The Queen of Everything

Chapter 802: past

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These netizens can always find direction from the direction of all kinds of strange things.

Su Cha's unexpected harvest is Yunis, but it is useless, it is equivalent to making a friend.

However, Tan Jinsui also admired Su Cha when he knew about it.

And on the third day, Su Cha finally met another artist with Tan Jinsui, the legendary super queen Zou Manni.

As a well-known star in China, Zou Manni's fame goes without saying. Su Cha must have seen it, but it was the first time he saw a real person.

She has extraordinary temperament and can see that she has started to age gradually, but the maintenance is very good, not so much to see, just through the temperament deposited through the years.

She is also an invincible beauty, and her ability to spread all over China is also due to her closeness to the people, and her nationality is almost invincible.

She was also very surprised when she saw Sucha for the first time. "Your photo is amazing to me. Sure enough, Brother Tan's vision is not ordinary. He said you are right, and you are right."

Su Cha smiled: "Sister Manny yelled."

"Is it true? Is it unclear to see these foreign media evaluations?"

Zou Manni smiled to give people the warmth of a spring breeze. She was originally kind-hearted. At that time, she also had her own special qualities. Now that she has quieted down, this gentleness has become more obvious.

Tan Jinsui originally wanted Zou Manni to prepare for a day, but she still had something to do and left after attending the big show.

Tan Jinsui did not leave with him this time.

After she left, Su Cha also asked Tan Jinsui: "Sister Manny has no plans to come back now?"

Tan Jinsui smiled and said: "She's tired too, it's also a good life, she reached her peak at a very young age, and other stars don't want to be willing to imagine her being so free and easy. If Manni didn't come back, I wouldn't think Come back to take you."

He looked at Su Cha's calm eyes and remembered the photo of her sweeping the media in the past two days, "I really haven't misunderstood people, you are like your father, excellent and perfect."

Su Cha deliberately teased him: "Uncle Tan, why do you always say that I am like my father, my father did not participate in the entertainment circle."

Tan Jinsui coughed: "I am a metaphor, your father back then..."

It was originally a tea joke from Su Cha, but when I thought about it, the smiles of the two of them had converged.

After all, it was also a sensitive and heavy topic, which made people unwilling to mention and explore.

At the end of the conversation, Tan Jinsui asked Fu Mo to book the plane ticket for his return home, and a few took the flight back home.


When Su Cha came home, Zuo Zhici also saw Su Cha's report on Fashion Week here.

Ruan Yin was cutting apples next to her, and Zuo Zhici watched the video of Su Cha's interview. Some surprises were handed to Ruan Yin: "Mom, look, sister, she is fluent in English. It was a blockbuster, but it was a pity that I couldn't go if I had something. If I could see it on the spot, it would be nice.

Ruan Yin looked at the video, and his ephemeral figure was a little enchanted.

Su Cha looks like her very much, and it is because of this beauty that she will be involved with Zuo Shaoxin.

But Ruan Yin felt that his extraordinary temperament did not come from himself, nor from Zuo Shaoxin.

And their daughters, who were originally separated from them, do not need their family background to decorate, and they can perfectly become the focus of everyone's attention.

The corners of her eyes were a little wet, as if remembering something past.

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