The Queen of Everything

Chapter 501: No one knows how to identify the embroidery

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Su Cha touched his forehead, and the waves were just flat.

The key is the number S, no one knows.

So this matter, she had to come forward to calm herself down.

Wanshan embroidered people don't deal with this matter, Su Cha estimates that his business is not easy to do. How can the price increase after the work comes out?

In Wanshan Embroidery's remarks, this kind of work, when the master embroidered it, should take it to the exhibition and auction, and this embroidering method cannot be used on inferior products such as white cotton.

White cotton can be regarded as ordinary medium cotton without mentioning it, and it is forbidden that other masters have no money to buy good cotton temporarily? !

Embroidering Tang thorn Su Cha had long thought that something might happen, but after all, some people have noticed themselves, and did not expect that the first issue instead of embroidering Tang thorn, the main thing is that they don’t believe that such a work will be Embroidered.

And her time is indeed too fast.

At that time, I was in a hurry, and basically finished the product in a week or two, but how do people now know that the needlework of embroidering Tang thorns is not only reflected in the work, but more importantly, speed?

Su Cha had embroidered along with it for decades in that era. The most powerful master of embroidering Tang thorns was her master. In other words, she not only showed the lost embroidered Tang thorns, even the contemporaries, her Embroidery is also the existence of beating others.

Even if it is a plug-in, Sucha is directly top-level.

No wonder others cannot accept it.

After thinking for a while, Wan Shanxiu could not be allowed to directly slander himself, and Su Cha responded first.

Sforward @万山绣人: The master is not allowed to buy cotton? Who told you that the master's work must be taken for auction. If you really think I'm fake, I send a work to the embroidery union to let them appraise it. How? The appraisal result came out, I don’t need you to apologize, just send me a video with three heads, I can afford it.

After Su Cha forwarded the message, she quit Weibo first.

Obviously it was going to blow up later, she just waited for the blogger's response.

Of course, she didn't just talk about casually. It's not the style of Sucha when she backed up when things happened. People looked for a face to beat her face.

So Su Cha opened her WeChat and found Huo Zhongwei.

This man who used to be an embroidery trade union said that his teacher would contact him without contacting him. Although Su Cha didn't care, she now wanted to ask if she could help by the way.

Tea also: in?

Huo Zhongwei: In...

Huo Zhongwei: I saw something on Weibo, is that S you?

Cha Yi: Well, I want to ask you a favor. In exchange, you can make a request. Your embroidery trade union should have a master who can appraise the work. I will send you a pair of works. The trade union needs to appraise it to me if it belongs to the embroidery Tang thorn work.

Huo Zhongwei: ...I will tell you something

Huo Zhongwei: We already know about embroidering Tang thorns. The reason why my teacher does not add you is because they believe that embroidering Tang thorns cannot exist and think you are lying.

Su tea gave a slight meal.

The corners of her lips slowly hooked up and she started typing.

Tea: Yes, I know

Huo Zhongwei: But I can help you with this matter. You can send your work to us, at least we can determine whether your work is embroidery

Tea: No, your words reminded me, no one in your trade union knows how to appraise the works of embroidering Tang thorns.

Huo Zhongwei: ...

Huo Zhongwei on the phone side suddenly had a burning feeling on his face.

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