The Queen of Everything

Chapter 502: Some common sense will always be broken

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Su Cha was not angry anymore. She saw Huo Zhongwei's words and understood that the other party was telling the truth.

Embroidering Tang thorns matter, no one dare to easily determine, and they do not necessarily know how to embroider Tang thorns.

Now that the works of embroidered Tang thorns are not dared to be recognized in front of them, can they still be assured of their identification?

However, this incident has aroused a tinge of anger for Su Cha. The trade union side is temporarily unable to solve the problem.

She checked on the Internet and quickly found the opportunity.

In China, there is an embroidery cultural center.

The main purpose of this cultural center is to inherit the embroidery culture, and all of them serve as masters of contemporary embroidery. Many of them will overlap with the masters of the embroidery union, but the embroidery cultural center has more gold content than the embroidery union.

It's just that the Embroidery Culture Center is only busy with national communication events. The international exchange of works is almost equivalent to the team of national officials.

It is the same as the cultural center of the entertainment circle, which manages the people below.

Bypassing the embroidery union and finding them is not difficult.

Fortunately, the headquarter of the Embroidery Culture Center is located in the Imperial City and it is easy to find.

It is not easy to find professional masters, but it is okay to go inside and find out the news. The Cultural Center does not refuse outsiders to visit, just have valid reasons.

With this in mind, Su Cha intends to work overtime in the past two days to produce a simple piece of work, the simplest, the cloud.

She only embroidered half, and the other half, she embroidered it on the spot, as long as she is a master, she can see it instantly.

By then, no proof is needed at all.

Now no one knows that she is S. Even if things happen online, it will not affect her now.

When Su Cha arrived at the acting department, near noon, she took a look on Weibo and found that she had received a repost from Wanshan Embroidery.

Wanshan embroidery people reposted @S: Joke, you are a joke with embroidery, how can you let me kowtow? Now that I have been exposed, I start to panic? If you can prove that your work is embroidered Tang thorn, I do not need this account!

No account number?

Barely sincere.

After all, such a big V account, his annual turnover may be tens of millions, and his annual income is millions of dollars. If you don’t need an account, the loss can be huge for him.

Of course, with his reposting, there was still a large wave of people who followed and insulted her. Su Cha ignored the news and returned directly to Wanshan Embroidery.

S forward @万山绣人: Koitou seems to have no idea, you don’t need an account anymore, you wait for me.

Because it is different from the star account, on this account that no one knows is his own, Su tea's tone of speech seems to be more casual, and it seems to have some **** impulse, which is completely different from her cold appearance.

People always have two sides.

However, of course, the bigger the trouble, the better. How about a big V alone?

Su Cha immediately switched to her recently hot trumpet, which is her own account, and secretly poked a repost on S's Weibo post.

She liked it a lot, and many fans saw it.

Things immediately became uncontrollable.

Ten minutes later, Tan Jinsui called Su Cha: "What do you like about the Weibo in the embroidery industry? That's not where you should intervene."

Su Cha replied casually: "The hand slip point is wrong, just click it, it's not a big deal."

Tan Jinsui stagnate: "That S Ming is fooling around, he doesn't understand you have to be a little common sense, do you know what embroidering Tang thorn is? A stitch that has been completely lost in the history of embroidery culture has become a centuries old Legend has it, do you really think he will? When you do this, others will laugh at you for not understanding common sense."

Su Cha said slowly: "Some common sense will always be broken."

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