The Queen of Everything

Chapter 927: I can't live long

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Lian Chi heard this, his pupils contracted for a moment.

Very subtle, she wouldn’t even know if Su Cha was alert enough.

Sure enough, she guessed right.

"What do you plan to do to sneak into the United States so carefully?"

Su Cha also sat down. She sat on the sofa opposite Lian Chi, and looked at him with a smile on her lips: "You hate me so much? Even the family of hate can't take care of it, and she has to come to the United States. Did you watch me die?"

It's ridiculous.

She was sorry for Lianchi from beginning to end. I didn't expect Lianchi to have these things for her.

Lian Chi's lips were tight, he didn't speak, but this performance also convinced Su Cha more and more.

She was no longer disappointed in her heart, but a burst of murderous intentions.

She lowered her head and asked Lian Chi: "I will ask you again, were those two snipers sent by you?"

She had no evidence, all she wanted was a sure answer.

She is going to kill Lianchi.

Although she knew that Lianchi was here, she could not get rid of the relationship, but she still had to have evidence of confidence.

I haven't found any evidence for the things of my last life, but I didn't expect that Lianchi would do it again.

"Are you going to kill me like you killed them?"

Lian Chi smiled suddenly, he didn’t answer, and he resumed his gentle expression to look at Su Cha: “I don’t know how you did it. In the past few years when I haven’t paid attention to you, it seems that you have been really rich. Colorful."

He turned his head to see that the security guard had dragged out the bodies of the two snipers. People were not stupid. When they saw their heads falling down, they should know that they had died.

No one knew how they died, and even many guests saw that they just fell out for no reason, and suddenly died.

This is terrible, even worse than a terrorist attack.

"It really looks like you sent it."

Su Cha's eyes lost their temperature and looked at Lian Chi's eyes, as if looking at a dead man.

"Are you going to deal with me here? No one noticed just now that if I die suddenly, you can't get rid of it."

Lian Chi smiled, but the words were still a bit creepy.

"Actually, don't worry, I just..."

He sighed: "I don't want to be alone, I will die sooner or later, I just want you to die with me."

Su Cha: "..."

She was unable to understand Lian Chi's brain circuit by this sudden shock.

She smiled angrily: "Are you crazy? Are you?"

"Am I crazy...I am also wondering if I am crazy."

He smiled helplessly, looking at Su Cha's eyes, there was still a touch of warmth, and at that moment, he reached out his hand and seemed to want to touch Su Cha.

It's just that Su Cha was sitting opposite, too far away from him.

He was a little powerless, and the light in his eyes slowly faded away. The lost hand dropped down: "Su Cha, do you know that I will not live long."

When he saw that two snipers were strangely killed by Su Cha himself, he knew that he could not kill Su Cha himself.

Su Tea sneered: "You suddenly became terminally ill? This retribution came too timely."

If this is the case, Su Cha has to say a few words that are very popular, and he doesn't even have to do it himself.

He saw the appearance of Su Cha, the color of sorrow grew, and the smile on his face was somewhat reluctant: "Greia got a guts in my body, you should know her means, and I, I should not have done it What she did angered her. When she found out, it was my death. This day will not be too long. Your wish will come true."

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