Chapter 266 Bai Shenshui’s Bidding Post!

Chiyang Road Palace.

“This dish is good,

Chi Kai is tasting for his daughter-in-law and commenting one by one.

There are good and dark flavors.

However, many of the dishes he made were taught to Yue Caiwei by him, all of which were Lan Xing’s delicacies.

The dishes are still made that way, but the ingredients used are different, and because people are different, the taste must be greatly different.

At first, it was really hard to swallow.

However, with Chi Xuan’s personal teaching, the progress is much faster than others.

I don’t know, what is the reason?

Yue Caiwei hurriedly said, “If it’s delicious, eat more, if it’s not delicious, I will work hard next time.”

She secretly cheered herself on!

After returning from Tai Cang Yu, she would not force Chi Yan to finish eating the dark dishes.

This shows that the injury is worth it.

Besides, because his wife was injured, Chi Xuan was hurt willingly.

If possible, he would still not hesitate.

But what the daughter-in-law said, Chi Yan didn’t care, “It’s okay, the bad practice will be digested as soon as you turn it around.”

“How can you waste what you do?

The cooking materials are at the level of divine beasts, which are used to stabilize the growth realm without the slightest problem.

“That’s a good feeling.

Yue Caiwei smiled, her eyes were like crescent moons, and she had shallow dimples.

After destroying the things, Chi Yi said, “Caiwei, you’ve been tired for a long time, I’ll help you squeeze it.

He got up and helped his daughter-in-law pinching her shoulders and knocking her back, not to mention how warm she looked.

The enemies of the Chi tribe have been eliminated, and they are naturally extremely relaxed.

Every day in Chiyangdao Palace, I live a leisurely life at home.


Shen Yunxi and Wu Xuema are in charge of cleaning up.

Yue Caiwei enjoyed it very much, with a happy expression on her face, “Husband, your technique is getting better and better, and you will soon catch up with me.”

“Keep going!”

“Is that an actual reward?” Chi Xuan said with a smile.

The voice just fell.

Yue Caiwei couldn’t help but rolled her eyes at him, her eyes were full of infinite amorous feelings, fascinating all beings.


She hooked Chi Yan’s neck with both hands, pulled it down, and kissed directly.

The two kissed for a long time.

After they separated, they found that Shen Yunxi and Wu Xuema had returned after packing up.

Among them, Shen Yunxi also had a letter of worship in his hand, and she came up and said.

…0 ask for flowers…

“Holy lord, mistress…

“Someone has paid tribute to our Chi tribe.”

Since the destruction of the Cang clan, many people have come towards the Chi clan.

Among them, there are many top powers!

The purpose of coming here is also simple, in order to inquire about the reality of 【Red Moon】.

However, he didn’t take it seriously, excused that he was seriously injured, and didn’t see a single one.

As for the annexation of the Holy Fallen Sea area, as well as many matters in the Taicang Region, they are also instructed to the elders to carry out.

He is only responsible for setting the charter.


As soon as he heard Shen Yunxi’s words, Chi Xuan said directly, “Why do you need to report this kind of thing, let the elders receive it.”

Wouldn’t it be nice to be a shopkeeper?

Anyway, if something happens, the elders can solve it.

“This man is a bit special,

Shen Yunxi handed over the invitation, and the familiar avenue fluctuations came from above.

“It’s actually Bai Shenshui!

“Unexpectedly, she will come to see!

Yue Caiwei felt it for the first time, her eyes twitched slightly.

Then, he directly opened the post to look, with a faint smile on his face, “Husband, it seems that I have to come out.” Yu.

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