Chapter 264 You want to be a widow!

At this moment.

Yue Caiwei came up, compared to Chi Yan who was full of blood, her image was much better, she was still a fairy.

During the fight, Chi Xuan almost blocked most of the attack even though he was in front.

He also blocked most of Tai Cang’s lore techniques.

“Husband, are you okay?”

Looking at Chi Xuan’s appearance, Yue Caiwei’s expression is full of worry, her tone is full of concern, and her heart is even more empathetic.

Chi Yan grinned, “Don’t worry, you’re still a widow.”

“You deserve a beating.”

Yue Caiwei’s nervous heart suddenly collapsed, and she punched Chi Yan when she went up.

When he was about to reach the person, he remembered Chi Yan’s situation, and quickly put down his strength.

even so.

With the power of her holy body, such a short distance, the waves formed are also very amazing.

Chi Xuan “like being hit hard”, blood spilling from the corner of his mouth, “Cai Wei, you want to be a widow!”

When he spoke, his body swayed slightly, as if he would fall down at any time.

Yue Caiwei’s eyes were fast and her hands were fast, she quickly went up to change to support him, her expression was extremely flustered, “I forgot”~. ”

His tone was full of remorse and guilt.

Chi Xuan leaned in front of his daughter-in-law, not to mention how much he enjoyed it.

He didn’t speak for a while.

Listening to Chi Xuan’s silence, Yue Caiwei was taken aback, thinking that Chi Yan’s injury was too serious, and it had been a long time since she had passed out.

She hurriedly took a look out of the corner of her eye and found Chi Yi’s appearance, how could she not understand that she was asked by Chi Xuan again.

“You bastard!”

“I’m so worried about you, you actually lied to me, I really need to clean up!”

this moment,

She is really angry from the heart, but she still maintains her rationality. Instead of punching Master, she instead uses Chi Yan.

If you don’t recruit Chi Xuan this time, it’s really hard to understand her anger.

What time is this, and you are still joking with her!

You know, she was worried.


Chi Xuan was in pain and couldn’t help taking a deep breath, “Cai Wei, you really plan to be a widow!”

Can be really cruel.

The method of my daughter-in-law shooting people is really becoming more and more skilled, and the strength and position are also impeccable.

Yue Caiwei said fiercely, “Nonsense, I didn’t recruit you anywhere!”

The pretty face is sullen, and it looks very cute.

“Don’t you know the truth that a single hair can move your whole body?”

“It would make my body worse.

His analysis is eloquent.

The point is, Yue Caiwei believed it and was startled, “No way?”

She quickly checked Chi Yan’s injuries.


Chi Xuan looked at her, but couldn’t hold back, and laughed on the spot.

And blood spilled out.

You are so cute now!”

He couldn’t help reaching out and touched his daughter-in-law’s pretty face, the blood stained directly on it, making a big bloody face.

Yue Caiwei knew that she was fooled again, and she really lost her temper, “I really convinced you.

“Just now, what are you doing so desperately.”

“If you let us block together, you will definitely not be injured so badly.”

She was very distressed.

As for the blood stains on her face, she didn’t bother to take care of it, it’s not harmless at all.

“You are my daughter-in-law, can you stop working hard?”

Chi Xuan said casually, that he had already started to swallow the medicine pill, and the operation of the Tianyang Jing was restored.

Then he continued, “Besides, if you are injured, it will be more uncomfortable than my own injury.”

“Anyway, it’s dead…

It’s not over yet!

Yue Caiwei blocked his mouth with her hand, looking very unhappy, “Can you stop being talked about by death?”

Yes, even superstitious.

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