The Queen of Everything

Chapter 515: The more expensive, the better!

Biquge, the fastest update of the hidden marriage day, tyrant addictive! latest chapter!

"You embroider this red-crowned crane, and I believe in you. Of course, it is impossible for the material to find Tianyun silk for you, but I have a section of sand silk next to Tianyun silk, you take it."

Su Cha frowned slightly, and absolutely Yunzu was superfluous.

It is a superfluous act to make her imitate the works of her predecessors only by the needle method.

The old monk suddenly chuckled: "When you used the seven stitches, he had already believed. The old guy had been greedy for this red-crowned crane figure for a long time. This is for you to embroider."

I'm going to seek out the jumping feet of Master Yunzu in sand silk: "Dog thief, what do you know! I just let her prove it!"

Su Cha already understood.

She smiled, "Since you can confirm that if you really need this red-crowned crane figure, I can embroider more at any time to send you, just recently I have to go to school, and the situation is urgent, there is really not much time, in fact, the master can also Learn this stitch, don't you?"

She said directly, Master Yunzu’s old face seemed to be a little red, and after a while I was embarrassed, saying: "What else do I learn, I am so old, this stitching method is no longer suitable for me to learn, registered under the door of the Cultural Center There are many embroidered people. This stitching method can be promoted, but it is more difficult. I don’t think there are many people who can learn and can contact the people of the embroidery union first."

He is a top-level master, how can it not be seen that the seven-pin acupuncture method used by Sucha is already against the sky.

The legends of embroidering Tang thorns have become true in Su Cha's hands, and no matter how many tangles, they are meaningless.


He looked at Su Cha with some thought: "The embroidered Tang thorn has indeed disappeared for hundreds of years. We have been searching for a long time, and we are sure that no one still knows the needlework of the embroidered Tang thorn. How did you learn from it? "

"Hua Guo is so big after all."

Su Cha smiled, "What's so strange about the missing areas, but I was entrusted by the master to tell this secret. But you can also rest assured that if this needle method is confirmed, I will spread it, after all, it is It is also good that the lost skills can benefit embroidery."

Su Cha said this, of course, it was difficult to ask her. Master Yunzu nodded and suddenly asked, "What did you say is urgent?"

Su Cha explained the things on the Internet. Master Yunzu listened to the whole process and suddenly yelled: "It's really embarrassing to write an article with embroidery. Also, if you have this skill, if I were you, sell it for 100,000. 80,000 yuan is not an exaggeration. You only sell a few thousand yuan. Who are you going to be mad at? You! Wu Kailan's thing is that he doesn't study his skills all day long to go and mess about things."

Su Cha was dumbfounded.

The so-called Yunxiu first person is simply too much to break other people's imagination.

It seems that this Master Yunzu is still somewhat familiar with the Internet, and the word forced is not like what the old man said...

The old monk said: "Look, before, you said that your hard work is priceless, when can you measure it with money?"

"Before I was young and ignorant."

Master Yunzu rolled his eyes: "What do you guys know, only those who sell high-priced works will be cherished by those gangs, do you really think everyone knows how valuable embroidery is? In their eyes, the more expensive , The better!"

"..." This is true.

Many rich people do not understand this at all, just take one and buy it to force it!

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