Chapter 255 Taste the craftsmanship of picking Wei!


Yue Caiwei personally brought the two girls, made some food, and brought it up.

You can see how easy it is.

It is no exaggeration to say that the victory is in hand.

“Six ancestors, come and taste the craftsmanship of picking Wei.”

Chi Heng greeted the ancestor to eat.

The faces of the people who had been chatting happily at first changed slightly, as if recalling something unbearable.


They have also tried, how is Yue Caiwei’s craftsmanship.

Not to mention the varieties of new research.

“No need.

“There will be a war in a while, we have to go back and prepare well.”

“Exactly, rightly.

Let’s go to adjust the state first, you two can eat by yourself.

530 They all opened their mouths one after another, and one slipped faster than the other.

On weekdays.

Will suffer from the couple’s show of affection, and will suffer from Versailles.

If it suffers so much damage again, it will be so unbearable.

According to their estimates, the two of them will have a show for a while.

Better to get out early.

“Grandpa, I am

Yue Caiwei still wanted to win, but the six ancestors had disappeared.

Seeing this, Yue Caiwei felt a little lost.

Chi Zhu saw her appearance, not to mention how distressed she was, and hurriedly went up to comfort, “The ancestors are not wise.

“My daughter-in-law made (cace), then I’ll eat it alone today, and I’ll kill someone after eating.

With that said, he took things from him.

Yue Caiwei’s face changed again, showing a bright smile, “It’s still my husband who treats me the best.”

“Come on, husband…I’ll feed you.

She sat down herself, picked up something and put it in Chi Xuan’s mouth.

The taste is not bad.

Chi Xuan also feeds each other, but he has eaten it without any problem before feeding his daughter-in-law.

Look, your ancestors guessed right.

Dahua Holy Land.

When they saw the radiance of the red glow coming from a distance, the complexions of many holy ones changed.

“Come to my Dahua first!

“Is this the Holy Land of Dahua as a soft persimmon?”

Holy Master Dahua sneered.

Then, he quickly said, “You can notify the Holy Land of the Five Spirits and the Holy Land of Qianyuan.”

“The red people are coming towards me, Dahua.

f*ck, it smells so good!

In terms of strength alone, the Dahua Holy Land is indeed the weakest among the three holy places.

But Chizu moved him first, not because of that, but because of Yue Caiwei.

Simply to destroy Dahua.

Just after he said that the notification had arrived, Chixia, not far away, was getting closer.

Soon, the Great Sun Chariot arrived first.

A circle of ripples rolled and impacted, rippling in the void.

“Cough cough cough.

“I can’t think of Dahua Holy Land, after moving to the Taiyuan Region, the life is so shabby.

Chimei couldn’t help but gasp in amazement.

The Qianyuan Holy Land in front of it was built in a grand style, with many palaces and pavilions, and a towering spiritual mountain.

Looks good.


Compared to the Dahua Holy Land in the Chiyue Territory, it is far worse.

“Dahua Holy Land!

Yue Caiwei came here, and her eyes shot out a cold killing intent.

In her previous life, after she became an emperor.

Originally wanted to find trouble in Dahua Holy Land, but never found the opportunity.

Who would have thought that it would not be solved until death.

In this life, never let it go.

Immediately after they appeared, profound light rose up in front of them.

There are exquisite patterns on it, which seem to be pulling the power of heaven and earth to form a solid light curtain, which looks extremely condensed.

Defensive Array–Star Light Curtain Array!.

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