The Queen of Everything

Chapter 947: "Mojia City"

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Su Cha has sent someone to monitor Greia. If Greya wants to disappear, she really has a way to do it.

Although Su Cha didn't quite understand, if she only raised Gu, how did she reduce her sense of presence in the crowd.

Including that time she sneaked into her crew, no one found her.

And this time also included taking Qi He.

Of course, people can't not find it, but now that Greia has handed over the core data of the Alliance's forces to himself, then there is no need to delve into Greia.

Killing the Alliance is a poisonous tumor. For Su Cha, the leader of the Star Alliance, of course, it must be eradicated.

All the data are processed by Bo Muyi. Su Cha also asked Tan Yeluo to instruct Xingmeng people to cooperate with Bo Muyi's actions.

After receiving the data here, the first thing he did was to express his admiration for Su Cha. When she saw her, she couldn't help but gave her thumbs up: "The cow is still our leader. Rebellious?"

They are all core figures, so it is not surprising to know how this data came from.

Su Cha smiled softly: "There is no counterintuition, Greya was against it at first."

Bai Kun suddenly said: "She doesn't want to kill the League better?"

Su Cha nodded: "She was killed like this, it was all caused by the previous leader."

In fact, Greia also has some great places. Most people experience these things. She doesn’t believe that the previous leader will not brainwash Greya. The key is that Greya has not been hooked.

It can be seen that her own mind is terrible, so from beginning to end, she remembers to destroy the purpose of killing the alliance.

And Su Cha is her best helper.

This matter can be seen as Greia's revenge using Sucha, but Sucha itself is willing.

Bai Kun nodded a little clearly, and it was understandable that he felt resentful.

In order to kill the Alliance, the removal of their forces began to take place officially, because Greia runs with Qi He, so now the Alliance is headless.

Although other host can preside over the overall situation, but now the deputy leader is arrested and the leader is running, the whole killing alliance is still panic. The force of cooperation with the killing alliance may not be too panic, but the group underneath itself is attached to the killing alliance The little brother of the forces began to panic.

Killing the League is not that I didn’t think about starting at Su Cha, but they also saw it in several videos. This alliance leader simply has inhuman power. If you also start against her or Bo Mu, the last time she was in the church. She can go directly to Shuguang for revenge. If she exposes herself, maybe her next goal is herself.

So the battle is a battle. Unless there is a determination to die, there is no one who dares to come to Sucha.

Even the trouble of finding the leader of the Wumeng League is better than the trouble of finding Su Cha.

She never took bodyguards when she went out. She only took an assistant. Can't she see the problem?

On the Su tea side, I also received a notice from Master Yunzu that her work has been sent to the World Art Exhibition for exhibition. Of course she also received a ticket herself, which was officially given to her.

At the same time, in order to report her contribution, the official film channel recently invested in a big movie with a female second character, and the person above gave it to her.

This is a film with a lot of investment. It is a co-production between China and foreign countries. Although such a cooperation model will produce bad movies, the people behind this crew are full of confidence.

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