The Queen of Everything

Chapter 835: Zhai Yao as a demon

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This matter has also quarreled with Bo Mu, and it must be clarified.

Furthermore, Su Cha said at the beginning that he had an ex-boyfriend, and it would not be a secret if the media asked him to dig a bit in Yonggu City.

And there are definitely media outlets who have grasped the news, just look at when it broke out.

Of course, before the news broke out, with Tan Jinsui's contacts in the media, many people would have to ask his opinion.

Tan Jinsui's contacts for so many years, some news can be suppressed even if it is the black tea of ​​Su tea without his consent, not to mention this is just a matter of convenience.

Coupled with Su Cha and Qin Bei Jin Jiayu, there is really no media that does not have long eyes and dare to burst the black material belonging to Su Cha without consent.

Unless you really want to be crazy about money.

Su Cha quickly got the information, and Zhai Yao did come to the Imperial Capital some time ago.

But he didn't seem to do anything to enter the entertainment industry in advance.

It's just that when it came, everything seemed to be suddenly arranged.

Someone and Zhai Yao became friends and drank a little bit of material. He seemed to be held up by someone to enter the entertainment industry.

Who is this person, Su Cha already has doubts.

Bacheng is Lianchi.

Su Cha was still skeptical about Lianchi's last time. At this time, she increasingly doubted what Lianchi wanted to do, so she carefully agreed with Tan Yelu on some future plans for Xingmeng.

It is not always a good thing to kill the League, and Greia refuses to act, so Su Cha simply forces her to act.

Tan Yeluo holds some information about the officials behind the killing alliance, and by now, these officials must first be killed to ensure that the killing alliance's career in the imperial capital is disintegrated step by step.

Killing the alliance also meets their definition. Anyway, most industries are grayed out, and some are even directly black.

As long as the protection net is broken, it is easy to kill the alliance.

"I do have information on hand, but it will take some time to concretely crush them. It is now the time when the major forces are in the chapel. Once the war starts, our forces will also be affected. Leader, are you sure?"

Tan Yeluo asked this, and it was a bit meaningful, and there was nothing to be afraid of. It seemed that he was letting Su Cha make a decision.


Su Cha sighed: "It's almost ready, you can do it. I'm not as good as you. You are solely responsible for other matters in private. Even if it is a war, I will be responsible. Don't worry."

"it is good."

Tan Yeluo agreed to this matter, and began to order it in full.

Naturally, this matter still has to cooperate with Wumeng. Over there, Mo Weiyuan had already been almost in the same heart as Xingmeng, and naturally agreed quickly.

The three alliances have fought for decades, and there will always be an end.

Modern society is not suitable for large-scale wars. The first step is, of course, to start with the forces behind you and dismount the opponent's horses before you can start working on other things.

Of course, this plan is not suitable for being too public. After all, no one knows how many spies there are between the two alliances, and even the alliance group is not necessarily safe.

Both Wumeng and Xingmeng can have spies in killing the alliance. What secrets are there on the surface?

Just as Su Cha was staring at Lian Chi's movements while they were busy with their own affairs, Zhai Yao was still a demon.

He officially announced his debut as a sudden newcomer.

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