Chapter 262 Suppressing Canghua!


Cang Hua’s figure retreated violently, and his eyes were full of horror.

Tai Cang Yin was actually blocked.

“This tower is very perfect, but it lacks some Dao rhyme.”

“It can be compared with Tai Cang Yin.

“Doesn’t this mean that they are stronger than me!”

He was almost incredulous.

He is a holy king.


Chi Yan and Yue Caiwei are just heavenly saints, since their strength is stronger than “May Fourth Three”!

Little sage, big sage, heavenly sage, holy king!

The gap between the Holy King and the first three realms is the biggest.

You are not their opponent!

this moment,

He can feel it, [Chiyue’s strength is terrifying.

It was only heard before, but now it is true.

Exactly. Seeing is better than hearing!


Chi Yan and Yue Caiwei did not hesitate at all, and directly condensed Taoism.

And urged Dibao again.

The aura of the attack was as high as the sea, and the violent aura was like a dense cloud, and the heaven and the earth shook.

Immortal Slaying Saber, Chiyang Fist, Great Sun Furnace.

Moon God Blade, Sky Moon Vortex Killing Technique, Bright Moon Born in the Sea.

All kinds of Taoism appeared.

The Taiyue Pagoda erupted even more, with endless avenues of might.

The chains of order are intertwined, the aura of the avenue is full, and the rhythm of the Tao is endless, killing the sky.

“I don’t believe it anymore, you two heavenly saints rely on the imperfect emperor treasure.

Really “can be my opponent!”

Cang Hua snorted coldly.

Then, he continued to urge Tai Cang Yin.

The Tai Cang Sutra he cultivated perfectly fits with the Tai Cang Yin, which can maximize the power of the Emperor Treasure.

Although it is not as powerful as the Lord of God himself, the power is also very strong.

Tai Cang Feng Divine Art!

As soon as he activated the Tai Cang Yin, he quickly condensed Taoism.

This is a Taoist technique passed down by Emperor Tai Cang.

One after another rune pattern complemented each other, and when they were intertwined, they turned into a rune pattern, and they were sealed together with Chi Yan.

The two sides fought fiercely in Changtian!

The power of the two Emperor Treasures was almost brought into full play.

Heaven and earth shook, and the sky collapsed.

The turbulent air waves swept across, eroding tens of thousands of miles, and the Dahua Holy Land was directly unbearable, and all the remaining creatures were wiped out.


Under the protection of Chi Yan and Yue Caiwei, the Chi people successfully evacuated.


Dibao slammed again, there was a crack in Taiyue Pagoda, and Tai Cang Yin was also flawed by a corner.0

Both sides retreated.

“The Holy King Realm with Emperor Treasure is really difficult to deal with!”

Chi Yan was messy, but his breath was calm.

Yue Caiwei is no longer the same as before, but her eyes are still shining brightly.

Both are still in good shape.

It wasn’t because of the Tai Cang Seal, in terms of their strength, it was easy to suppress Cang Hua.

And this time.

Cang Hua gradually became out of control, and Tai Cang Yin could not be recovered, and was even more traumatized.

Now is the time!

The two looked at each other, revealing understanding eyes.

Sun and moon fairy light secret method, palm pattern emerges.

The two energies turned and turned into a yin and yang taiji map.

It is more prosperous than Tai Cang Feng Divine Art!

go with!

It seems that the research has been prepared, and the red moon map from condensing to launching, only took 2.4 to count a few breaths.

Taiyue Pagoda is hideous again.

Cang Hua’s breath was chaotic, his face was even paler, and his heart was inexplicably frightened.

In particular, seeing “Chiyue kills again, let him be like an abyss.

He wanted to back off, but the two of them didn’t give the slightest chance at all.

Facing the Red Moon Map and Taiyue Pagoda.

He had already sensed the strong swirl of death gas, and the gate of hell had slammed open.

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