The Queen of Everything

Chapter 836: Someone mad

Biquge, the fastest update of the hidden marriage day, tyrant addictive! latest chapter!

It’s okay if it’s just his debut, but because of his debut, some people are paying attention, and soon someone picks it out. Zhai Yao is Su Cha’s ex-boyfriend.

It has been said for a long time that Zhai Yaopi is pretty good, otherwise it will not be so easy to start debuting.

He was a singing newcomer, did not participate in any talent show, directly began to show his face in variety shows, and began to participate in activities.

Suddenly he debuted, and he was still a newcomer. It is reasonable to say that he was not very popular, but because he was **** with Su Cha's ex-boyfriend, he soon appeared in the public's field of vision.

Huayu Grand Event V: Today's latest gossip, a new debut small fresh meat Zhai Yao, is actually the mysterious first boyfriend of Su Cha's first love, what value do you give? 【Image] [image】

-Hit Nima? When you debut, what do you bring Sucha's name for? Will you die without Su Cha’s ex-boyfriend? Make the hype clear and disgusting!

——Some people are inexplicably excited. Is this man Su Cha’s ex-boyfriend? Yes! Your master Su Cha personally admits, others just show it out, what's wrong, can't it?

——In fact, it looks okay, so it looks like the handsome guys and beauties are all playing together, but now he is tied to Su Cha’s ex-boyfriend, and Emmmm is also very delicate.

——Why did you make a sudden debut? Does it mean the resurgence with Sucha?

——I don’t know what Su Cha would think when she saw it? First love is always unforgettable, Su Cha also admits that there is still some unforgettable past, it depends on whether they have a play

——God TM compounded, how long have they broken up, now seeing the woman red and trying to take advantage of it, still thinking about compounding, nausea/vomiting!


Zhai Yao’s outgoing, the entire network is well-known, at least in a short time on the hot search.

One of the programs he participated in was directly picked out by people, and he was judged to be incapable of saying a word. Singing was not very good, and it felt like fake singing.

Except for being a little more beautiful, how did such a person debut?

Fans of Su Cha are even more unacceptable to his popularity in the name of tying Su Cha.

But this wave of black powder is very happy. The more unwilling Sucha is, the more willing they are to frustrate things, such as the compounding of Sucha fans who are very disgusted.

[Actually, this new man named Zhai Yao matches Su Cha quite well? At least there is no problem in the face value]

[Tea refuted fast enough, Su tea didn’t refute, what are you worried about? 】

[In case maybe, maybe this time Sucha would like to regain old feelings...? 】


Many media saw such big gossip news, of course, they wanted to interview Su Cha immediately, but Tan Jinsuiquan gave her a sentence to block it back: "This is a fact, we do not refute, but now Su Cha is devoted to his career, and The past is long over, and some things don’t want to talk casually, this is a little girl’s reputation, right?”

This is also a bit of a threat. Zhai Yao is Su Cha’s ex-boyfriend. They admit it, but more, I hope that there is a little bit of rumors in the marketing number, otherwise they will sue.

As soon as this warning went out, the reports of the media reporters were normal and no other information was disclosed, but they could not stop the netizens and the Heizi Shuijun from making waves.

As long as they do not clarify, they will always think that the two men have the possibility of resurgence.

The more the people say, the more angry one is in one's heart.

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