes, it is better than nothing."

What has been said is obvious.

Su Cha won't think much. The old lady's meaning is very clear. Su Cha has the backing like Zuo's family. There are only advantages and no disadvantages.

She does not despise Su tea, but such favorable conditions are in front of her, Su tea does not need to reject it.

So the old lady's meaning Su tea soon understood.

If she thought about it, she actually had some thoughts at first. She just didn't want to go back to Zuo's house, but she never denied this relationship.

She did not deny the facts of existence, but she did not have to go back to Zuo's house.

The old lady is just letting her grasp the benefits she deserves.

She is the daughter of Zuo's family and is eligible to return to Zuo's family.

Thinking of this, Su tea smiled and said: "Grandma, these things are not easy to say, just let it happen."

"You can return to Zuo's house, but still live in Wangge."

The old lady's meaning is in place, but Su Cha shook her head: "I don't want to expose my affairs with Mu Yi for the time being."

The old lady said: "Why?"

Su Cha raises the corner of her lips, and the curvature is a little cold: "Because there are things."

She didn't say too clearly, and the old lady was not too talkative, and she didn't ask her again when she saw Su Cha.

After the two had a friendly meal, Su Cha returned to the bedroom.

She also remembered what the old lady said, but now, as she thinks, just let it go.

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