The Queen of Everything

Chapter 944: But I still want to try it

Biquge, the fastest update of the hidden marriage day, tyrant addictive! latest chapter!

When Su Cha entered the ward, there were only Greia and Qi He.

Qi He, of course, was lying on the hospital bed, unconscious.

Greia was sitting on the lounge chair on the side, she still looked so young, with the innocent light of the little girl.

Although the ward is ordinary, only Qi He is alone.

Greia was not surprised when she saw Su Cha. She seemed to expect that she would come to the hospital early in the morning.

She was sitting on the recliner, and the recliner began to shake slightly, as if she could still show her now leisurely appearance. If you look closely, you will see that in the eyes of the original naive eyes, there is a lot of resentment at the moment.

"You shouldn't be here, it will drag a lot of people."

The little girl's tender voice began to listen to threatening words, even with her small body, it could not be taken lightly.

"I'm here and I won't let this happen."

Su Cha took off his sunglasses, and his eyes shone coldly: "What did you do today?"

Greia grinned and the chair wobbled more: "If you are not sure, will you come here?"

Looking at the extraordinarily naive face, Su Cha does not have any emotions in her heart at present, but just says lightly: "Do you want to fight directly with me?"

For a long time, she didn't understand Greya, so she didn't die, but she and Greia will disappear one sooner or later.

"I am the leader of the League of Killing, you are the leader of the Star Alliance, our destiny is doomed to you, you ask this sentence, don't you think it's superfluous?"

What Greia said was what Sucha thought, she smiled simply and harmlessly, but the resentment in her eyes became stronger: "If you want to work with me here, I don't mind."

Su Cha was slightly lowered, and her cold eyes looked at her with a sharp face: "You know, if I start, you don't have the ability to resist."

Greia always knew this, so she didn't have a head-on conflict with Su Cha.


There was no panic on the girl's face, and she suddenly laughed: "But I... still want to try it."

Just at the moment when her voice fell, there were suddenly many black marks on the original white walls around. If you look closely, it will make your scalp numb.

It was small black bugs, very small, just like ants, they appeared one by one and attacked Sucha instantly.

This terrifying scene alone was enough to make people frightened, but Su Cha didn’t even change his expression. In a flash, the black worms attacked seemed to hit an invisible wall, and another one after another. Fell down, they fell to the ground, not a corpse, but quickly vaporized, leaving only some black marks, it seemed to become dusty.

This scene seems to be a long time, but in fact it takes less than two seconds. Su Cha blocked all the insects that hit her. A pair of slender white hands had pinched the girl's tender and vulnerable vulnerable throat.

The warmth in the palm of the hand is so obvious that only a little effort is needed, and the little girl in front of him will instantly die and become an unconscious body.

When he was controlled by Su Cha, Su Cha didn't see any fear from his **** eyes. It seemed to be hollow and numb. The strong anger was still unstoppable.

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