The Queen of Everything

Chapter 390: Come on funny?

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The next day, Su Cha went to the cast for the audition of "He Di".

In fact, according to the disclosed information, most of the actors in "He Di Zhuan" have already been finalized, and they are basically big names.

There are a few of them, which are absolutely old acting actors.

After the starring of both male and female actors are contemporary film emperors, the cast lineup is unprecedentedly strong.

An ordinary character needs so much effort, it can be said to be amazing.

If the news is released at that time, it will definitely cause shock to the entertainment industry.

The role she interviewed, the final audition was the deputy director whom Dai Xiaofu knew. He also had the right to choose in front of these small roles. It is important to know that the main roles are all selected by the director and the producer in consultation.

The audition was in a hall rented by the crew.

As soon as Su Cha arrived at the scene, she saw the scene when she participated in the sea election of "Dream in Progress".

People, it is all people.

Even if these people are not famous anymore, Sucha can recognize several familiar faces from them. Fortunately, they have played the role of soy sauce in several TV series or movies.

She raised her eyebrows in amazement. Didn't she say that she was just an interview for an ordinary character?

Dai Xiaofu called me at this time, and his voice was a little unexpected: "Su Cha, I told you, have you seen many people now? The original role was only an interview with the deputy director, but I just learned that recently Han Yongbing, the guide, has no time to integrate all the remaining audition roles of the show into today, so today’s audition guide will see you in person. Don’t be nervous, perform well. You can count on being familiar with him in front of him. Succeeded."

"Ah... oh."

Su Cha was not surprised when she heard the news, and she should know that things have changed when she sees such a scene.

It doesn't matter to Su Cha whether you audition for the assistant director or the director.

No matter how famous the other party’s coffee is, it’s just a person.

I am used to big scenes, but now this little scene can't really make Su tea make much waves.

However, when she walked in and started to receive the number plate for the audition, many people saw Su Cha a little stunned.

Although these people are almost in the circle or about to enter the circle, many people still recognize Su tea.

Even if it is not a circle, many people know that this is not a famous player who recently participated in "Dream in Progress"?

All of them have entered the top 20 in the country, and they are very popular in the program group. How come today?

However, what can be here besides auditioning?

Many people see Su Cha's subconscious sense of crisis. Su Cha is young and beautiful, which is simply the biggest capital, and she is also popular. Although she is in the singing circle, she came here to audition without knowing how.

What if the people inside knew her?

For a time, many people were a little bit tired of Su tea.

And some people really appreciate the temperament and appearance of Su Cha.

The condition of this girl is sincerely good. Entering the entertainment circle is definitely not buried. It is difficult to imagine that the other party can still sing.

In terms of fame, Sucha is now more famous than most people interviewed here.

"Sing, what can you do? Or a draft singer, come on funny?"

Some people did not believe that Su Cha would act, thinking that Su Cha came through the back door, and soon there was talk.

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