The Queen of Everything

Chapter 833: If you look handsome, you just make trouble

Biquge, the fastest update of the hidden marriage day, tyrant addictive! latest chapter!

At night, Bo Mu also came.

He doesn't look in a good mood.

When I saw Su Cha, I stared at her for a long time. Su Cha was uncomfortable to see him. He quickly guessed whether he knew that Zhai Yao had also come to the Imperial Capital.

After all, Bai Kun didn't justify not telling him...

After dinner in the evening, Bo Mu also didn't speak much on the way home. Occasionally Su Cha said a few words, and he should say something.

Play with the same temper.

Su Cha frowned and soon got angry, "You know what happened to my ex-boyfriend coming to the capital?"

She deliberately didn't say Zhai Yao, even her ex boyfriend, but as long as she brought the word boyfriend, she could blow up the person in front of her.

Sure enough, Bo Mu also looked at him violently, with a tense emotion all over his body, and a gloomy breath suddenly radiated out, looking at Su Cha, one by one, "You know why not tell me?"

"So, are you suspicious of me now? I just knew it well!"

Su Cha didn't realize that Zhai Yao had come to the capital today. She had to tell Bo Mu that she knew it. Is it possible that Bo Mu thought she didn't tell him?

Bo Mu didn't speak either, his face sullen and his eyes lowered, and he didn't know what he was thinking. This look looked like he was wronged. He really felt his momentum and felt a little scary.

Outside, there was a plaza outside, and Su Cha couldn't help but patted the door: "Stop, I get off here."

Who doesn't get angry, does it?

The driver is generally obedient, and now he hears Su Cha's command and subconsciously brakes the car.

Bo Mu also immediately looked at Su Cha, probably realizing that Su Cha was angry, and wanted to apologize and say nothing. His red eyes looked at Su Cha, as pitiful as a young animal.

Su Cha stubbornly endured her heart to express her anger, she also snorted deliberately, opened the door and got off.

Outside is a play square, the children run around, the music of the square dance is loud.

This environment is obviously standard for the whole family.

The moment Su Cha got off the bus, Bo Mu also shouted, "Su Cha!"

He didn't call Chacha, his tone was not too fierce, but it was a bit cold, indicating that he was angry.

Su Cha looked back at him, turned his head and went on for two more steps.

Bo Mu also clenched his fists: "Su Cha, I'm angry!"

The driver glanced in the rearview mirror, betting on who wins this wave.

Eighty percent of the young master had to pay off the land.

The music in the distance is too loud, and if it is not Sucha's ears, it is almost inaudible.

Su Cha turned around and looked at Bo Muyi, who was very incredible: "I'll serve you as a person. It's clearly something you provoke. Do you still say you are angry? Do I get angry when you are angry?" "

The posture was too quarrelsome. Several skating children around came around as if watching the bustle. When they saw the man in the car, even a child, they could not stop wow.

Big brother looks like a star!

No, it looks better than the stars!

There was also a little girl who couldn't help but whisper toward Su Cha's milk voice: "Big sister, big sister, big brother is so handsome, why are you arguing with him?"

In that way, it looks like he looks handsome and has privileges.

Su Cha squatted down and poked the little girl's fat face: "Because the elder brother makes trouble for no reason, he must be taught."

The little girl blinked her eyes, and after a while spit out a sentence: "You woman..."

Su Cha: "..."

Is it legal to be handsome and unreasonable?

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