The Queen of Everything

Chapter 858: Hebrew endorsement announced

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The news announced by Hebrew came directly and fiercely.

In the days before China's New Year, a news came out suddenly on the official Weibo that Hebria had not updated for a long time.

The official Weibo of the Hiberian Chinese Kingdom V: On this special day, I will send a good news to the majority of Hiberian buyers. In the future, Hiberia will set up a brand spokesperson in Asia, @苏茶 will become the first brand in Asia Spokesperson, we will join hands with @苏茶 to provide better Heberia products to the world, she is the chief designer of Heberia Augustus. The goddess muse in Frazer's heart, next, we look forward to drawing a great inspiration work with this goddess muse!

——Wow, look forward to look forward to look forward to! ! ! ! ! ! ! Looking forward to it! !

——Actually established a brand spokesperson for the Asian region for a Su tea...

——What's the matter, is my eye blind? Why did you see such a sunny thunderbolt early in the morning!

——Oh, I didn’t expect your product to take such a vulgar route, and I won’t buy it in the future!

——The lady who says you don’t want to buy upstairs, don’t laugh at me. Let’s take a look at the list of your old purchases and let me see which products of Hebria you have purchased. Do you say that if you don’t buy it, it will affect the whole group or what? Hahahahaha Weibo treasure girls are also really many! The family's Zongshi Group Xiao Qianjin endorses it, and dare to say vulgar?

——It has been announced that it is the authentic Miss Qianjin, and actually laughed at these, but I want to know if you know her identity in advance, or later?

——The designer was shocked to her by nature, so she set up an Asian endorsement directly for her?

—— Those who said that Su tea does not have high-end luxury endorsements can basically be brought with dogs, which is not high-end luxury, people hold back the magnificent move!


[I dare not laugh at her now, really...]

The landlord: It was already enough to announce the identity of Zongshi Group's Qianjin. I didn’t expect that Heberya was holding back a big move. The Asian brand spokesperson who had never been before. She is also the first person in history, and the landlord Counting people in the circle, this matter is really not based on identity. The comparison between the value of the Hebrew Group and the Zong Group shows that the two are completely incomparable, and there is no need to give a group a golden face. . It's really a person who has been taken in by the chief designer, revealing a crazier news to everyone. I originally heard that the chief designer requested to directly give her the status of global spokesperson, but the previous endorsement did not expire, and continued for two more. Years, and the senior management disagrees, the Asian region is only compromised, but if Su Cha does not act as a demon in the past two years, the chief designer still fried chicken like her, it is estimated that two years later will be a global endorsement...

-All the identities of Su Cha issued by a friend in my circle of friends were forged, because she did not have high-end endorsements, and the big brands did not look at her. I just went to see it. My friend deleted this circle of friends...

-Hahahahaha Habiyah is a fatal blow

-I feel that many people have been detonated by another bomb before she has recovered from her status as the Zongshi Group Qianjin

-Hey, I feel like this is not over yet. She must have some breaking news waiting for us?

-How is she so good? The Zongshi Group is so beautiful and long, and the results at the end of the semester still crush others, and now... Hey, it’s really more popular than the dead.

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