The Queen of Everything

Chapter 942: Who is the sister

Biquge, the fastest update of the hidden marriage day, tyrant addictive! latest chapter!

Su Cha is busy with a new job recently. She is about to receive a new script, which is a movie script.

Tan Jinsui felt that the role was good, so he took Su Cha.

Recently, while busy trying to figure out the script, Su Cha always felt that someone was watching him.

Occasionally she looked around and saw a flash of insect shadows.

Greia is watching her.

She didn't know Greya's intentions, she just guarded carefully.

She also knew that Qi He, who was lying in the hospital, did not wake up, as if she had become a vegetative, just like Zong Yanxiu.

What is the relationship between Qi He and Greia Su Cha is not interested in exploring, but she also knows that it is not ordinary, otherwise Greia will not be like this for a Qi He.

She began to monitor herself. Could it be that Qi He was not even Chi Chi's hand, but Bo Mu?

Of course, Bo Mu also seems to be too out of the ordinary, and it is hard for ordinary people to doubt him.

"Su Cha, there will be an award at the same time in October in the second half of this year. "He Di" will participate. If you are lucky, you will get the best female match of this year."

Fu Mo took a mobile phone to Su Cha and read the new announcement. Su Cha smiled and said: "I have only participated in a play, which has not been broadcast yet, how could it be so possible."

"That's not necessarily. Although it's not aired, but the director hasn't said it several times. Have you performed well? There haven't been any better TV shows this year. You have great hopes of winning the award. This award is still more prestigious. Yes, if you can come down, your position in the circle will be further stabilized."

"Get a female match this year and a female lead next year."

Fu Mo was dreaming there, Su Cha didn't interrupt her with a smile, and here, she suddenly received a call from Zuo Zhici.

As soon as it was connected, Zuo Zhici shouted excitedly: "Sister, Sheng Manru scolded me, she scolded me while no one was in physical education class!"

Su Cha frowned, but didn't expect it to be such a thing, so he directly said: "Then scold you back."

"How do I scold back, how could a lady like me do this kind of thing!"

Su Cha: "..."

"How can she scold me, I am looking for someone so big except my dad who scolded me!"

Zuo Zhici sounded very angry, but Su Cha didn't want to laugh conscientiously. She held back the corner of her mouth that she wanted to twitch: "Then you mean to call me, do you want me to be angry? I Can you still beat her up?"

"Sister, you believe she scolded me, right?"

Su Cha "huh" yelled: "Just curse if you say it."

Zuo Zhici groaned: "But others don't believe it. This woman has also created a label of a perfect goddess in school at this time. Her kind personality is good for anyone. I'm about to vomit my God. She just scolded just now. You didn’t see it when I was there! I wanted to tell Uncle and Grandpa Zong, but I don’t think they would believe it..."

Su Cha rubbed his forehead: "Now, what do you want to do to get angry?"

"Of course not. The lady wouldn't do this kind of thing-you wait for me to find a chance to get her back abroad."

Su Cha: "..."

She figured out the intention of Zuo Zhici at once: "So you called me just to tell me that she scolded you, right?"

"Yes." Zuo Zhici proudly said: "I can sue you. Although others don't believe her and scold me, but you believe. If she tells you that she didn't scold me, you will definitely not believe it. Who do you see? Is it a sister?"

Su Cha: "..."

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