The Queen of Everything

Chapter 831: Not willing to be the first

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Arriving at the Zong family, Su Cha met an unexpected person.

She saw Zuo Zhici also in Zongjia.

Frowning and asking, "What are you doing here?"

Zuo Zhi's mouth was aside, and he was still smiling. Now when he hears Su tea, he asks in a small voice like a gas bag: "Just come and ask."

After saying this, she seemed to realize that she was a little counseled. She raised her head and replied: "I also saw your results. Come here today to help you celebrate."

Su Cha glanced at her: "Then what number did you take?"

She knows that Zuo Zhi is also in the first grade.

Zuo Zhi's words were wronged: "I'm fifth! I'm right behind you. Did you not notice me?"

Fifth, it's quite a remarkable result.

Su Cha smirked: "It's not easy to notice in the three positions behind me."

Zuo Zhi's words are about to jump.

Now that there was no one around, she saw Su Cha walking towards the back garden, and it was estimated that she was looking for Zong Yanxiu, and she followed.

There was no one in the back garden. Su Cha felt that Zuo Zhici followed up and turned to look at Zuo Zhici: "What do you want to say?"

When you meet, you just want to stop talking, obviously you have something to say.

Zuo Zhici thought for a moment, and his expression was a little sad: "Sister, can you go and see Mom? Mom has not been in good health these days, and she has been hospitalized all the time..."

The lower she said, the lower she knew, Su tea was not going, and her will began to sink.

Ruan Yin has been in poor health since the last hospitalization, and his body gradually collapsed.

Zuo Zhici didn't know the truth, thinking that he was angry with Ruan Yin by asking this question, and I regret it now.

Zuo Shaoxin invited various doctors at home and abroad to check Ruan Yin's body. The doctors uniformly said that Ruan Yin was not sick. She was only a psychological reason, but she could not stop her body's decline every day.

Su Cha heard about this, but she didn't care much.

Outsiders said that Zuo Shaoxin and Mrs. Zuo, who loved and loved in the past, did not know why such a thing happened. Maybe it was God’s unsatisfactory love.

Mrs. Zuo does not seem to have a big problem, but once it gets serious, no one can say for sure.

They obviously don't know the truth.

Zuo Zhici thought that if Su Cha could take a look at Ruan Yin, maybe things would be much better.

"I won't go."

Although this answer was within the expectation of Zuo Zhi, she was still a little sad, and her voice began to lower: "Sister, I know that my parents were sorry for you before, but you think it's your mother's sake anyway, just Go and see her? Is it enough to meet? I think she will be happier."

Su Cha never thought he was a good person now.

Just looking at the appearance of Zuo Zhi's words, her heart inevitably shuddered, I wonder if she moved her heart.

But it was only a short moment, and soon, Su Cha still turned his head away: "I won't go, you can go back and persuade her more, the past things have passed, I want to open some points, so many years have not Me, haven't you still survived?"

So by this time, what else do you do?

She won't be half touched either.

She knew she was more resentful to Ruan Yin, and hated Zuo Shaoxin.

But no matter whether it is resentment or hatred, Su Cha is unwilling to have any connection with Zuo's family.

Just as Zong Yanxiu thought, she hated not so many years of abandonment, but was reluctant to be miserable to die in her first life.

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