The Queen of Everything

Chapter 943: Go to the hospital

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Zuo Zhici can't help Su tea like this, but she also likes it.

She could stop Sheng Manru for herself, it couldn't be better.

Even if Sheng Manru lived in Zong's house, she wouldn't go back, she couldn't be a demon.

But Su Cha felt that Greia might have begun to kill herself.

Because the next day, when she looked back at the pavilion, she was nearly attacked by a bug.

The size of the bug was so small that it didn't look as big as a mosquito. It was not surprising at all. It was like a normal bug that suddenly attacked Su Cha.

If Su Cha didn’t respond very fast, and instantly felt that her hair was standing upside down, blocking the attack with internal force, the insect’s tentacles should have reached into her leg.

Because she wanted to shoot a magazine, Su Cha wore a short skirt and only leaned on stockings.

The bug was affected by internal force, and died after two convulsions. It was small and not surprising. Fu Mo saw the bug that he thought it was from: "Oh, how can there be a worm here?"

Wrapped in a tissue, he threw the bug body into the trash can.

However, Su Cha could not describe his feelings at that time.

The bug was not normal, she knew very well.

This is Greia's start to her.

It's not her character to wait and die. She has never understood the person of Greia, but now that the other party is not welcome, Su Cha has nothing to say, and directly found someone to find out where Greia is now.

Greia is in the hospital.

There was still some shooting work in the evening. Su Cha took a leave of absence directly, saying that she had something, and had not asked Fu Mo to follow him, so she went to this hospital by herself.

The hospital where Qi He lives is a hospital in the center of the Imperial City. People usually come and go. In his capacity as Qi He, it should be a separate VIP ward, but he is only on the ordinary floor of the inpatient department.

When Su Cha went, there were many people in the hospital.

She wears sunglasses and noble and glamorous look in a trench coat, which has attracted the attention of many people.

Some people recognized her at once and secretly took out their phones to take pictures of her.

With so many people, doing things is a little troublesome.

As he walked to Qihe's ward, Su Cha saw several people killing allies at the door.

Although disguised as ordinary people, the bodyguards who killed the League were a little nervous when they saw Su Cha coming.

At a glance, they recognized Su tea as the leader of the Star Alliance.

Su Cha stood at the door, and one of them dared to speak: "I don't know what you are doing?"

They are hostile, especially when it is still at war, Su Cha suddenly came here, enough to make them nervous, and it is still one of the host of the Alliance.

Su Cha's identity is not simple, so he is extremely polite.

Su Chahong. Lips slightly raised: "Your leader is inside?"

He nodded, and there was a crisp, tender voice inside: "Let her come in."

At the command of the leader, a few people looked at each other with embarrassment, and they only gave way.

Su Cha directly opened the door and went inside.

Looking at her family members who were eating melons, they were a little curious. They didn’t know what a star like Su Cha was doing in the hospital, but because there were no crazy fans, everyone didn’t surround them. After all, this is a hospital.

Look at her, it looks like people.

Stars also have family members, and it is not surprising to visit their families.

Soon there were not many people paying attention, but just posted a blog post stating that he was excited to meet the star in the hospital.

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