The Queen of Everything

Chapter 946: Disappeared

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The above appears to be a URL and a series of account passwords.

Somewhat complicated, Su Cha didn't understand it anyway. When she returned home, she handed the note directly to Bo Muyi.

"Greia gave me this when I went to the hospital. Do you know what this is?"

Su Cha handed this note to Bo Muyi, and Bo Mu also took it. Hearing that it was given by Greia, his eyes condensed for a moment. He took a look at it and thought for a few seconds, "It is a Encrypted website."

He said, directly using the notebook in front of him to start typing the URL.

Su Cha heard that it was an encrypted website. Even if she didn't understand it, she was also worried: "You are not afraid of poisoning, just get it directly on your work computer?"

Bo Mu also glanced at her and rubbed her face: "If you don't believe Greya, you won't bring it back to me at all."

Su Cha heard the words and smiled gently.

Entering the URL is a bit strange, it is an English website.

Bo Mu also looked at it, holding his chin with his finger, and roughly finished browsing: "It's just an ordinary news website."

Su Cha frowned: "Greia will not give us a news website?"

Bo Mu also shook his head, as if he was thinking about something. He held the mouse and carefully looked at the entire website interface for several minutes. He soon found something wrong. He seemed to click on the news on several website pages in a row. The news interface originally popped up alone, but after he clicked so continuously, he actually got stuck.

Bo Muyi's computer does not have this situation at all.

About five seconds later, the webpage seemed to react, but an account password login interface directly popped up.

Bo Mu also entered according to the account password on the note, and Su Cha looked at it and found that it was a series of quite complicated data records, and there were even countless bank accounts, probably with a balance.

If the above-mentioned unit of hundreds of millions of dollars is not a joke.

After Bo Mu also browsed, the corners of his lips were rarely hooked up: "Greia seems to really want to kill the League."

Su Cha paused for a moment, and soon realized: "This is data about killing alliances?"

Bo Mu also nodded: "This is not just the distribution of forces that kill the Alliance, it even includes the people related to the Alliance that we have not detected, and the people who are now hidden in all walks of life. The cooperation information and business of the world The transactions are all on this. With this, we have to deal with killing alliances easily."

To put it simply, this thing given by Greya has lifted all the members of the league.

The three allies can stand for so long, in addition to the open school, there are various intricate family relationships.

The current family must bear the brunt of the power and money transactions. If they cannot accurately grasp the opponent's life, according to the dispute between the Star Alliance Wumeng and the Killing Alliance, it will probably have to grind each other for more than ten years.

Moreover, Greia is not really one-handed. Apart from Lianchi, other hosts naturally have related interests. They will not be willing to see Greia to do things.

The reason why Greia gave this tea to Su Cha was that she really wanted to kill the Alliance.

Not only on the surface, but also to completely disappear.

So she led Su Cha to the hospital and gave such a message.

These materials are bound to be fully understood by Bo Mu. Su Cha is ready to tell Tan Yeluo. As a result, she first received news from the surveillance personnel of Xingmeng.

Greia disappeared with Qi He.

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