The Queen of Everything

Chapter 857: This is the truth

Biquge, the fastest update of the hidden marriage day, tyrant addictive! latest chapter!

In the opening year of the drama, one after another, the Su Cha TV series has not been officially broadcast, and the popularity will soon be comparable to the first line of Xiaohua.

Mainly the news one by one on her.

If people didn't understand her resources before, they can understand now.

Chanel, as well as the second daughter of "The Legend of Crane Emperor", all seem to be able to be taken down by the Zong clan.

Then the question of the insiders is coming, isn't it that Su Cha and the Dimu Group have a great relationship?

At the beginning, the Dimu Group directly aimed at Sunsen Media, so what role does the Dimu Group play in Sucha?

They think of Su Cha admitting that he has a boyfriend, and that a Zong clan has a lot of money, and they don’t want to be a senior for the senior. It is very likely that it is an unmarried senior of the Zong clan.

However, the media's information on the senior management of the Dimu Group can be sufficient to influence the people who implement the measures of the Dimu Group. Um... basically it is the kind of 50 to 60 upwards, and the son and daughter are faster than Sucha.

The only young senior is also abroad, and he is also in his thirties and has a girlfriend who has a stable relationship.

With this exclusion, the answer is too obvious.

As long as the highest position is twenty-five years old, an excellent young man, mysterious, unmarried, and powerful.

But, thinking of this person, everyone removed him neatly.


Such a god-like existence, even if Su Cha is the gold of the Zong clan group, looks completely unmatched with him.

What's more, when they were in magazines, they admitted that they had wives.


Su Cha is a boyfriend here, and the names on both sides are different. The investigators soon sighed with relief and quickly eliminated the two unequal persons.

Just thinking of that person, there is a very magical feeling.

It’s not that you can’t think, you can’t even think about it!

In this way, these people who were hard to reach the edge were excluded for such incredible reasons, so that after the facts were revealed in the future, it was really equivalent to causing a century-old sensation.


However, even if Zong Bingyi disclosed the identity of the Sucha Zongshi Group, Su Cha would not be affected in other general directions. On the contrary, some people even came to the house to apologize, including the director of the show when he had a dream.

Well, people are like this.

At the beginning, Su Cha had no identity. Even if someone helped to avenge his revenge, some of them still looked down on Su Cha.

Now that Su Cha’s identity is confirmed, it seems that he suddenly feels different. He apologizes sincerely and fears that Su Cha Ji Qiu Ji will be for a long time.

For these things, Su Cha laughed and laughed.

Of course, during this time, she also occasionally saw someone ask how Jin Jiayu and Qin Bei were going, and how it felt they hadn't heard from them for a long time.

Someone who got the news said that Qin Bei went abroad because she had no face to stay at home, and Jin Jiayu also went abroad for some reason.

Perhaps no one will know that they have been buried in a valley outside the Imperial Capital forever, paying an eternal price for what they do.

Soon after, they who haven't appeared for a long time will be completely given to the past by the rapid and incomparable entertainment circle of information exchange. Perhaps after a long time, someone will say that everyone still remembers that one, called Jin Jiayu, called Qin. Pei's actress?

Some people may ask, who are they?

This is the fact.

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