The Queen of Everything

Chapter 856: Shock

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Even though the channels responsible for the reporters are different, gossip is human nature, and soon someone will post this interview on the Internet, officially detonating the Internet.

[Shocked, Su Cha was originally the gold of Zongshi Group! 】

[Zong Bingyi, chairman of the Zong Group, personally admits that Su Cha is his granddaughter]

[It turns out that everything is a joke, Zong Bingyi broke all the rumors in the circle in one sentence]


The netizens were all shocked. Everyone ridiculed Su Cha and ridiculed before, and they didn't believe it at all.

As a result, Su Cha is really Zong Bingyi's granddaughter?


Thousands of Zong's Group!

Not to mention, the co-actors Shao Tianwen and Mu Jiao met with Su Cha were shocked.

After a while, they didn't all think that Su Cha and Dimu Group had a great relationship, but now they came up with Zong's group. What's the situation?

What about the relationship between Yeluo and Sucha?

"It doesn't matter what!"

Tan Jinsui continued to follow the phone calls from reporters. Everyone wanted to know the truth of this matter. They also wanted to give Su Cha an exclusive interview to probe her into the entertainment circle. Until now, Zong’s group Qianjin’s identity was concealed. How is it so tight?

Others went to ask the employees of the Zongshi Group. They also said that they were confused. At least during this time, they had never heard of the chairman’s granddaughter, but only knew his son.

However, it may be because others are hiding things well, and it is normal for them not to know?

"Sorry, this is her private secret, we have no comment."

"No, no, Su Cha has nothing to do with his grandpa's career. Please contact Zongshi Group directly for these matters."

"Well, no, we refuse."


Seeing Tan Jinsui, who was greeted by the phone next to him, Su Cha sat in the office, holding his chin and thinking about something.

Hanging up the phone and finally taking a break, Tan Jinsui stopped to drink. "Why doesn't your grandfather do the same thing as you do when you don't have to think about how others feel?"

Su Cha looked up at him: "He didn't care about my feelings, let alone you."

She did not know that Zong Bingyi directly admitted.

It wasn’t counted as having been exposed in the dining room before. Now, when I see a reporter’s question, I admit it directly. It is equivalent to putting Su tea at the cusp of the storm, but it also has many benefits.

She took a cleaned apple and took a bite: "No one said that Bo Mu is my gold master."

Tan Jinsui rolled his eyes, and then the phone came again.

He turned up the phone and continued to go outside and deal with people.

There are good and bad things about Su Cha’s identity announcement. Even if someone reads a joke, it’s a high society.

As for outsiders, she will simply feel that the identity of the Sucha Zongshi Group's little princess is amazing.

What's more, there will definitely be more people who want to give resources to Sucha.

The bad thing is that immediately Hebria will soon announce the identity of her spokesperson for Asia. Originally, she won it by her own face. Now that this thing has happened, many people are afraid to think that she is relying on Zongshi. The status of the group Qianjin can be won.

However, the Zong Group is somewhat inferior to the Hebria Group.

After all, one is cosmopolitan, and the other is just a wealthy Chinese businessman. It is the Emperor Mu Group that really competes with Hebria.

If the time comes to know that the elders of the Dimu Group are always their own boyfriends, are Internet users really going to blow up?

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