The Queen of Everything

Chapter 823: grateful

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Su Cha went to see Le Anqi when she came out of Zong's family.

She is in a special situation now and it is impossible for her to stay in Fumena all the time. Bai Kun found another house for her.

Su Cha only knew that she had been living with Dily. Other than that, there was nothing serious except taking drugs. As long as the drug was quit, everything was fine.

The house was so messed up that Su Cha planned to find another place to stay after Le Anqi finished her drug treatment.

As for the school side, I temporarily took some time off.

Su Cha made Bai Kun fake the phone number of Le Anqi's parents, saying that it was a matter of urgency at home, and let An Qi go home for a month, and then he would come back.

In fact, the school teachers almost knew Le Anqi's things. I still had some regrets. When I saw her on leave this time, I agreed without saying much.

There are all kinds of people in Diyi, the surface is bright and beautiful, and there are many similar people in private.

There are not many like Le Anqi.

When she saw Le Anqi, she was in a newly rented house. Bai Kun moved quickly. Of course he could not supervise the whole process, but he was also very quick to find someone to do things.

When Su Cha came here, the furniture was complete, and Fu Mo was here.

"Don't you go back?"

Su Cha was a little surprised to hear that Fu Mo said he planned to live here too.

"I can take care of her by the way."

Fu Mo looked at Le Anqi who woke up and was eating quietly today. She is now in a much better spirit, and besides being too thin, she can't see any other problems.

Su Cha paused, and did not force her: "Then whatever you want, just do whatever you want."

Fu Mo nodded, Le Anqi over there eating, and after silence, he wiped the corners of his eyes: "Thank you, Su tea."

"What are you thanking me for? I'm looking at you now and fighting for myself."

Su Cha sat next to her: "We are friends, I can do what I can, but I am only your friend, I can care about your help, but life is yours, you want Distinguish yourself."

She didn't mean much to blame, but just spoke lightly, as if this matter had passed.

Le Anqi tears came out again: "Actually, I also know that I just liked him so much..."

She was another person, lonely, the group of people had been prepared, and aimed at her early in the morning, she was hooked, and many of the things that happened later were she asked for.

She is really stupid.

Su Cha was the same with Zhai Yao at the beginning, so she understood Le Anqi and didn't say too much. Who could not live as long as life started again?

Le Anqi's trip, just like her, took a lesson.

It's just that she can do it again, but Le Anqi can't do it again. As a friend, Su Cha can help her clean up the past.

"I am relieved to have Fu Mo taking care of you. Fu Mo is my assistant and will go out with me for various activities. You can ask her anything. If you really need help, even if I speak like that, I am willing to help you. I can also figure out what to help you and what not to help. If you have any questions in the future, I will at least give you some opinions."

Le Anqi nodded. She had no psychological burden about cohabiting with Dily. After all, her thoughts were not so pedantic, and she admitted that she liked it.

Just taking drugs, she did not dare to expose her parents to know that Su Cha can help her now, she is very grateful.

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