Chapter 261 The Battle of Emperor Treasures!

at the same time–

The Taiyue Pagoda has been taken out, exuding an aura as heavy as a mountain.

The avenues of the two emperor treasures have the same effect.

However, after more than two hundred years of warm cultivation.

First there is the Primal Chaos, and then there is the Dao breath of the innate Taoist species.

This has made the incomplete Taiyue Pagoda more than half restored.

Although it is not as good as the prosperous Taiyue Pagoda.

Not as good as Tai Cang Yin.

However, there are also Chi Yan and Yue Caiwei, who are not eating dry rice next to them!

Taiyue Pagoda is growing rapidly!

It seems to open up the world and suppress the void in all directions.

Above, a dazzling profound light rose up, the aura of the avenue was rolling, and the sound of the Dao lingered in it.

That inexplicable and powerful aura made the scalp of the straight town numb.

The whole person is blocked!

In particular, coupled with the power of the Tai Cang Yin, the aura of the two emperors’ avenues, intertwined with each other, makes people feel even more terrifying.

people fighting below

For a moment, they all stood on the spot, and the whole person was oppressed and unable to move.

The heavy breath seemed to make their fleshly bodies collapse.

The pickup immediately stopped at the scene.

“What holy treasure is that…

“How could it be a holy treasure? How can a holy treasure have such a powerful power.

“what do you mean?”

“Yes, it’s Dibao!”

“It must be the Holy Master of the Cang Clan who came and used the Emperor Treasure of the Cang Clan. I never imagined that the Holy Master also has an Emperor Treasure!”

“My red clan also has imperial treasures!

All the Chi people are excited.

Emperor Bao, what it represents is self-evident.

However, when Chi Tianyu and the others reacted, they looked over, and their expressions suddenly became serious.

Cang Clan Holy Lord!

Attacked with Dibao.

This had to make them nervous, after all, that was the Emperor Treasure!

Cang Hua, who was attacking and killing in the dark, suddenly launched a fatal blow and used Dibao to attack and kill.

He felt that the victory was in his hands, taking advantage of Chi Yan’s carelessness

Even if you can’t kill it, you can still achieve unprecedented results.

Heavy damage (red).

Then, with his own strength, he will deal with the severely injured two people.

It’s not easy.

But he never thought that Chiyue also took out an imperial treasure.

Moreover, the response is still so fast.

Almost as soon as they made a move, the two of them hurriedly urged Emperor Bao.

…0 ask for flowers…

He just couldn’t believe it.

The main thing is Dibao!

“How can this be!”

“How could they have Emperor Bao!”

“Could it be that it is the inheritance of the rumored Emperor Tyrant Sword that they got it?”

Cang Hua also figured out the joints.

But, too late to think about it.

At the end of the day, there must be a lore.

His holy essence surged wildly, rushing into the seal of the sky, exuding a heavier and heavier aura, crushing everything in the mountains and rivers, breaking the sky!

Its speed is very fast, and it collided with Taiyue Pagoda in an instant.

Boom boom boom…

The continuous explosions were earth-shattering, making people feel that the eardrums collapsed and the blood roared.

A huge mushroom cloud rose up quickly, covering the sky and making people unable to open their eyes.


There was another explosion, and Taiyue Pagoda was violently bumped back.

Chi Yan and Yue Caiwei “snorted, but there was nothing serious.

“The power of this Tai Cang Yin is really strong.”

“Fortunately, Taiyue Tower can be attacked and defended, otherwise it would be really difficult to handle.”

Chi Xuan said with a smile.

If you are caught off guard, if you are attacked by Emperor Bao, your life will definitely be in danger! Yu.

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