Chapter 265 The Empress is Getting Softer!

“As ordered.”

Chi Huang obeyed his orders honestly.

As a daughter-in-law, how dare he stop!

Yue Caiwei rubbed his face with her hands, wiped off the blood on his face, and restored her original handsome face.

Looking at Chi Yan’s face like this, she burst into a smile, “Such a husband is handsome.

“Next time, don’t be so impulsive. If you want to block us together, won’t I feel bad for you if you are injured?”

“If you’re like this, don’t blame me for being rude!

Her expression was serious, a little unhappy, and her eyes were a little red.

This is really worrying.

Chi Xuan nodded, “I see.”

He reached out and wiped the corners of his eyes for his daughter-in-law, slightly moistened, “I’m not all right! Why are you crying.”

He thought it was a strange thing.

From the first meeting, to the wedding…

543 It was the first time he saw his daughter-in-law cry.

Although it is only just brewed, it can also be seen in the mind.

The queen is getting softer and softer.

Of course, just for yourself.

If you have a child in the future, you can add another one.

Yue Caiwei insisted, “How can there be? It’s just that the eyes got sand.”

She also definitely had some wet eyes.

【How can I shed tears! My tears in my previous life should have dried up)

[In this life, I should only cry for him. ”

Listening to the voice of his daughter-in-law, Chi Zhu was extremely touched, “If a wife is like this, what can a husband ask for?”

At this moment, he felt that he had made a very clear choice.

Otherwise, you will lose the love of your life.

Thinking of this,

A faint smile appeared on his face, and he quickly sat down to recover from the injury under the supervision of Yue Caiwei.

When he was recovering, Yue Caiwei also checked around, for fear that there would be any sequelae.


Chi Zhantian witnessed the behavior of the two, and suddenly felt extremely speechless.

“I saw that the kid was injured, and I planned to go up and have a look.”

“As a result, I want to make him a little bit more injured.

It was Chi Zhantian who spoke, and his voice was very unhappy, obviously stimulated.


Can you show off after the fight?

Who can bear this.

“Okay, hurry up and clean up.”

“When the Holy Master and Mistress recover, they will attack the Tai Cang Region and destroy the Cang Clan.”

Chi Yonghen said with a smile.

The Holy Master of the Cang clan is dead, and it is a good time to occupy the Tai Cang Region.

a month later.

The remnants of the three holy places have been completely strangled.

The Taiyuan Region has returned to calm.

Chi Xuan left a great sage to sit in command, and then set out to Taicang Region to destroy the Cang clan.

After destroying the Cang clan.

Chi Yan left two Heavenly Sages and let them carry the Emperor Dao Killing Formation Plate to sit in the Taicang Region, and then returned to Chiyang Holy City.

When he returned to Scarlet Moon Territory.

The news of the destruction of the Cang clan immediately caused a storm in the Tianyuan Dao Realm!

You must know that the Cang clan is an imperial clan!

Now it has been destroyed, how can it not make people feel shocked?

“How terrifying is this [Chiyue’s strength]!”

“The strength is so fierce?”

“Even the Holy Master of the Cang Clan who owns the Emperor Treasure was beheaded by them!”

“That’s the Holy King!

“You don’t know yet? [Chiyue also masters the Emperor Baotaiyue Pagoda!

“how come?

“Hey, it’s not the inheritance of the Emperor Tyrant Sword yet.”

“It turns out that they are really them, so the major forces must not go crazy to find them?”

“Look? Who dares to look for their courage now, how long has the Cang Clan Holy Master died!”

“Besides, people now have two imperial treasures.


Everyone couldn’t help but take a deep breath.

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