The Queen of Everything

Chapter 832: of course not

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If the first life did not happen, perhaps now such a situation, Su Cha may be able to look at it.

Seeing Su Cha's perseverance, Zuo Zhici knew that it would be useless to say more, and he stopped talking.

After looking for it, Su Cha saw that Zong Yanxiu and Tan Jinsui were staying together to talk about something, and then stepped forward and cried, "Dad."

Zong Yanxiu turned back and saw Su Cha's unusually gentle smile, "Come here?"

Tan Jinsui saw her and congratulated with a smile: "Congratulations, the second grade of the year."

He agrees with Su Cha's excellence.

Su Cha waved her hand: "I'm sorry I didn't get the first grade of the year."

In fact, she was joking, she knew she had done more than most people.

Zong Yanxiu busy said: "The second is very good, you are still busy with so many things about TV shows and endorsements, who doesn't admire you?"

In his tone, he was also full of pride in his daughter. Seeing such a feast, Su Cha's heart flashed with warmth.

Although there is no blood relationship, there is no better father than Zong Yanxiu.

Zong Yanxiu went in and told the kitchen to add more vegetables, because Zuo Zhici also came.

As soon as he left, Tan Jinsui told Su Cha one thing: "Is this man your ex-boyfriend?"

He took out his phone and turned over a report to Su Cha.

"He entered a brokerage company not long ago and is preparing to make a single debut. There are special producers to help him prepare everything. I heard that there are several resources for him. This is not like the treatment of newcomers. He is behind Someone's. Someone mentioned it, and I came to ask you."

Su Cha saw the picture given by Tan Jinsui, his eyes narrowed instantly: "It is indeed my ex boyfriend."

The person in the photo is indeed Zhai Yao.

He appeared in a brokerage company, and was followed by a girl. Su Cha, wearing a mask, could also see that it was Sang Shishi.

The two were almost scared by her when they were in Yonggu City. At first, she wanted to use Zhai Yao to hook up, and now it seems unnecessary.

Of course, Qiu of her last life remembers that when she saw Zhai Yao suddenly appearing here, she was still ready to debut with a newcomer's posture, and her mouth twitched a dangerous smile.

When Zhai Yao came to the capital, Lianchi couldn't help but know that it might have been taught by Lianchi.

"So what is your ex-boyfriend now?"

Tan Jinsui frowned: "I don't want anyone to step on your position, especially if he says anything casually, we will all face harassment from the media in the future."

"No, he dare not."

As long as Zhai Yao dares to disclose the news and step on her own position, she will never let Zhai Yao feel better.

However, Zhai Yao had no reason why she would come to the entertainment industry. This matter is obviously not simple. She plans to let someone investigate first.

Even better is to ask Lianchi what the neuropathy wants to do, but he has no phone, and it is impossible to call Lianchi.

She told Tan Jinsui directly: "It shouldn't be that simple. You can help me look at him. I have something to do with the machine."

Tan Jinsui nodded: "I will also let the company pay attention to his movements at any time, but between you and your ex-boyfriend, there are no disputes or events that are more difficult to clarify, right?"

When he came back, he only knew that Su Cha was Bo Muyi's girlfriend, and he didn't know about Su Cha's ex-boyfriend.

Su Cha looked up, with a deep smile in his eyes: "Of course not."

Even if there is, there will be none.

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