The Queen of Everything

Chapter 926: dont you agree?

Biquge, the fastest update of the hidden marriage day, tyrant addictive! latest chapter!

"Oh my god, what happened?"

"my Lord!!"

"Someone is dead, somebody is dead!!"

In a chaotic scream, Su Cha used her internal force to directly break the neck of the two men.

Because she saw the police found sniper rifles and bullets from the man's bag just now.

This time the surrounding guests directly screamed and popped the far away, and even the security guard was shocked.

After all, this year, the most feared thing is terrorist attacks, still on such occasions.

Su Cha ran out along the chaotic crowd, and just as she was about to leave, she turned around and saw Lian Chi in a white suit standing on the second floor of the hotel lobby, her eyes seemed to be melancholy, just So quietly staring at her, for a moment, it seems that tears are coming out.

That feeling makes people feel deeply distressed.

It's a pity that Su Cha didn't feel anything at all, and she even only felt a chill in her body.

She stopped, her mobile phone kept shaking in her pocket, and she unconsciously took it out and connected it with Fu Mo's anxious voice: "I just found that Lianchi is also in this hotel. He lives on the 79th floor in the presidential suite."

"I saw it."

Su Cha dropped these four words and hung up the phone silently.

She did not run out because of this hesitation. The security guard was afraid that something might happen and stopped them all.

They have called the police and started to notify all guests to gather in the hotel lobby.

At this moment, Lian Chi suddenly walked in towards the other side, and at this moment, Su Cha's eyes shot a little bit of hatred. The white figure pulled him back directly.


Even Lianchi was somewhat unprepared for such an attack. His body image was pulled back by a man, because he was too weak, Lianchi was directly forced to the side of the second floor pillar. But, for a moment, he seemed to perceive something, and he grabbed the pillar abruptly, trying to get rid of such control, and looked at Su Cha with a trace of horror in disbelief.

Su Cha was mixed in the crowd, looking at him with a cold expression, and there was no trace of warmth in his eyes.

His sudden movement also aroused the curiosity of the security guard. It seemed that he knew his identity was not obvious. A man with a manager's appearance walked towards him: "Sir?"

It's really Lian Chi's hard look at the pillar now, which is somewhat unsightly.

As he asked questions, Lianchi felt the pressure suddenly disappear. He looked a little ugly and loosened the post, then signaled to the manager: "I'm fine."

Because all the assembly is required now, the manager makes Lianchi waiting in the lobby.

Coming here, he was sitting on the sofa with the panicked crowd, but there was no panic on his face, it was just a little ugly.

Su Cha walked up to him, looking down from the top, with a taunt at the corner of his mouth: "Don't tell me, you are here by coincidence."

Lian Chi glanced at Su Cha with a tense look, his hands became fists: "I don't know you are here."

"Of course you don't know that I will be here. I should be in another hotel a few hundred meters away from you, right?"

The two of them talked in Chinese, the voice was very low, and the guests around were panicking, and nobody noticed their conversation.

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