The Queen of Everything

Chapter 801: Ridicule

Biquge, the fastest update of the hidden marriage day, tyrant addictive! latest chapter!

The affairs of the chief designer of Heberia really caused an uproar on the extranet, and the domestic media was even more incredible. The next day Su tea appeared on Chanel's second big show, which once again attracted strong attention.

Although her dress today is slightly inferior to yesterday, most people can't see this inferiority. Now the foreign media already has a kind of filter concept for her. As long as this person is here, her temperament is unstoppable, then she This is the amazing goddess.

Yunis did not appear in today's show, Su Cha met Beth who met yesterday.

She really is a big open model, and she probably knew Beth's identity last night, which is indeed similar to what Yunis said.

But it is not as strong as the visual observation on the spot today, this Beth...Taibu is really spicy eyes.

This is Chanel. It is difficult for Su Cha to imagine that someone has turned the show into a shopping mall.

She saw the words of many famous fashion masters below hard to say. Obviously they were not very satisfied with this Beth.

However, nowadays, popular celebrities in fashion circles are prevalent, and brands need their influence to produce more sales, which is a win-win situation for both parties, but for ordinary people, this is to reduce the brand's compulsion and influence.

The key is this Beth, even if the step is not good, I still don't want to work hard to worthy of her chance.

Almost every show on her is the position that those old models didn't dare to think about. Even so, she is still more famous than many world-class supermodels, and her spicy eyes are still complacent.

Su Cha feels that this Beth has lowered the overall level of Chanel today compared to yesterday.

After watching the show, yesterday's media caught her again. She simply accepted the interview and answered a few questions, even including the media asking her what he said to the chief designer of Hebria that she was a muse. In view, Su Cha responded with honour and no other words.

Having said that, he didn't contact Su Cha himself. Su Cha wouldn't be affectionate, and she didn't need any proof. It was an honor and a normal response.

Three days and three big shows, Su Cha was specially invited as a Chanel and was completely lonely.

Her collection of interviews has also been placed in the country, and everyone also expressed great admiration for her fluency in English. Chinese people always have a honey-loving love for people with good English, so this tea took another wave after Su tea powder.

After the chief designer of Hebria said that Sucha was the goddess of muse, there was no other reaction. Everyone thought he was polite to talk about it. Now that the big show is over, as soon as Sucha’s interview came out, everyone found a mockery.

[Going to a big show, I don’t understand anything, it’s quite shameful, I can’t even tell the basic color style...]

[God TM does not understand, is this answer not decent enough? For the first time, they were on the big show, fluent in English, and interviewed reporters in a big way. They admit that they are not professional and do not make evaluations, but they like their personal style very much. This is already a classic answer. What should I do? 】

[I don’t know what Sucha does, I think how well these little fairies understand, are they all super ladies who have come from thousands of different luxury styles every season? Other stars don’t understand so much and can’t be appreciated by the chief designer of Hebria.]

[I don’t understand, I don’t understand, huh, people say something, the fans are very excited]

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