The Queen of Everything

Chapter 824: All cleared

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Le Anqi is a person who can distinguish between good and bad, but he is fascinated by his eyes for a long time.

She knew that Su Cha was really good for her, and now she wanted to get rid of her drugs and live alive again.

In fact, she also has a tortoise shell. She was fortunate to hear that Su Cha could help them deal with these things and never expose them.

It is also because of this that she can quickly put down her burden. If her drug-taking handle is pinched at any time, I am afraid that she will live in fear all her life.

Last night, Su Cha’s assistant told her a lot, so she could figure it out.

She has already decided that she will start the live broadcast after detoxification, be a positive person, and study hard. The first thing is to return Su Cha’s money first.

"Now I will tell you something."

Not only does it make sense now, Su Cha also forces her to face what she should face.

She knocked on the table and asked Le Anqi: "How do you solve Dily?"

Hearing Dily's name, Le Anqi bit her lip, she still likes Dily, and she is somewhat reluctant to face it, but she couldn't forgive her for thinking about what Dily did last night.

Even forgiveness, she intuitively didn't have to make this friend Su Cha...

"He owes me a lot of money."

Le Angelton stunned God and thought about everything carefully: "I used to like his retribution, so I won't say it. He owes me a lot of money. I need him to pay it back."

Just because Dily took drugs, she borrowed hundreds of thousands of dollars from her.

For ordinary people, it is not a small number.

Su Cha nodded and Fu Mo secretly wrote down on the side. After waiting for a while, Le Anqi didn't know what to say, just looked at Su Cha and asked her carefully: "The rest, I really don't know what to do, Would you like to... fight him?"

She stuttered, hitting people like this, bluffing people before, but she really didn't do anything about Yaowu Yangwei, or she would see Su Cha dare to go to Yang Nuan Ru when she was at school I wouldn't be so surprised, and I was bluffed by Su Cha.

"No need to."

Su Cha already had a decision, "I know how to do it."

She glanced at Fu Mo, who instantly knew what to do.

She took out her notebook and quickly logged in to the website: "Ah... how much money does he owe you, a hundred thousand, right? The bank card in his name... hey, there are hundreds of thousands more, actually spend your money ?"

Le Anqi didn't expect that Fu Mo could find Dily's bank card with just one check, and was immediately shocked: "Is this true? Isn't he cheating me all the time that he has no money?"

Su Cha sneered: "Can he deceive you, can't he deceive others?"

Le Anqi's face was a bit ugly when she heard what she thought.

"Just move 200,000 to you, and the rest should be his retribution."

She quickly knocked on the keyboard and blinked at Su Cha: "Student Su, dealt with it well. Two hundred thousand was transferred to An Qi. The way is absolutely just, and you won't find Dily's money. In addition, I gave the video and other materials about the drug use of Dily and the group to the uncle of the police."

Are drug crimes?

Of course it is a crime.

Actively come to the door, the nature is not the same.

Upon hearing the police uncle, Le Anqi jumped forehead: "Then I..."

Fu Mo waved his hand: "You can rest assured that without your business, there will be absolutely no burden. I have cleaned all your information."

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