The Queen of Everything

Chapter 513: Seven stitches

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"Of course Master Yunzu said what I said."

Su Cha’s smile is undiminished, her eyebrows are calm: "But I believe Master Yunzu also knows that even the stitches of the major embroidering methods can embroider such patterns, but you think their effect can really be compared. Embroidered Tang thorn? And, if you know it, you should know that embroidered Tang thorn is the best in the world, and the complexity of the stitching method creates the speed. Moreover, the most important process of embroidery is smooth, uniform, flat, even, Jie, the only one who can make these five procedures to the peak is only the embroidered Tang thorn."

Yunzu was shocked.

He looked closely at the Jinpa in his hand again, and from the pattern, it did give him a familiar feeling.

In his early years, he had studied the embroidered thorns for a period of time, but unfortunately he still could not understand the subtleties.

Now, a girl said that her work is embroidered Tang thorn?

Judging from the newness of embroidery, it is obvious that it was not long before embroidering.

Thinking of this, Master Yunzu directly said: "I want you to embroider a pattern on the spot."

This was as expected by Su Cha, so she directly took out the pattern that was being embroidered, "This is a half-cloud picture. I thought about it earlier to prove that the embroidering method is naturally not so simple. Half corresponds to half. Master Yunzu also has a measure in his heart."

She didn't bother to say that, there were always many needles inserted in the forest, and Yunzu was a little surprised by this posture alone.

Embroidery Tang thorn is indeed different, but if the needle thread is not well controlled, the more needles, the more difficult, especially... hurt your hands!

It hurts so much if I accidentally stab my hand.

The bald old man beside was also interesting to watch. Although he didn't speak for a long time, there was a faint smile on his face.

Su Cha brought a stool by herself and started her own embroidery.

Even such a simple pattern would take an hour. When Yunzu saw her fingers flying, her eyes were straight.

The embroidery method used by Su Cha, several needles work with each other, since it is not affected, and her balance is also well controlled, especially she also explained while embroidering: "The primary entry for embroidering Tang thorn is one needle, followed by three needles, five Needles, seven stitches, of which seven stitches are the most important, are the peak skills of embroidering Tang thorns.

Yunzu knows this point. After all, the embroidered Tang thorn is extinct, but some basic knowledge has been passed down. He counted the number of stitches in the Sucha embroidery figure, which is exactly seven stitches.

Yunzu hummed and blew himself in a different way.

But he also had to serve.

Seven stitches can be applied to the level of Su tea, he has never seen it.

Whether embroidering Tang thorn uses multi-needle as the main embroidering method, all major embroidery crafts believe that history has certain beautification elements, and embroidering Tang thorn is difficult, but multi-needle itself belongs to an incredible embroidery method. The limit of the imagination of the embroidered person, I did not expect that there were really seven stitches.

Master Yunzu looks closely. The size of her needles is also different. This is indeed a very important point in embroidery. If something is wrong, it will affect the overall degree of ornamentation.

Master Yunzu was a little shocked when she embroidered it, but she couldn't believe it. What she used was really the legendary embroidered Tang thorn?

But all factions, the seven-needle embroidery method, is unheard of.

Unconsciously, when Su Cha was embroidering, Master Yunzu couldn't help moving his fingers, he was simulating stitching.

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