The Queen of Everything

Chapter 514: Imitation

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The bald old man looked at it meaningfully, Master Yunzu raised his face again, put his hands behind his back, and looked carefully.

"All right."

When Su Cha said a good word, the pattern in her hand was already formed.

Two white clouds leaped on the silk cloth, although the pattern was simple, but it showed a rare and smart atmosphere.

Unlike the deadness of ordinary knitwear, it only makes people feel beautiful.

Moreover, it is difficult to finish the seven stitches. Master Yunzu saw that her finishing method was interlaced with needles and threads, pressed in with stitches, and was perfectly fused into the pattern. The end of the needles could not be seen at all.

Yunzu rarely sees such a unique finishing touch.

Taking out the newly embroidered work and comparing it with the Jinpa in his hand, Master Yunzu can be sure that the two embroidery drawings are the same embroidering method.


He looked a little hesitant, and finally toward the Su tea ceremony: "You come with me."

Of course Su Cha got up and followed him.

They walked towards the inner room, and the old man like a monk followed slowly.

When Su Cha saw him walking, his hands would always be placed on his chest. It was so obvious that Su Cha was interested: "Master Abbot?"

The bald old man smiled: "Dare not to be, the poor monk Shaolin Temple gatekeeper."

Yun Zu turned his head and said fiercely: "Don't listen to him bragging, the gatekeeper can't reach, just sweep the floor."

Su Cha: "..."

Shaolin Temple.

If she remembers correctly, there are also Shaolins in all major schools.

I don’t know if it’s an ordinary monk in the temple, or...

She bowed her head without trace, and saw his footsteps slightly, with a slight hook in the corner of her mouth.


In modern society, many monks are fake, but the real ones are rather low-key.

But what Su Cha didn’t expect was that this Yunzu was not quite like an immortal master of embroidery. Embroidery needs to be calm and serene. I can’t really feel Yunzu’s appearance, but this is the representative of Yunxiu, Su Cha I think maybe this is genius.

Yunzu took them into the inner room. The inside was different from the outside, with a kind of antique smell. Yunzu walked over and took a box from the safe beside a table.

The box was taken out again by Jin Zhenzhi, and he opened it, which was actually a side embroidered parquet.

And at the moment of seeing the embroidered cloth, Su Cha's eyes narrowed: "Tianyun Silk?"

Yunzu glanced at her admiringly: "Identify the goods!"

Recognizing the material of the Tianyun silk at a glance, it really is a little doorway.

See you every day before Su Cha, can you know?

This silk material can be said to have been top-level in the palace before. When the emperor was buried, he wore clothes woven from the silk of Tianyun. One can imagine how precious it is.

Although Master Yunzu is a Jinpa here, it is not a small one.

Especially the pattern above, Su Cha can see at a glance, it is made with embroidered Tang thorns, the pool red-crowned crane.

The difficulty is not small.

Master Yunzu carefully held the Fang Jinpa, did not say to touch Su Cha, but just shook it carefully, for a moment as if the red-crowned crane had come alive.

He let Su Cha see the pattern clearly and said directly: "This is one of the most famous embroidered Tang thorns in history, the red-crowned crane figure, I didn’t get it with great efforts to get him, you can see it, It is famous not because of this picture, but because it is embroidered on the silkworm silk. This skill is really what I worship. How long will it take you to embroider this red-crowned crane?"

Su Cha weighed it: "It's exactly the same for two days."

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