Chapter 263 The dust has settled!


Cang Hua roared, looking unwilling.

The seal of Tai Cang is broken, and the rhythm of Dao is mighty.

Even if it is missing a corner, the power of the Tai Cang Seal is still terrifying.

Tai Cang, lore!

in an instant,

An incomparably stalwart figure appeared, standing in the sky, holding his head high between the heavens and the earth.

His eyes are open to everything, and he despises all living beings.

As if in his eyes, all things are like dust, and all living beings are like ants.

Everything will be trampled under his feet.

This is Cang Hua’s incarnation of burning blood, thus manifesting Tai Cang Emperor.

It’s going to be desperate.

As long as this move is blocked, he will immediately escape and return to the Taicang Region.

This time, he planned to kill by sneak attack, and the plan was good, but in the end it was a complete failure.

And, it failed miserably.

The sky and the earth are turbulent, and everything is silent.

The endless air waves rolled across the sky and blocked the sun, blocking the sun and the moon, and the scene inside could not be seen at all.

“What a horrible scene!

“This is the top holy king, is there still the power of Emperor Bao?”

Chi Tianyu waited for the Holy Land, looking at the scene of the battle, with an indescribably shocked expression on his face.

They are also holy places.

However, compared with each other, the gap is huge.

It is certain that if they swept through it, they would definitely die in an instant.

“Although they are both in the Holy Land, the gap is too great.

Chi Tianyu, who was at the highest level, also showed a wry smile, and he was also a little nervous in his heart, and he couldn’t help but worry.

after all,

Cang Hua is the top sage king, and he also holds the Emperor Treasure Tai Cang Seal.

“There should be no problem.”

“The Holy Master has always been prudent in his work, so there must be speculation about Cang Hua’s strength.

“If there is no certainty of victory, it is impossible to act rashly.

It was Chi Yongming who spoke.

From Chi Xuan’s style of doing things over the years, I understand it very clearly.

It is absolutely necessary to have the confidence to grasp it before you dare to act.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, it will cause a huge impact, and you have to be cautious.

“I also believe in that kid.

Chi Zhantian is also full of confidence.

He is Chi’s immediate elder, and his name is naturally relatively friendly.


The six people were slightly relaxed, but their hearts were still nervous.

If you don’t see the results, it’s all hard to say.

Right now – Boom!

The earth-shattering sound exploded in the sky, and a figure flew out of it, not to mention how embarrassed the figure was.

Blood was dripping all over his body, and his breath was even weaker.


The man had been seriously injured and was dying.

Kill at any time.

“Ancestor, quickly kill Cang Huage.”

Chi Xuan’s voice came.

As a result, there is no need to say more.

Canghua failed miserably.

As for the two of them, it is natural to surrender Tai Cang Yin.

If Tai Cang Yin escaped, it would be a huge loss.



Chi Tianyu and the others were overjoyed and hurriedly headed towards Cang Hua.

at this time.

Cang Hua was already full of anger, how could he be their opponent.

In the end, Cang Hua died.

His eyes couldn’t help but look above, “If you take the Tai Cang Yin down.”

“We Chi clan have two imperial treasures at once!”

They were very excited.

Chi Yan was covered in blood, and he and Yue Caiwei attacked each other, and the Taiyue Pagoda complemented each other, binding Tai Cang Yin to death.

It took a long time to suppress it with Taiyue Pagoda, and it was completely left behind.


Chi Yan slowly breathed a sigh of relief, and everything finally settled down.

When the three holy places die, the Cang clan is not far away!

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