Chapter 254 Straight at Dahua!

The pressure of the Chi people is not small to them.

Especially when it was learned that Chi Yan and Yue Caiwei had killed two Heavenly Saints as soon as they broke into the Holy Spirit, and they were still in control of the Emperor Dao Killing Array.

When you think about it, it’s terrifying!

“The Chi people dared to act, they must have come well prepared.”

“This is the battle of fate!”

“As long as the Chi clan can be blocked, the Chi clan will surely decline and perish in the future.”

Xiao et al said extremely cautiously.

This battle is too important.

Yu Taichong said, “We spent so much to set up an offensive and defensive formation, and Fang Shizu became a holy king..

“Not to mention, the Holy Master of the Cang Clan will also come in person.”

“Even if the Chizu’s strength is strong, they can stop their attack!

Once the Chizu is blocked, the overall situation is settled!

There is only one most holy way, “I just don’t know, who will the Chi people attack first?”

The three holy places are currently all in the Taiyuan Region…

“It makes no difference who he deals with,

Our “Three Holy Lands are now in the same breath.”

“Besides, when the formation is together, no matter what the Chi tribe does, the other two parties can arrive at the fastest speed!

Said calmly.

The distance from the Holy Land is really far away.

Not to mention that there is a space teleportation array, it is only the speed of the Holy Land.

It doesn’t take a few minutes!

In order to arrange the formation, they took great pains.

As for the Holy Master of the Cang Clan…

It can also come at the fastest speed.

They are all very confident.

After finishing the conversation, I hurriedly went to prepare, the control of the formation was not easy.

In particular, but with two formations, it is still attack and defense.

The Holy King can stop it.

time flies.

They soon got the news that the Red Clan group had entered the Taiyuan Territory.

The red clan battle is so big, how could they not find it.

For a time, the situation in Taiyuan Region became inexplicably tense.

Great Sun Chariot.

“These three holy places are interesting.

“In order to arrange the formation, the distance is so close.

“It’s fortunate that there is a threat from the red clan, otherwise they will have to fight themselves.

Seeing this, the six most holy people couldn’t help laughing.

Like an ordinary big domain, there are only five holy places to die, and they are still very far apart.

Otherwise, the two sides are very likely to fight.

the reason is simple.

Too close, the environment of heaven and earth, and in order to compete for resources

No wonder it didn’t happen.

Chi smiled lightly, “This will also be convenient for us, and we can use the fastest speed to sweep it away!”

If the Holy Land is too far apart, he still feels troublesome.

As for the formation method, what can it be!

On the contrary, the other Holy Saints were worried that if they arranged the formation, it would be a little difficult to handle.

“After all, the background of the three holy places is not bad at all.”

They are a little older, and they have a better understanding of the situation of the three holy places.

“Six ancestors, don’t worry.

“Just by virtue of their formation, they can be broken with a flick of a finger.

Chi Xuan’s tone was very (Li Hao) calm, “In my estimation, they would never know that I and Cai Wei broke through the Heavenly Sage!”

“I guess they thought that Caiwei and I might have just broken through the Great Sage!”

This is the biggest variable this time.

“It makes sense.”

The six most holy people nodded.

To be honest, if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, how could I believe that the two of them had broken through the Heavenly Sacred Realm in such a short period of time!


Their first goal is the Dahua Holy Land!

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